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If You Have CONSUMPTION GOUGHorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affection 6CROFULA "Wasting cf Fle:h Or any Diseaie irhtre tht Throat and Lung mre Inflamed, Lach of Btrength or Kerv Fower, you can be relitwed and Cured by SCOTTS EMULSIÓN OP PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Atk for Bcott'B Emulrton. and lei tio explanation or tolicttmtion induce you tm mceept a tubttttute. Sold by all Druggists. COTT tL BOWNE.Chemlsts, N.Y. Well Drilling Machinery SOLD ON TRIAL, n No Cash Payment- or settlement of any ][ kind- untll after a í SATISFACTORY TEST. lii Machinery and Tools 'mi I Guaranteed to make Wells S ■ anywhere. il 1 and at the rate of 3 ft. to every 2 ft. ff f I by any other machine, or no sale, il f THE BEST'sa'ways lij I THE CHEAPEST. I II I i end fr Catalogue. Wct) Empire Well Auger Co.. I 7HACA. N. Y. EINSSY & SBABQLT 1ÑTO3. e A.JSTX3 8 Washing-ton Street, Ann Arbo; , Michigan. Havo alwaya on. hand a completo Stock of evetj thinc I GROCERY LH! Teas, Coffscs and Sngars All prime Articies oought tor uaxu ana can e 1 ailow figures. Oar frequem .arge tnvolcos c' Tour ík a sure sien that we gtve bargains In QUALITY AND PL t3B. We roaet nar own coffees every week, aiwayi fresh and good. Our bakerr turna out tho ver bet of Bread, Oake n-i crackers. Cali ai ee as. Rabbor Sboes nnless wom unoomfortably tlght, generally slip off the feet. THE 'COLCHESTER" RUBBER C6. mako all thelr ehoes with lnsldo of heol Hned with nibUr. Tlils clines to the Bhoo and prevents tho rubber from sllpptog off. Cali for the Colchester M "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." Ï"OK SALK BY ' Win. Allaby, Jobu Bnric, Doly FeiIH'r, I.. (iriiiirr. W. IC inli:irill A ., A. i. Seyler A Kon. ANN AKBOK. F.E.CiHREMEDY $1,00 A EOTTLE, S:,X FCfl 15. TRYITTO-DAV @ NF.LICATE vromen J_y need not be told how mach they would givc toget andstajwell. @ Iftheirbloodisfreefrom fi) the poisonous fermenta & of the Kklneys and Liver, they will never know "vliat '" weakness" is. QP The l)lood is the source (i) and sustainerof bealth ; (S) it cannot bo kept pure exeept t!io Kidneys and Li ver do their work naiarally, and 1 ail tbem vO nothüig equals the bfir() bul, guaranteed fIcMrëmëTy $1.00 A BOTTLE, SIX FOR $ TRY IT TO-DAY MAHTorWOMAÏÏ Shoul carry ,onie Life Insurance and optiox pouct, as now issued by the National Life Ins. Co., OF VERMOMT, Provides for any emeigency that can arlse. It can be paid for In flve, ten, or twenty yeara and contains the followlng guarantees: FIRST- A pald np policy afler three yeare, which amount is written on the face of thé I SECOJÍD- It guarantees youan AnnualCash aluk, or if the insured needs, or desires to ralse money, the Company will loan on this policy an.l stlll keep the policy in force. This is a great adyantage to a peraon who may need money in business or to protect credit. It guarantees extended Insurance for the full amcunt of Insurance, lor so Ion a time as the cash value will pay for it. This ig a valnable option to manv who may through phyaical, or financial mistoriuue desire their policy carried. In fact this Policv Mectj ga.jij.t jiihensity In Business, and also makesan absolute provisión m case of death, for wife, children or creditors Remember this Policy is ONLY written by the Vrin" Iuuiance Company of Montpelier, Mc c. leBEAl', Special Agent, 9 1.3 Lawreaefrrt. AXX ARBOR, MICH Nothlng Succeeds Like Success 'And Xothing Wnshes like our -SOLDBLOCflnip "S1LVER BLOCK" 11 II H TryMPSriortoijg FARMERS, MECHANICS and LAB0RER3 Should use our PURE PITAR SOAP For RflnKh or Cliapped IIanN. Ask for our Toilet Goods. Sold Everywhere. PENINSULAR SOAP CO. FORMEN ONLY] JWTfïiypTfffjFor LOSTorFAHING MANHOOD;'r11in ' and NERV0U8 DEBI1IT Y; nSTpI] I ft I ! I WeaknesB of Body and Hind, Effect rilinU'llllof Errors or Excesae i n Old or Youn e, IúiIhuI, Sioblf HAMIII0I1 fallj llf Klor.,1. Ilow to rnlanir id BirfnKlhrnHKlk.t MiKVU.III'KIHIKI, lSi I'JH Tv (It litllll. Abaolutlr Dnrlllnn ItOWK TKKATSIKNT- Bvnefll In K dar. Bra ipNtlfy from 50 Stalt. and Frcl{a 4'onntrlei. H rite thpm. Dficrlptlve Rook. piplanatlttn snd proorn malled (npaled) Tree. 4r. erie medical co.. buffalo. n. v. "Maneéis Specif ie, CURES 'Nervou lelili!y, E.vhnumion. l'reninlurr Iccaj, l'arliai üi Total I ■■ l ■ ■ -j , aml All WEAKne88 arisiDg from over-tasatioo of miud or body. MEN Sufffring from the Discases and weakneas that have orlghi iu 1 :m rely ou aspeedy and permanent restoration to ln-alth and liappinesa. Prlce, 94.00 by muil ■eenrely enlcd. ■ TUE 8PSCTFIC is pnpared trom thepTeacrttfiou of an old andexperieoced pnyaldan, and may !■ rwted on msdy aneqnali ■ , and we tin i reeommeDa it to the notloe of the M-dical Protssion Uencrally. offleeand Laboratory ManFëSycviU; 13 E. 30th sr., New York City. MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Four Trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND 8t. IgTiaco, Cheboygan, A!peno,HarriBvUle. Osooda, Sand üeaoh. Port Iluron, St. Clir, Oakland Ho-iee, Marino City. ÜTOry Week Day Beiwoea . DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Tripe Zuring July and Auguat. Our illustrateo Pamphlets Bates and Exoursion Tieketa will be fumiaated by your Ticket Agent, oraddrees C, D. WHITCOMB, Gen'l Pui. Ae.nt, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co DETROIT, '..ICH.


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