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Michigan (Tentrai; " The Niágara Falte Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. P il Ijl i i i i i i S t '■" fc; :::::: & iSSSS i gw ;-mg ; i i i I I i iá MÍ I s il j! i :SSSg 1 [SSSj "Tü aa a Tí isa al" Sg a3 & e$ oso. a. oujfiicp 'S S S u" Ö G, - Sí 3 ■ ?S 5$ flj ovo J' 828:885 oSg -82223 "3j . js g ( Ía- SSS3!9 a Lp.338g8J O Si 88S88I3 K S8SSS8 O fcg KOOf 5 g2 ■0-N05iOO m , as f ï p a k2# 88aa ! 55' SSS82Í3 d ni d li i 3 8283S3 J jgSSSig r i- eo -f to rIOr!2wt HE Ijljl tDaily. Sunclay excepted. O. W. RÜGGLES, H. W. HAYES. G. P. & T. A. Chic&KO. Ae't. Ann Arbor. FEBRUARY lst, 1890, - THE- $1 hlil, fíijijieapoli? & jvi ajiitoba BAILWAYI and its branches bccame the Great Northern Ry. Line. Home seekers will flnd the last of the public dqmain ot' agriF8EE cultural and grazing value along the Great Northern Ry. in North LANDS. Dakota and Montana. Settlers on free Governmentl.OW lands ali nst the Great Northern Ry. in North Dakota and MouRITES, tana get low rates and fine markets tor products. Firost resorts in America along IIl'XTIX;, Greal Northern Ry. Line in Minnesota, Dakotas and Montana. I'INHI.VG. iifki'viw Montana producen the nnest nuKütb, Horees and Cattle. Free ranges .. . ....... .. yet in Mouse, Milk and Sweet Sweet Grass Hills, Milk and Sun River Valleys, Montana, reached SI1EEP, only by the Great Northern Ry. Line. The Stock Raisers' paramil.s. dise. Y n The regions tributary to Great "'". Northern Railway Line in Mon■ i w 'ana produces all the precious ai,. and bager metal8 These have made Montana the HEARDS, richest state per capita in the Union. MISES. The vaileys of Red, Mouse, Missouri, Milk and Sun Rivera O. N. reached by Great Northern Ry. Line. Half rate excursions R. I.. Sept. 9, 23, and Oct. 14. 1890. Write F. I. Whitnky, St. Paul, Minn. Toledo, Ann Arbor &Nortii Michigan R'y Time Table going into effect Sunday, Kov. 25, '8 Going Nortii. Going South. 4. 2. STATIONS. I. 8. Mail Mail &Ex Pass. & Ei P. M. A. M. p. M.ÍP. U. 3 25 6 00 Iv...Toledo.. .Ar 1 10 U 15 _. . 8 80 6 Oft ..Manhattan J'n.. 1 0511 10 I 4 07 6 40 Monroe Junct'n 12 27 10 28 ... . 4 17 6 47 Dundee 12 20 10 18 ÍS 4 8? 7 05 Milán 12 04! 9 68 17' A. H. 4 53 7 21 Pittsfield 11 42 1 9 34 a. M 6 00 5 07 7 33 „Ann Arbor... 11 80 9 22 8 15 6 30 5 30 7 50 Leland's 11 16 9 07 7 45 6 40 Worden's 7 85 7 00 South Lyons 7 15 5 6S 8 10 Hamburg 10 57 8 50 6 01 8 15 ...Hamburg J'u... 10 52 8 45 6 25 8 42 ....Howell J'n.... 10 281 8 20 6 28; 8 45 Howell 10 25 8 17 7 35' 9 S5 Durand. 9 35 7 80 8 55110 55 ...Eaet Saginaw.. 7 45 5 65 8 OOjlO 15 Owosso 9 1016 40 8 0510 30 Owosso J'n.... 9 001 6 SO ...... 9 07 11 45 haca 7 50! 5 32 9 22U2 03 St. Louis 7 82 6 18 _ 6 9 32 12 08 Alma. 7 28 5 18 5 A. X. 10 15 12 45 ...Mt. PUasant... 6 45 4 86 p. K. 6 SÜ 10 45 1 80 Clare 15 4 00 8 40 7 30 3 10 Cadillac 1 50 6 30 8 10 8 50 ....„Harrietta 9 59 5 20 8 55 4 40 Copemish a. m. 9 05 4 40 4 47 9 86 .... Weldon J-n ... 8 43 4 14 _ 10 40 5 52 ...Onekama J'n 7 50 8 20 11 15 6 16 ...F & P M C'g 7 25 2 40 11 25 6 25 Manlstee 7 15 2 30 11 00 i 5 40 Frankfort I 7 50 2 50 All passenger tralns run daily except Sunday Connectlon at Toledo wlth rallroaajdtverglng AtManhattanJunction with Wheellng LakeKrle R. R. At Alexli Junction with Ü.C R. R., L. 8. K'y and F. & P. M R. K A Monroe Junctton wiih L. 8. . M. a. H'jr. At Dundee wlth L. 8 A M. 8.. and M. O.Ry. At Milán wlth W., St L. 4 P. Ry. At Plttafield wlth L. S. A M. 8. Ey. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R.,and at South Lyon wlth Detroit. Ianain? and Northern B. R..aud . T. Bt. At Ashley with the Toledo, etaginaw & Muskegon railway. H. W. ASHLFV, A. J. PAI8LEY, Superintendent, Gen. Passenger Agent. GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD, Agent, Ann Arbor. TRA1NS VI CARRYING PASSENGERS UAVE TOLEDO ín, ili;i Exiirma 12:10 a. ni. liaiisas iiy Ixiikss l:20 a. ni. Nt. l.onis i:vr'ss' 5:30 p. III. Dpflance Acconimoflnilon.. 4:45 p. ■. Trains marked thus run daily; other Trains Run Daily Except Sunday. All Trains Make Direct Connectio.x for Isdianapolis Palace RecliningChairCarsfreeon all Trains. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAIN SERVICE DAILY WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. ELEGANT WAGNER SLEEPING CARS ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS AND THE BEST EQUIPPED DINING CAR SERVICE IN THE WORLD. Six hours quicker time than by any other route from Toledo to Kansas City. and a similar siving to every point beyond the Missouri river. For lowest rates, maps. folders, and descriptiva prlnted matter, write to or cali on, C. S. CRANE, F. CHANDLER, Asst. G. P. A.. G. P. A . St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. P. E. DOMBAUGH, Pass. & Tkt. Agt, 308 Madison St., Toledo, O. Drunkenness Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured BY ADMINISTERINO DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SFECIFIC. It can be given In a cup of codee or tea. or in artictes of lood, without the knowledge of the per son taking it; it is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patiënt isa moderate drinker oran alcoholic wreek, j NEVE.R FAIL8. "'e GUARANTEE a complete cure in every instauce. 4S page boot FREE Addressin confldence, GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO.. 1 85 Race St.. Cincinnati. 0


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