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The Shah of Persia Thongh advaoced In yearg, lias bah of raven luie. Cray hairs are striclly problblted in bil dominions, and henee the large shlpmenta to that country oí Ayer'a Halr Vigor, the use of which the Shah's subjects gave not only tlicir hair but tluir heads. - Halr Vigor restores the natura] color of the hair. It should be on every tollet-table. ■ Some Urne ago iny hair began to fade and tofail outsobaUly that I tliouglit I should be bald; bnt the use oi Ayer's Halr Vigor has restored the original color and made my halr strong, abundas t, and healtby. it does not fall out any more." - Addle sliaffer, mo Race at, Cincinnatt, Ohlo. ■My hair (which had parfly turned gray) was restored to lts youthful color and beauty iy the use of a few boules of Ayer'a Hair Vigor. I sliall continue to use it, as thcre i- do hcticr dressing tor the halr."- Caído Gapp, Qeorgeana, Ala. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PRÏPABSD BT DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by al) Druggists and Perfumera. FLY N ETS CHEAP AND STRONC. afother styles 5-A Nets, prices to sult all WM. AYKESiVSoNS, l'IIII.AllELPHU. Sold by all dealers. ilEMORY ri BR Mind wandering cured. Books leamod jVBCE n nne reartmir. Testimcmials from all "ZmgW. pnrts of the lobe. Prospectii" post 'JaC FHEE, snt n ;mplication to Prof. j V KSJA, Luisettü, 237 Fiith Ave. New Vork. Mitcteiïs Elemüc Piasters. INSTAUT KELIEPFOIl ALL RHEÜHATIO rAEIT3. g 5t-rr ccre forRhenmatisirijlieuralgiaaiidSciatica. tiold by drngRieta everywhere, or by mail, 25 cente. Üovelty lflatcr Works. Lowell, JUavs. .BHADFIELDS )■ fEM ALE SlcREGÜLATOR MENSTRUATION , OR MONTHLV BICKNESS Ir T&KEN OVJRVNG CHfcNSfc Or Uïi GRtM OKNEErVA SUf í tP.msmi.BE MOKSlfl jBook TO"WOMAN'Mfi' BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA GA. SOLOBYML ORtlGGISTS. 8OLD HY C. E. E BEKBACH. A I Í I 1 1 1 Hl W. L. DoiicIhh' name and wll prire are xtamped on the totioin. If the dealer cannot enpply jou, end direct tu factory, nclmiiig advertiaer W. L, DOUGLÁS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Fine Calf, Heavy Laced Grain riid Creedmoor Waterprooi. ïïest in thi uorlï. Fxnmine hlg 5.OO GENUINE II AMM:VI:I) SHOE S4.O0 HAND-SKW ll WKI.T SHOE. S3.50 PÓLICE AM FAKMKKS1 SHOE. 82.50 EXTRA V II.CK CAI.F SHOE, 2.85 'i WOUKINCMIN's SHOKS. 2.00 and i.rr boys' schooi, shoes. Ailiuade In oogress. Button aiid Ljice. $3 & $2 SHOES lafÍÍs 81. ïr SHOK POF ■Vilr-M'S. lipt Material. ISi-si Style. licst Fitting. W. 1.. UuuelaK, Brockioti, Mans. Sold by Examine W. I.. IXtnl. 9 no Mi o e lor Gentlemen hui! Lmllma WM. REINHARDT& CO., 4J M. MA1.' STH1.KI. And Arl.or. HEÑRYM. STANLEY "IN DARKEST ÁFRICA The complete Btory of Stanley"a recent thrilling adventures and the disclosure of hia important diacoveries will appear for the flret time in the work loritUn by him$tlf, entitled "In. Darkttt África." Do not be deceived by any of the rn-callcd " Stanley books M now being offered as " genuine " and " authentic." To no ouo of these has SUnley contributed a line. iprjJTP -We aro now ready to appoint canHULlllO. vaesere. Applicant3 thould BUte experience, if any, and flrst, eccond and tbird choice of territory. Remembcr that Stanley's ovm took, the only one in which he has a personal interest, will Dear on the title page the imprint of CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS. For Agcncy. addresa N. Q. HAMILTON & CO., CLEVELAND, OHIÁ BojlClltllWtÖLu FOR fcALE AT A BAKGAIN. Tiiis is a cholee piece of land. ín Hurón county Mleh.. thm h taken ou a morigage. and is offrefl t ïl.i'd ander valué. Ii.íu ïa. 600; easy teru. A1''ri-s! ihe owuer, i B iuWH.L. WoodM. ik. Vcrmout.


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