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Michigan State News

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Joeeph Lalond knocked his wife down on the Street at Sault Ste. Marie the ether day, apparently without cause. He vas arrested, and as hc treated the matter as smart trick was fined $81. Be paid the fine and continued to boast of his "nerve," as he called it A few dya after the man and wife mot on the Street apa in when Lalond was sober. She pulled a revolver and fired. the hall strikinff Lalond's arm. The woraan was arrested and on her person was found two loaded re rolvers. Health la Michigan. Reports to tbe State Board of Health Tt sixty-one observers in different parts of the State for the week ended on tbe 7th indicated that cholera morbus, lnflammation of the bowels, moaslea, rysipelas, remittent fever and diphtberia increasod, and typho-malarial lever, puerperal fever, inflammation of the brain, cerebro-spinal meningitis, wbooping coufrli, scarlet fever and cholera infantum, decreased in area of pzeralence. Diphtheria was reported at twenty-eight places, scarlet fever at twenty-two, typhoid fever at ten and measles at seventy-six places. , Michigan n.-ut-sts. At the recent session in Jackson of the Michigan Dental Association the lollowing officcra were elected for the ensuing year: President, Dr. H. K. Ithrop, Jr., of Detroit; First VicePresident, Dr. H. C. Corna, of Detroit; Seoond President, Dr. F. S. Owens, of Grand Rapids; Secretary, Dr. J. Ward House, of Grand Rapids: Troas■BTor, Dr. G. H. Mosher, of Jackson; Member of lloard of Censors, Dr. J. L. Gish, of Jackson. The .Imtr's Hignature Forffed. A man in Manitoba wrote to Judge Reilly in Detroit the other day inclosing a decree of divorce to which the judge's Bignature was attached. He was anxious to marry again and wrote to the judge In order to ascertain whetber the signature was genuine. He explained that he had obtained the divorce through an fcttorney in this city. The judge was astounded at this revelation. In reply he declared that his signature had been forged. A Guoii Whlttler. Seymour Torrance, of Flushing, an old veteran aged 81 years, has made ■with a jack-knife a costly and beautilul piece of meohanism which he styles a monument in memory of Lincoln and Garfield, consisting of 15,000 pieces whittlod and fitted together, being jieither nailed nor glued. It stands leven f eet high and every piece, paintOd and varnished, fits in its place. Kenounced th Palth. John Iiuscne, ex-priest and former pastor of the Church of Immaculate Conception at Lapeer, was married the other evening to Miss Louisa Hofman, of Imlay City. Mr. Busche renounced nis church some four months ago, and nis wife, a former Catholic, also became antagonistic to the faith shortly before ïnarriage. Hnrted Stily Fet by an Engine, Mrs. Nelson Goodrich tried to uross a track before a f ast passenger train at Holly the other night, when the engine trnok her buggy and hurled Mrs. Goodrich sixty feet. She was picked up unoonscious, but was found to be uninjured. The next day she was attending to her housebold duties as usual. Shot His Grandfather. Andrew Reis, an old and highly respected man living near Flint, was shot nd mortally wonnded by his grandson the other day. The grandson was cleaning a rifle, the old. gentleman being eoatod at a table opposite, when the gun ■was accidentally discharged. the bullet 8triking him in the right side. Short but Swy ItetiK. Edward Hessier, a Lansing sewing Inaohine agent, was killed on a train at {Grand Rapids recently. [ A Muskegon girl has obtained a patent on a toboggan of her own invenMoa. , Detroit will celébrate its 189th anniVereary July 24. A banquet will be ■erved with plates at $10 each. Charles Meyotte, of Bay City, ate three biscuits the other day made of Paris green in place of flour. The pump Bved him, and he says he did it as a 8re preventative of the cholera, which jhe feared ho was going to hare. , Twenty-eight persons committed suicide in Miolngan-durtng April and May. . Dwight Cady, one of the best known ■farmers in Lapeer County, died on his farm south of Lapeer recently, aged 51 years. He was brought up on the old Aomestead wbere he had lived for fifty years. Conklin Patrons of Industry are building a flfty-barrel flour mili. j Cold water people have tapped a rein of mineral water at a depth of 2,030 ieet The upper peninsula rainers will ship 9,000,000 tons of ore this season. LÍTÍng8ton County Agricnltural Solelety will hold its annual fair September 23 to 26. The deaf and dumb school at Flint reoently graduated a class of twentythree. Wesley M. Sears, formerlv superintendent of the State public school at Coldwater, will preside over the Jackson schools next year. The Lansing team of the Michigan. Sase-Ball League disbanded recontly on account of a lack of patronage, and this action cause the end of the State League. The outside work on the Michigan Masonic Home at Grand Rapids is practically finished and the interior is now ■being plastered. The date fixod for the dedication is January 21, 1891, during the meeting of the Grand Lodce.


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