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Dr. Aogell was in Detroit, Tuesday. J. Gates went to Detroit, yesterday. A. L. Noble was in Detroit, llonday. Miss Bdith Clark is visiting in Bay City. Miss Clara Mack spent Saturday ín Detroit. Miss Helen Bell left for Chicago, jestírday. Mrs, B. F. Watts leaves to-day to v!sit at í'lint. Ed. Alohin, of MíUd, was in the city, Tuesday. A. Osboro, of Milán, Ann Arbor, Tuesday. G-. H. Blum left yesterday for a trip on the lakes. H. Biehop, of Augusta, spent Tuesday in the city. Mrs. Dr. Howell has gone to Alpena for the slimmer. Burt Clark bas secured position in Etst Saginaw. E. B. Perry and wife returned to Bay City, Monday. Louis Blitz, of Detroit, spent Sunday with S. S. Bliti. Mrs. W. D. Adams is pending a few days in Jackson. Prof. C. H. Gatcbell left Monday night for the sea-shore. Joseph Clark, wife and son left yeaterday for Bay View. J. W. Losee, of Pontiac, was in Ann Arbor on Monday. J. H. Maynard and nephew went to Detroit, yesterday. C. Matthews, of Owosso, spent yeiterday in Ann Arbor. Miss Edna Hall bas returned to her home at Marquette. Dr. F. Rice, of Louisville, visited at M' Cowan's, last week. Miss Fannie KahD, of Chicago, is visiting Mrs. S. S. Blitz. C. E. Groddard, of the Saginaw high school, is in the city. A. L. Wile, of La Porte, Ind., is visiting Miss Allie Curtis. Dr. P. B. Rose, of Chicago, is visiting bis family in this city. Mrs. D. A. Allen, of Chicago, is visiting Mr?. Chas. Hutchinson. Dr. Mack will spend the greater part of the summer in Indiana. Omar Hall left Saturday to spend the summer at Carrolton, 111. Miss Mattie Harriman will make ashoit visit at St. Johnsbury, Vt N. A. VVaugh, of Cadillac, was in the city the first of the week. Dr. A. L Hunt, of Springwater, N. Y., arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday. Stuart Millen returned from the military academy ac Gambier, 0., Friday. Byron Cady and wife left, Siturday, fcr Saulte St. Marie to visit their son. Miss Hattie Nichoh has gone to Plattsburg, New York, to visit relativos. F. E. Belser and family go to Detroit to-day, to remain over the Fourtb. Cha?. A. Hall, of Jobn9on City, is visiting his mother on Wahtenaw-ave. M;ss Mary Barnee, of Duluth, was th) guest of Mrs. E. F. Mills, last week. Supt. Hawkes, of the Birmingham schools, is visiting friends in the city. Mrs. Louis Blitz and children, of Detroit, are visiting her sister, Mr. S. S. Blitz. Mrs. W. W. Watts is spending a couple of. weeks with her sister near Wayne. Mrs. Jas. H. Wade and Miss Gertrude Wade will leave for Minneapolis Foon. Mrs. S. W. Clarkson and children are ípending a few days atPlymoutn, Mich. Miss Gertrude Wade attended Miss Rowley's wedding at Adrián yesterday. Prof. Hinsdale left yesterday for St. Paul, to altend the teachers' convention. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sawyer left for Cavanaugh Lake, Tuesday, to gpend the eummer. G. W. Noble, of Buchanan, will spend the Fourth with hia brother, A. L., in tbis city. Mrs. Dr. Allen and Mr?. U. i. Ferking spent Tuetday at North Lake with their sons. F. C. Clark, of Ihe h'gh school, contémplales a trip to the National Park next week. W. W. Eagan, of the high school, has retnrned from a trip to Jackson and oth r pointe. The tLree Misses Meyers, of Grand Ledge, are visiting their uncle, Philip Krause Mrs. C. Eberbach and grandson wiil gpend a few weeks visiting relativos ;n Canada. Prnt Denison left on Tuesdsy for Royalton, A'ermont, where he will spend the summer. The familyof Chas. Masón, Washtenawave, have gone to Gladstone to spead the su romer. Henry Kempf, a prominent banker and politioian of Chelsea, w8 in town on Tuesday. Dr. Carrow saih from Montreal, July 15, on the steamer Lake Oatario, for EnsUnd. Mrs. Leidiger and Miss Herrón attended the Pattersoo-Rowley weáding at Adrián j esterday. Mrs. 8. Ewarts, who ha9 been visiting Mrs. B. F. Watts, returned to Detroit yesterday. Frank L. Bailüc left, Monday evening to accept a position ofFered him Pineville Kentucky. C. G. Sanger returned Friday frora Elmhurst, 111., where he has been attending college. Mrs. E. Lantz and Morris F. Lantz started yesterday lor a visit at Hïlifai Nova Scotia. E. 8. Servios, of the Ann Arbor laundry ar d wife nave gone to Base Lake to cani out for a month. Mrs. Z. Truesdale and daugh'er, Miss üaisy, left Tuesday morning for Lebanon, New Hampshire. D. S. Crossman, of Williamston, clerk of the houje of representatives, was ia the city, Monday. George W. Millen aad wifeg and Miss Cora Wetmore left, Monday, to spend the suinmer at Concord. Roswell Waterman and wife lfft for 'etoskey, Monday, to epend the summer, Mips Helen Hause, a guest of Misí Qlsie Whitmao for the past week, returned o Boston yesterday. Mrs. Nelson Eaatwood and Prof. John ïristwood started for Charlevoix this wei k o spend the summer. Mrs. C H. Ludlow and son Cnail.e are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mi. John lioore, on Diviior-st. Mr. N. SArni'1, of Manchester, is pending a few days with Miss Sopli a ichmid, on S. Main st. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hale are ppending a few days with Mrs. Hale's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Wines. Dr. Dorrance and Pi of. Cnle, with their respective families, will leave nezt week for tbe Chenaux Islands. Dr. MncLïchlan is the only memb ?r of the homa; jpathic faculty who remaius in Ann Arbor this summer. J. R. Miuer and family started for Straigbt's Lake, Tueaday murning, to pitch their camp for the summer. Miss Abbie Gatep, who spant last week with Mre. A. W. Ames, returned to her home in Chelsea, Saturday. Jas. A. Robi8on, of the Detroit Free Press staff, ia speuding a couple of wneks with his párente in this city. Mrs. E Olney and her nexe, Mamie Hine, leave (his week for Charlevoix to itay during the hot weather. Mrs. Frank Spalding, who has been visiting her friend, Miss OrippeD, on Annst, returned li jme yesterday. Misa Mabel Rindolnh, who has been visiting Mrs. G-eo. A. Dougla, returned to her home in Toledo, this week. Rev. Mr. Wiltsee, of Perryburg, Ohio, has been visiting his brother-in-law, H. G-. Prettyman, ot" N. University-ave. Mts. Dr. Gibbes and Miss Gibbes left on Tuesday, to spend a few weeks on ttie shore of Lake Ontario, in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Adame, who have been visiting their fon, W. D. Adams lor soms time, have left tor their home. Miss Kate Jacobs and Miss Fannie G winner went to Detroi', Tuesday morning, to attend the musical convention. Mr. and Mre. W. P. Baillie had for their guests last week, the followin partías : I' , A. Blackman aud family, of Hillsdale ; W. Psrmenter, of Lima, Ohio ; W. T. Coffi , of New York; Miss Ella Van Epps, f Clio ; Miss Grace James, of Oil City, Pu.; Mrs. G. W. Button, of Flusbing.


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Ann Arbor Register