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WHAT SCOTT'S CONSUMPTION q"UI ' 8CROFULA EMULSIÓN ?S52SgITIS CUBES WaBtingDÍBeaseí Wonderful Flesh Producer. ltany hare gained ona pound per day by iti use. Scott's Emulsión is not a secret rmed y. It containt the stimulating propertiei of th Hypophotphites and pur Korwegian God ITr Oil, th potsncy of both beiag largelj increased. It ii used bj Phjsiciana all rer the world. PALATABLB AS MILK. Sold by all Drttggitts. OOT T é. IOWNI, Chcmltti, M.Y. Well Drilling Machinery SOLD ON TRIAL, n No Ch P&yment -or sftttlement of ny jN kind -until ftr s '' SATISFACTORY TEST. m Mchinery and Tools ff I Guaranteed to makt Wells XI I anywhere, ijl I and at the rat of 3 ft. to every 2 ft. i7 by any other machine, or do sala, ft I THE BEST'lwayS tl I THE CHEAPEST. Il I LWSend for Catalogue. (P Empire Well Auger Co., I "HACA. N. Y. RINSBY & SSABOLT 3STO3. 6 jJKTID 8 Washington Street, Ann Arboi , Michigan. 3ave amays on hand a complete Stock of erer) i GROCERT LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugan All prime Anieles bought íor ueu ana can se I atlow figures. Our frequem .arge Involee o? """as is a Buró stgn that we give barjtalns in QUALITY AND FIoOB. We roast our own coffees every week, alwayi freeh and good. Our bakery turas out the verj best of Bread. Cakes a&d crackers, uali aní ee hs. Rnbber Shoes nnlesa worn nnoomfortably tlght, generally slip off the feet. THE COLCHESTER" KUBBER CO. make all thelr shoes wlth lnülde of heel llned wtth niblxT. ThU cuntís to the shoe and yreveiits thd "ubber Crom slippiug off. Cali fnr the "Colchester" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOR SALE BY Win. Allttby, Juiiu Bitric, ]ly A Veiiicr, I,. Uruiirr, . K lnIiHrlt .V ('o.. A. I. üeyler Ai Kon. ASX AKBOIV flÖSÖÏDY $1,00 A EOTTLE, S:X F3R S5. TFiY ITTO-DAV gv L Deed Bot Ims told " how miifh tiiey would gi ve to get and stay well. ( Iftheirbloodisfreefrom Q) the poisonons ferments ág of the iviuncvs and Liver, they wülneverknow what ' . ' i... 9 The blood U the source @ and sustainerof health; ) it ciiiii r bo fcept pare exeept iho Kidneys and igk Liv; r do iheir work nat- urally, and t aid theui vE' nothintc eqnala the iier bal, ruaratiteed F.E.C.HIREMEDY SI.OO A BOTTLE, SIX FOR $5 TRY IT TO-DAY MANorWOMACT Shoul carry some Life Insurance and AJÍ Ol'ïloy pouci, as now ssufcd by the National Life Ins. Co„ OF 1 I RflllV r, Provides for any emergency that can arise. It can be paid for in; flve, ten, or twenty year and contains the followlng guaranteei: FIRST- A pald np policy afler three years whlch amount is writtan on the fece of thé SECOKD- It guarantees you an Annüal Cash aldk, or if the ineured needs, or desires to ralee monej, the Company will loan on this policy, and Uil keep the policy in force. This Is a great advantage to a person who may need money In buiineaa or to protect credit. , TMIB- It gnaranteei extended Insurance ror tne ruil amount of tniurance. for ao Ion m. time as the caih value wlll pay for lu Thto to a valnable option to many who mar through phytical, or flnanclal mlstortnne deilro their policy carried. In tact tbU Polier ffotectji piji jliïetfity In Bnslnen, and alto malees an absolute provisión in case of death, for wife, chlldren or creditora. Remember this Policy is ONLY written by the National Life Insuiance Company of Montpeller, Mc iirly c. IcBKAi, Special Affeat, 7 Hamllton Block, ANN ARBOR. MICH. Nothing Succeeds Like Success And Nothing Waahrs like our eoiBBwcanin "S1LVER BLOCK" IJ II ff Try 'SCI BBIBBT" for tog FARMERS, MECHANICS and LABORERS Should use our PUREPINETAR SOAP For Bongh or Cbapped Hands. Ask for our Toilet Good. Sold Everywhere. peninsular: soap co. " Maneéis Specific," CURES ■Vitmiun Debility, FxhnnMion, Premnturr Decay, Partinl or Total Inipunm y, and AU WEAKnoss arisiog from over-taxation of rnind or bodv. MEN SuftVring from the DIscases and weaküess that have oriifln Ín youthful imprudeno1 can rely on a apeedy and permanent reatoratiou to In-alt h and liappiin-s Price, &Zf0 by mail spcurely scalod. THE SPECTFTC la pronared frora theprescription of an old and pxprieneed phyuirian, and may be relie] oa as a remedy nnequale d in effleaoy, and we therefore recommend it to the notice of the Medical Profesrton Qtncrally, ofgee and Laboratory ManccVa Speciflc, 13 E. 3Oth St„ New York Citj. TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palacc Steamers. Low Rates. Four Trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Fetokey, Sault Ste. Marie, and Lake Hurón W17 Ports. Bvery Week Day Bet ween DETROIT ANO CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trip dunng Jime, July, Maga nd Sept. Doublé Daily Liae Tïerween CHICAGO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. Our IllustraYd p. m ph uts Rates and Exouri m Tiokef will bnfurnishcí bv your Ticket Aguur, oracdresa E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A., Detroit. Mich., Detroit and Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. FOR MEN ÖNLY! lVJUirfTTlFor lOST or FAIXING IÍANHOOD; yjinü IMJ General and KEHVOÜS SEBrtlTY,rrrnTjUlMWeaknessof BodyandKind, Effect liHH'IIB fr,f Yrrnranr TfTn11f, f Tl OM Or YffUng. Holiutt, Nohlc NAMIOOUrultT llwiored. Ilow lo rnlanc nd 8trM)ftbWKAli,rNUETElUPKDOIU.4N8PlKT80FBODT. Aht.iluielj anfftlliufr HOBU Í KKATTIK.M- Id a dr. Hen iMliïy trom 6 8Uta nd Fprta Countrlct. Wrlt thsau Ipf rlpthe Rook, rinluifcltan and pruof tDlld (teiledj trv, A4drtw ERIE MEDICAL CO., SUFFALO. N. Y.


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