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Homeseekers' and Harvest Excurslons West at One-Half Katc, vla., Illinois Central R. K. On April 22d, May 20th, September 9.b and 23d, and October 14th, 1890, the Illinois Central Railroad will sell excursión tickets at One Fare for the round trip to uil stations west of and including Iowa Fallí, Ia, which embraces the lollowing prominent pointe: Webster City, Ia. Ft. Dodge, Ia. Storm Lake. l" Le Mars, Ii. Sioux r' i . Cherokee, Ia. j.awaia. Süeldon, Ia. and Sioux Falls, So. Dak. Tickets are limited to return within 30 days and are good for stop-over privileges west of Iowa Falls, both going and remming. Solid trains, consisting of el-gnt free reclining chair care, and Pullman palace sleepers, leave Chicago at 1.00 p. m., aod 11.35 p. tn., and run through to Sioux City without change. For through tickets, ratee, etc., apply to nearest ticket agent, and for a c py ol pamphlet descriptivo of towns in Nor hwestrn Iowa, entitled "Homes forEverybody" apply to F. B. Bowes, Oen'l Northern Pss. Agt., 194 Clark St., Cnicago. To-day and to morrow and every day in the year you c n take the picture-qne E -ie for Puiiadelphia, New Yoik, and all S a Board, cities and be assu'ed lnxurioua travel. Elegant Pullman Sleepiug and Buffet cars, finest in the world ; Dy Coaches and Baggage cars over the Ei ie Railway to New Yotk. At'acred to Grand Trunk train D troit C 35 p. m. (daily except Sunday) i a mfg if icent Pulmsn tleeper to Hornell ville connecting at that point with luxoruna Drawing Room car?, arrivii g ia New York at 4.22 p. m. central time, to run remainder of year. No extra charge for qnick time and superior seivce. Njw York pascengers landed up-town or down-tcii convenient to leading hotels, whclesale and retail business houses, s'eamship piers and stations of connecting lines. Cali on nearest ticket agent of any line in Michigan, Ohio or Indiana for through tickets to all points in the East, or addrets F. ank M. Cadwell, Traveling Pss. Agt., lfiö J.fferson Ave., Detroit, Mich.; W. C Rinearson, Ass't Gen'l Pase. Ast., C've lnd, Obio; Geo. D Haven, Ass't Gei '1 Pass. Agt., New York; L. P. Farmf, Gen'l Pass. Agt., 21 Cortland Sc, N. w York. FLYNETS CHEAP AND STRONC. HPother style 5-A Nets, prices to suit all Wn. Ayres&Sons, Philadelphia. Sold by all dealers. fi MitchelI's Kidney Piasters J - - sj Absorb all disease in the Kidneys and f r reet ore them to a healthy condition. I f) Oíd chronio kidney eufferer eay thcy got no relief nntil they tricd V MITCIIEIX'S KIDNEY P1.A8TEK8. Soldby Drngglst everywhere, or sent by mail for 50c Novelty Piaster "Worku, l,owell, Mium. GO WEST! VIA THE TO ALL POINTS IN Kansas, Texas, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon and California. An Agent of the Company will be at the COOK HOUSE, MONDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY of each week until the close of the term, to give information and furnish tickets to students returning home for the vacation. GEO. E. GILMAN, Mich. Pass. Agt., 58 Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. BURUra ROUTE Cheap Lanite kthe West. Along the unes of the BURLINGTON ROUTE nNebraska, Colorado. Wyoming and northwest ern Kansas, particularly on its uew extensión in that territory, there is Btill some Government Landawaiting seitlement, as well as other cheap lands held by Individuals. These lanils are among the best to behad anywherein the country for agricultural and grazing purposes In the comparatively new disuiots are raany improved larms whtch can be purchased at a very low rate of that elaas of restless pioneer-settler who are ready at all times to move "further we-t." In the territory embraced by the BURLINGTON'S lines west of the Missouri River, there are in the vicinity of two huudred new towns which offer to manufacturer8 and business men an exiellent opporiunity to lócate with profit. Send to the undersigned for descriptive pamphlet and other matter giving location and fuil particular cuncerning these lands. A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. A large, handsomc MaD of the UniU-rt States, showing nortb and souih Dakota, mountcd and suitable for office or home use and imied by the BURLINGTON ROUTE, will bc furnlahed responsible parties free on application to the undenigned. Playing Cards. For ten cents eilher in postage or by applyini? at Room 12, C B. & Q. R. R. General Office, corner of Adams and Franklin streets, Chicago, you can obtain a pack of the best qualityPlayiug Cards. P 8. EUSTIS, Gen'l Pass. & Ticket Agt., C, B 4 Q. R. R. d 20-88 Chicaüo, III. mi ;::::::::::::: wealtbi Come to the land of the setting sun. Send for FREE circulare describing the "Garden Spot of Oregon," Purchases negotitased for timher, hop, fruit, wheat and other lands. Saw-mllls, flourlng milis, canneries, dairits, and other enterprises asslsted Eastern capital profitably loaned. Address fOOPKR, PATTEHNOK & CO., liill.iiilciii'. Polk Co. Oreicon. AU inquirfes Answered.


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