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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Organized 1869, under the General Banking Law of this State. Capital, $50.000. Surplus, $100,0007 Total Amii, $661,186. Business Men, Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and other persons will find tbis Bank a Safe and Convenient Place at whlch to tnake Deposita and do Businas INTEREST IS ALLOWBD ON ALL SAVINGS DEPOSITS of $1 OO and upwarda, acocrding to the rules of the bank, and intereet oompounded seml-annually. Money to Loan n Sums of $25 to $5,000. SECÜHED BY l'NINCÜWBEEED REAL ESTÁTE AND OTHEE GOOD 8CUEITII DIKEOTORS: - Ohrietian Mack, W. W. Wines, W. i Harriman. William Deuble, David Rinsoy, Daniel Hiacock and W. B Smith OFFICERS: - Christian Mack, President; W. D. Harriman VioePresidont ; O. E. Hiacocfc, Cashier. Report of the Condition of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, May 17, 1899. RESOl'KCKS. UABIUTIES. Loans and D.scounti „ 339,382 18 Capita) Stock paid in t 50.000 0 Stocks, bon ds and mortgages etc 256,655 58 Surplus Fund 100,000 0 Overdraft.... 917 88 SSBSSEEElEd ff Due ftom uanks in reserve cities 79,559 9 Commercial deposita 142047 18 Bills in transit. 5,241 20 Savings deposita .'.'.".....!.!""..'.'.'.'.!..'. 37Ü86O 791 Furu.tur. and H, !,930 85 rliflcaSof"!? '.!" 7Tm %% Curreut expenses anO taie paid 2.517 83 ' Chackti anl casb items 1,419 61 1714,217 86 Nickel andpennl-s 9579 SlATK op Michigan, County op Washtesaw, ss. (ïoid i rKii nri ' C"s. E. Hiscock, Cashier of the abore nuned T ,r Bank. do solemuiy swear that töe above state8llver 1.0W) 00 ment is tree, to thp bet of my knowledKe and D. á. and Natiuuul üank k.aov 10,li7 00 Nsllef. CHAS. E H18COCK. Cashier. o CORRÏCT- Avttül CHRISTTiAS MACK, DAT7f ÍÍDI 14.217 86 SY, WM D. HARRIMAX.EueciOJ'. Sub.-cribed and kworn to '.t:cic iue 24t day cf May 1890 MICHAELJ. FRITZ, Vtary nbiie.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register