Real Estate Transfers

John Clancy, et al to J. J. Goodyear, Ann Arbor Ï3.40O A. H. Kisdon to John Sehafer. Saline 750 Gallaglier & Courtney to Felix Courtney, Webster i A. W. Hamilton to Wm. Acton, Ann Arbor 700 John Towler to Harry Towler. Ypsllanti... 6 Ann Lawless to John Collins, Ypsllautl 400 Timothy Fallón to C. H. Kempf, Chelsea.. 595 Catherine Oesterle to C. H. Kempf, Sylvan 100 Georgeand M. Oesterle to Catherine Oesterle, Sylvan 250 C. H. Kempf to John Eisenbelser, Sylvan. 2 400 J. S. Waterbury to Fran k Lambie. Superior 1 Thos. Hirkett to AnnSimpson, Dexter 375 Frederick Bross to Marijaret Bross, Lodi... 1,:í00 Annett H. Watsou to B. J. Conrad, Aun Arbor 2 000 Lyman U. James to J. F. Hoelzle, Ann Arbor i loo E. S. AnderBon to B. and F. Hawley, Chelsea 750 C. ;R. Pattison to B. D .Thompsun, Vpsilaati 200 B. D. Thompson to O. E. and E. I. Thompson, Ypsilanti 133 A. F. and M. D. Mills to Sarah K. Packard, Ypsilanti loo O. C. Richel to J. and N. Miller, Ypsilanti 200 M. F.. Lockard to K. L. Lewis, et al, Ann Albor soo J. J. Kobison to A. D. Irnus. Ann Arbor... 300 Jacob Breining to J. F. and G. W. Breinlng, Freedom ....'. 5500 E. C. Reynolds to E. E. Stewart, Milau 125 E. E. Stewart to T. W. Barnes, Milan 500 John Mannuel, et al, to Catheriue Koch Manchester 100
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
John Clancy
J. J. Goodyear
A. H. Risdon
John Schafer
Felix Courtney
A. W. Hamilton
William Acton
John Towler
Harry Towler
Ann Lawless
John Collins
Timothy Fallon
Charles H. Kempf
Catherine Oesterle
George Oesterle
M. Oesterle
John Eisenbeiser
J. S. Waterbury
Frank Lambie
Thomas Birkett
Ann Simpson
Frederick Bross
Margaret Bross
Annett H. Watson
B. J. Conrad
Lyman D. James
J. F. Hoelzle
E. S. Anderson
B. Hawley
F. Hawley
C. R. Pattison
B. D. Thompson
O. E. Thompson
E. I. Thompson
A. F. Mills
M. D. Mills
Sarah K. Packard
G. C. Richel
J. Miller
N. Miller
M. E. Lockard
E. L. Lewis
J. J. Robison
A. D. Imus
Jacob Breining
J. F. Breining
G. W. Breining
E. C. Reynolds
E. E. Stewart
T. W. Barnes
John Manuel
Catherine Koch