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With His Thumb, A boy Is said to have saved the Netherlands froir, intindation. Multitudes have beeu saved from the invasión of disease hy a bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Tlils medicine imparts tone to the system and strengthens every organ and flbre of the body. " I have taken a great deal of medicine, but nothing has done me so miich good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 experienced its beneficial effects before I had quite flnislied one bottle, and I can freely testlfy that it is the best hlood medicine I know oí." - I.. W. Ward, sr., Woodland, Texas. "Conflned to an office, is f ani, from one year's end to another. with little or no ontdoor exercise, I Bnd groat help in Ayer's Sarsaparilla. wliicli I have used for several years, and am at present iisinf.', with excellent resulta. It enables me to keep alw&ya at my post, enjoying the best of liealtli." - H. C. Barnes, Malden, M;iss. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARE!) BY CE. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by Druggists. $l,aix$5. Worth $0 n bottle. f je ., rnrr the moi wonIjA' r Iltl-1DERFUL ELECTRIC VrmmkJ ILJ ijWtlKl ever inTented. V H B _a_i) ThousandsarebelnRcured ■BkH ' fbT 't whereallotherreme - ?Vj aBdles have falled. No acidB, i&F %LSB electrlcity permanent. Is RE ' flteBpecially adapted to RelfJHHÖ"I K"i treatment for the cure of y JHCO- ftWL HhiMiniatitri], Neuralgia. _VM.Nervou8 Debillty, Female li-itrT BHBVVeaknese, Spmil Dlseasl_Jw v_ tws' Sexual Kxhaustlon, -3 - General Iebility, Seminal Weaknem, Constlpatlon. Headache, Klclney ComPlaiutü, etcJ.B.BLAiit&CU. üGOClarkSt. cmcago. scvfM dtVfWTtfií scvEtrr lo cure BUionsness, Sick Headache, Coneüpation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Use the SMALL Slze (401ittle Beans to the bottle). They are the uost cosvenient. Suitable ■■- 11 Ages. Prlce of clther slze, 25c. per Bottle. ■ INNIBHt'-Ii-IU panel size. niWWlllll Malled for 4 cu. (copper. or itamps). ].F.SMITHA,CO.U]ieror","ST. LOUIS M0. Itclell's Elenatlc Piasters. iüstínt eeiji ron iu r.m-riíATic rxrss. BrRi cirk forRheamatism,Kearalgi&anáSciatica. Bold by droggista everywhere, or by mail, 25 cents. hunllj riaator VTarlu. JoweU, Alnas. pTMOTHERS PRiENr DIMINISHES DAHW" F BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA SOLO BYALL ORUGGISTS. "" SOLD BY C. B. EBEBBACM. HENRY M. STANLEY "IN DARKEST ÁFRICA" The complete story of BUnley's recent thrilling tdventarcs and the diiclosnre of bis important discoveríea will appear for the first time in the work writttn by hlmtetf, eotitled "ín Darktit Arica." Do not be deceired by any of the po-called " Stanley booke " dow beicg offered as " gcnuine " and " an. thentic." To no one of theee tai Stanley contribnted a Une. ipCUTC - Wearo now rsady to appoint canRULH I 0 vaesers. Applicants rhonld (tate experience, if any, and first, eecond and third choice of territory. Remember that Slaniey's mea took, the osly one in which he has a personal interest, will Dear on the title page the ünprint of CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. For Agency. adJrtís N. G. HAMILTON & CO., CLEVELAND. OHItt Insurance, Eeal Estáte and Loan Agency O F HAMILTON & GREEN. OFFICES: No. 1 & 2 Hamilton Bl'k, FIKST F). ooit. Partles diiring to buy or sell Eeal Estáte wM find it to thelr advantage to cali on ns. v'e represent the following íirstclnss Fire lnnirance Companies, havii.g an aggregate cspitaiof orer The Uraml Kspldi ""m .im, (■., The oiii t'uriniTN ii. s. c., (insnrea 'nl lu ellliiKHj. Tbe flernmn Fire Ihm. Ca., '■'he People's Ftre Ins. ., The Citlzenit'Flre lnx. o.. Tbe Wcsiclii'nicr Flire Ins. Ce., The SIllHHtikee nnlinulc'i Fire In t'o., The New HampNhire Fire Iiih. Co., The Korlhwesteru Fire Ins. Go. Rates Ix)w. Losses llberally adj usted and paid prompüy. We aiso issue Life and Investment Pollcies Ín the Conn, Mutual Life Imuranee Company. Asíets Í56,UOO,O(X). Persons desirtng Acclaeot Insuianee, cn h&ve yearly Folíeles wrltten for tbem or Traveler's coupon Insurance Ticket isaaed at Low Rates in the Standard Accident Insurance Compajij of Detroit, Mich. Money to Loan at Currem Raí, office hours from 8 a. m. to 12 u. and 2 tí 5 P. m. Hnmilton A Green. iras PAPER ÉSSÜiïtëSÏÏSiïSsi dvertiBlngBureaudUSpmceSt.l.whercfidvprtiBlna oatracta Btkts w made (ur HUI NEW lOBib


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