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]VtlC)HI6AN fÍENTRAi; " The Niágara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Tï ü ii iiiiii 5. ÍSS82 : w {"ss i ;;■■; Té Ml ga il ! j 5j i otot-oo ,■ :oc:o : t 3 aS S S "ft O.3 .- S8JS383 SS-" S2S5SS -8 82838:2 oa SS2S2S J5 g 0000.3.0 g bW ""■']' : S lS"i 8SS8S8 1 II" S8SSS8 "m Tifa ï i B9 s ,L 8SSSS ! og. SSSSïïS j VT 1 Ü I gSgïSSS I Í6SS&S " rwm-s't oí o - in 1a i i : =,&■■■■■■ yiiii iii! i 63gjjgí SSiLS tDaily. Sunday excepted. 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES G. P. & T. A. ChicaKO. Ae't. Ann Arbor. FEBRUARY lst, 1890, - THE- t. hlil, jMijijieapolip & Ptitih and its branches oec&me tbe Great Northern Ry. Lnie. Home seekers will flnd the last of the public dqmain of agriI KI', K cultural and grazi ng value along the Great Northern Ry. in North IANDS. Dakota and Montana. Settlere on free Government I.OW lantls al tig the Great Northern Ry. in North Dakota and MonRA'I'KS. I tana get low rates and fine mar kets for producís. Flnest r sorts in America along IIITNTIXU, Great Noriheru Ry. Line in Minnesota, Dakotas and Montana. FI8III"i. .,,„„-.„ I Montana produces the finest 1IMM, Hor8es and cattle. Free ranges -,,,,,,.- yet in Mouse, Milk and Sweet SveetGras8 Hill, Milk and Sun River Valleys, Montana, reacned DHEEP, only by the Gieat Northern Ry. Line. iThe Stock Raisers' para IIOGS. dise. I _. , „ I The regions tributary to Grnat "'"■ Northern Railway Line in Mon■.i I tana produces all the precious oi.. j and baser metáis. These have made Montana the HEARD8, richest state per capita in the Union. MISES. The vaileys of Red, Mouse, Missouri, Milk and Sun River O. N. reached by Great Northern Ry. Line. Half rate excursions R. Ii. Sept. 9, 23, nd Oct. 14. 1890. Write F. I. Whitney, St. Paul, Minn. Toledo, Ann Arïor &Norti Miclugan R'y Time Table going into effect Sunday, Nov. 25, '89 Going North. tioing South. 4. 2. STATIONS. I. . Mail Mail Ex. &Ex Pass. 4 Ex P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 3 25 6 00 Lv...Toledo.. .Ar 1 10 11 15 8 80! 6 05 ..MaDhattan J'n.. 1 0BÜ1 10 4 071 6 40 Monroe Junctfn 12 2710 28 _ 4 17 6 47 Dundee 12 2010 18 18 4 86 7 05 Milán 12 04 i 9 68 17 A. K. 4 5S 7 22 Pittsfleld 11 42 9 34 A. M 6 00 5 07! 7 83 „Ann Arbor... 11 80 9 22 8 15 6 30 5 80 7 50 Leland's 11 16 9 07 7 45 6 40 Worden'8 _ 7 35 7 00 South Lyons 7 15 5 5S 8 10 Hamburg 10 57, 8 50 ._.... 6 01 8 15 ...Hamburg ru... 10 52 8 45 6 25 8 42 ....Howell J'n....!10 28 8 20 ...... 6 281 8 45 Howell 10 25 8 17 7 35 9 85 Durand 9 35! 7 30 8 55Í10 55 ...East Saginaw.. 7 45! 5 55 8 PO'10 16 Owosso 9 10 6 40 8 05 10 80 Owosso J'n.... 9 00 6 30 9 07H 45 Ithaca. 7 50 5 32 9 2212 03 St. Louis 7 32 5 18 6 9 3212 08 Alma. 7 28 5 18 8 A. M. 10 1512 45 ...Mt. Plsasant... 6 46 4 35 p. m. 5 80 10 451 1 30 Clare 8 15 4 00 8 40 7 80 1 3 10 Cadillac 1 50 6 30 8 10 8 50 Harrietta 9 59 5 20 8 56 4 40 Copemlsh a. m. 9 05 4 40 4 47 9 36 .... Weldon J'n ... 8 43 4 14 10 40 5 52 ...Onekama J'n 7 50 8 20 11 15 1 6 15 ...F & P M C'? 7 26 2 40 11 25 1 6 26 Manistee 7 15 2 80 11 00 [ 5 40 Franklort i 7 50 2 50 AU passenger trains run daily except Sunday Connectlons at Toledo wlth rallroadsdlverglng At Manhattan Junctlon wlth Wheeling LakeBne E. R. At Alexis JunctioD witb M. C R.. L. 8. A'j and F. & P M R R A Monroe .Tnnction witn L. S. &. M. S. K'y. At Dundee wlth L. 8 A M. .. and M. & O. Ry. At Milán with W., 8t L. P. Ry. At Pittsfleld with L. S. & M. 8. R'j. At Ann Arbor with MichlgSn Central R. R., and at South Lyon with Detroit. Insinr and Ñor" ern K. R.,aud U, T. Ry. At Asnley with the Toledo ijaginaw & MuMicgon railway. H. W. A8HLEV. A. J. PAI8LEY, Superintendent, Gen. Passenger Agent. GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD, Axent.Ann Arbor. TRAINS GARRYING PASSENGERS LEAVE TOLEDO Oinili.i Expraos 12:10 a. ni. Khiindh ii.v i:irs l:20 a. ni. St. I. on Ís Exprfss' 5:20 p. ín. Deflnnce Ac-coniíuodnlloii.. 4:15 p. ni. TraiuR marked thus run daily; other Trains Run Daily Exckpt Sunday. All Tratss Makk Direct Cíin-nkction F3R InDIANAPOLIS PalaceRecliningChairCarsfreeon all Trains. SOUD VESTIBULE TRAIN SERVICE DAILY WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. ELEGANT WAGNER SLEEPING CARS ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS AND THE BEST EQUIPPED DINING CAR SERVICE IN THE WORLD. Slx hours quicker time than by any other route from Toledo to Kansas City. and a similar siving to every poiut beyond the Missouri river. For lowest rates, maps, folders, and descriptiva printed matter, write to or cali on, C. S. ORANE, F. CHANDLER, Asst, G. P. A., G. P. A , St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. P. E. DOMBAUGH, Pass. & Tkt. Agt, 308 Madison St., Toledo, O. Pjrunkenness Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured BY ADMIN1STERING DR. HAIRES' COLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be glven n a cup of coffee or tea. or n articles of food. without the knowledge of the pereon taking it; it is absolutely harniles and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patiënt is a moderate drinker oran alcohol ic wreek, it NEVER FAILS. Wc GUARANTEE a complete cure in every instance. 48 page booK PREE Addrees in conficlence, GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO.. 1 85 Race St.. Cincinnati, 0


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Ann Arbor Register