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POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. - U. S. Government Report, Aug. 17, '89, OCR ■", CEST COLUMN. Advertisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be Inserted three week lor 25 cents. WA.MED. WASTED-An elderly woman for housekeeper in the country. One with furnitnre for her own room preferred. Lox box 201. 13 Kveryone to know that 1 have opened an office in the Uamilton Block, to me et anyoue who desires to in vest in life ingurance, or take out a policy for protection agaiutt adversity in time of need. McCvrdy C. LkBeao, National Life Insurance Co. 12_ SèO ft(( WANTED- On flrst class real 3r u , " U V estáte securil y at live per cent. Address 1. ReglBter Office. I ■!( MALE. 17OR N l I.E OR RENT - Honfe and lot, No. 13 Willaid-st. within;a block of the University. Large and roomy - three s'ngle rooms and four suites. Water works and barn. Cali early for prices and tering. Will sel! cheap before September rather thau rent. Address orapply to F. Stofflet, 11 N. Main. 11 tf FOR RALE CHEAP- A good paying milk business, with flfteen cows. Gond reaaon for selliug. Address, Box 1817, Ann Arbor. 13 F?OR SALE- First class ticket from Ann Arbor to Tacoma, Washington and return, 868.00. Regular rate 897 .00. A 2 Register Office. ÍT'OR SALE- Water spaniel pups; also a mare and colt. Would exchange tor a young horse. 22 State st. 12 ÍTOR SALE OK RENT- Peveral good ' houses iu rentral pat of the city. One well Rdapted for sudents' society house. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessions. Atty., No. 6 N. Main-st. tf_ FOK SALK- No. 37 Monroe-st and No. 41 E. Uiiiversity-ave. Apply next door ou the corner tMK SAI. E- Good second hand upright ' pianos atgreat bargains. A. Wllsey. FoK SALE- Fine organs ouweekly payments of one dollar, A. Wllgey. FOR SALE Cheap- Oie 5-horse power upright statioaary engine and boiler, in good condition. l'rice only $100. Buyers, here is a bargain. Cali at No. S W. Washingtou-st. 6wks l'OK KEVI'. To RSNT- Houm at 88 8. Twdfth-t. Beatcd by fuñíate. Inqulie at 10 V. Huron, or at the house. H JMK RENT- Brick house. Xo. 1 Suuth StateSteam teat. Apply to W. W. Wheedon, Huntn st. 17 To Furiii.-h. d fraternity houw of four suits of roi m and two parlors; extremely niuonobleuiitil (Htober 1. Apply to J. W. Bennet t1)veiDoly_&_Feiner. U_ IO F EXT- Two dwelling houses on the bank of I'ortíge Lake. for the seaion or by the year. One has been rccfiitly used by Plnckney partjes as a Club House. For partieulars, address Thomas Bllkett, Kirkett, Mlch, 'i i s i: 1. 1, v : eoi'.s. FOTJNB- Gold headed Umbrella, Owner wanted. Addrew 25 gonth Division-st. 12 IOST- June '.'Cth, a silk paiasol with oxydized j silverhandle. The finder may lefive same at 25 North l'niversity-ave. 12 To aï h!ii:mw astd patrons- I have removed my wagon shop to S. Fourth Street to Seybold & Allmendinger's new building. where I wiil be rcady to wail ou my old and new customere. J. l. Haupt 12 REMOVED- From Wurtter & Kern's on Detroit st. to Fourihst, over Allmendinger & Seybold's blacksmith shop, where I am prepared to do all kinds of carriage painting. I. C. Handy, 21


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Ann Arbor Register