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If You Have CONSUMPTION OOUGHorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affection 8CROFULA Wasting cf Ee:h Or ny JH-af whnt fh Throal and Iun( mrt Inflamd, Lach of Btnngth or inw rourr, you cait 1 rc!iJ and Curtd by SOOTT'S EMULSIÓN PURE COD L1VER OIL Wlth Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Jskfor Seott't JCmuMmt. and let no ex. fJanaUon Of 0olieitmtlon induct you t mcctpt a tuhttilut. Sold by all Druggists. COTT A BOWNE,Chml8ts, N.Y. Well Drilling Machinery SOLD ON TRIAL, n Ko Cash Payment- or settlement of any #1( kind- until after a ijk SATISFACTORY TEST. m Machinery and Tools jjf Guaranteed to make Wells ij I anwhere, Jl and at the rato of 3 ft. to every 2 ft. gij I by any other machine, or no sale, til I I THE BE ST ls always tí I THE CHEAPEST. tl I yfjvyaenl for CatftlOfrue.WS" Empire Well Auger Co., ithaca. n. y. BINSIT & EEABOLT 15TO3. 6 A.JSTJD 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbo: , Michigan. -Tave alrays on hand a complete Stock of 6T6i thing In t . GROCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugan 411 prime Atlcles bonght for Cseti ana can se I atlow figures. Our frequent large involce e: Tnas is a sur slgn that we give bargalns Ín QTJALITY AND PRÍOB. Weroaatonr own coffees eveiy week.alwayi fresh and goml. Our bakery turna out the ver} best of Bread. Cakes and crackers. Cali apt MM. 'jJl!lMlMB H ' íBfy Robber Bboes nnless won TincomfortablT Ught, jenerally slip oif the feet THE 'COLCHESTER" KUBBER CO. make all thelr shoes wlth üwtde of heel llned wlth rubber. Thls cllnw to the hoe and prevenu the rubber from Bllpplng ofL Cali for the "Colehester" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOE SALE BY Wm. Allaby, John Burir, Doty Feliiit. I.. Oruner, W. RelnliBrdt A Co., A. . Seyler Son. ANN ABBOB. F.E.C.3EREMEDY $1,00 A BOTTLE, SIX FOR $5, TRY ITTO-DAY Blood makes a trip around the body in a few seeonds. If pure, it repairs current waste and keeps up vitality. If filled with Kidney acid poison, you wil] have SOU RB LOOD, which will change all ic rluids of the system, and gra'm,uy break down every vital org_ and give you a multitude of unyielding disorders. To sweeten the blood, use the guaranteed vegetable alterative, F.E.CSREMEDY $1.00 A BOTTLE, SIX FOR $3 TRY IT TO-DAY MANorWOMAIT Shoul carry some Life Insuranee and AW OPTION POI.ICT, as now issutd by the National Life Ins. Co., ;OF VERHONT, Provldes for any emergency that can arise. It can be pald for inj flve, ten, or twenty years and contalns the followlug guaranteea: r FIRST- A pald np policy arter three yeara. which amount Is written on the face of the policy. SECO5ÍD- Itgnarantees youan Annüal Cash Valuk, or if the fnsured needs, or desires to ralse money, the Company wlll loan on thls policy, and till keep the policy in force. This Is a great advantage to a person wlo may need money In buainess or to protect credit. THIRD- It guarantees extended insnrance for the fall amount of insnrance, for so long a time as the cash value will pay for it. This is a valuable optlon to many who may (hrough physieal, or financtal misfortune desire their policy carried. In faet this Policv ífotect? gaijijt JlitoRihy In Business, and also makes an absolute provisión in case of death, for wife, children or creditora Rememberthis Policy is ONLY written by the National Life Insuiauce Company of Moutpêlier. Vermont. McC'nrdy C. I.I!i: VI', Npecial Affent, ! 1-3 l.iin rn-e s, ASM ARBOR. MICH Nothing Succeeds Like Success And Xotbing Wasbes like our 'mVER BLOCK" llllH Ify'SD'iUEirijrtef FARMERS, MECHANICS and LABOREES Should use our PU PITAR SOAP lor Kouli or Cbapped Hands. Ask for our Toilet Goods. Sold Everywhere. PENINSULARISOAP CO. " Mañeéis Spëcif ie," CURES rvou nebillty, ExhnnHtion, Prematuro lrcay, l'arlial orToml Iiiipolcucy, aiul All WEAKness arisinf from over-taxation of mind or body. MEN SuffcrlnR from the Dtaeasea and weakness that Have ristn in yimtliliil iiiiprud. ihc c in rly on aspeedyaud l.triuiuttiit rfstoratiüu to healtk and uappiness. Price, S'2.00 by mail sccurcly sealed. THE SPECIFIC Is prepar'l from the prescrlption of au old andexperU'nct'il ii'iysU-ian.andmay berclicil oa ;i r.-iiicdv uiu-ritiHlcl Ín cffli'iu'y, and we thsreftn m nd it tu Hm DOtlee of the Mnlical ProftuUm OencraUy. OÉBceand Labonitory UanceVn Specltlc. 1 13 E. 30tb Sb. New York City. TO MÁCKINAC Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Fout Trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petoakey, Sault 8te. Marie, and Lko Hurón Way Porta. Brery Week Dy Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Sp-UI Sundmy Trio durfi.K Jnn, July, Auiu lid ST. Doublo Daily idae Between CHICAGO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. OUR I LLUSTHATED PA M PH LF.TS Batea and Excursión Ticket will bofurniahei by your Ticket Agent, or addresa E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich. , Detroit and Cleveland Stoam Nav. Co. PtJlüjTl-JWF" LOSTorFAILINO MANHOOD; VI I nillffloeneral and KERV0U8 DEBU.IT Y; WHrínní I Weakne of Body and llind, Effect! r-llilhllllnf Errors or Eiceet in Old or Young. Hulium, oble AMIOOD rolli IMml. How lo fnlirn nd ihuliulj .nf.lllnK H(IK TRET)IKNT-Bí.t. lo ad.,. ■ n Utlfj from 6U Slate nl Frls Í oontrl.. Wrlte ttuk DtaertpU B., ♦ipl.n.llon and proot. m.lWI (.wltd) frej. I Mini, ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V.


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Ann Arbor Register