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Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coe are on a lake rip. Mr. T. C. CarpenferisvisitingAdri.m friends. Mrs. Geo. is visiting at Manistee and other northern cities. Mrs. Lillie l'orter, of Toledo, is visitng her father, John Boyce, of this city. Miss Emuia Minor is to start for Jackson, the latter part of the week, tu visit 'riends. W. H. Sweet has returned from the 'Soo," where he spent a week or two, resting from his daily toil. Prof. Barbour, of the Normal, starts with his family, this week, to look up a cooler climethan this, for the balance of the vacation. Miss Josie Hemphill gave a party ast Friday evening, in houor of her cou8in, Miss Mary Moore, of St. Clair, who is her guest. Mrs. John Taylor and Misses Alice and Marión Henderson drove ever to Whitmore Lake, Monday evening, and remained until Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Kittie Dunning and young daughter have returned to Detroit, after iaving spent many weeks wilh Mr?i DuQniDg'a mother, Mrs. Cheever, who s ill at ibe hoiue 01 Mrs. Egburt Ja;.sen. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feilows and laughters, Misses Myrta, Anna aud MmiiK-, aecumpanied by Mi Lttra Parsous.have renied rooms at Wnitiiiore lake, uh! will go next week to spend auout ten days, Messrs. Garry Densmore and Will Fail expect to open aclothing store on Jongreos tt soon. This leaves Mrs. J. F. Sanders' clotliing house minus two good clerks, but she will probauly supplv their pluces succe&sfully. The hout-o of Bernard Williams, in Ypsilanti, was struck by lightning, on Monday, and one of the occupants was seriously, but not fatally, prostrated. Although the house was badly shattered, theremainder of the inmates escaped any harm. During Monday's thunder storm, the lightning made a bee-line for Mr. Brady's house and sort of shook the old gentleman most out of his senses. But he says he didn't come "from way down souf " to be killed that way and consequently is good for another hit. Slllan. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Rendell, a son, July 10. Clifford Gardner is in the ice business at Toledo. Kev. J. Huntington visited Ann Arbor, Tuesday. Miss Eva Woolcott left for Ypsilanti the last of the week. W. W. Watts, of Ann Arbor, called on Milan friends, Friday. Miss Jessie Holcomb is visiting friends at Morenci, this week. Miss Edna Zimmerer has returned from her Dundee visit. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whaley jr., a daughter, July 12. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clark are entertaining guests, this week. W. Whitmarsb. and wife left for the north, Tuesday morning. Mr. Hause, of Mooreville, will move his family to Milan in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stewart and child are visiting at Azalia, this week. The lakes near Hamburg haveagreat attraction for the Milan pleasure seekers. There was a large dance at Ford's new hall, Saturday evening, and all had a jolly time. Mrs. C. B. Hobbs opened her house for a Presbyterian social, on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Bateman, of Toledo, was the guest of her niece, Mrs. A. B. Smith, Saturday and Sunday. Charles Whipple, who was thrown from his carriage recently, is doing as well as could be expected. J. Sprague, of Ann Arbor, is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. G. B. Williams, for a few days. The rain here, Sunday, was very copious. This will greatly benefit the vegetation in the gardens. The Milan races, on Saturday last wereagreat success.Chas. Gauntlett laking the first prize. The trotting was fine. Mr. Russel, traveling agent for the Toledo Commercial, was in Milan, the first of the week , and established an agency here. Another interesting play, Rip Van Winkle, was put on the boards at the Milan opera house, Saturday night. The play was well rendered and the attendance good. Editor Smith and wife, of the Milan Leader, left yesterday morning for a trip to the Soo. They will make some calis atCheboygan, Mackinac, St Ignace and other places. The young people of the Presbyterian church elected the following officers, last week : President, C. H. Robinson ; vice president, W. R. Calhoun; treasurer, Mrs. G. W. Taylor ; organist, Mary notas. Webster. HenryScadin has returned iromBenzonia. I). C. Fall and family, of Ann Arbor, ware in town, Sunday. Neitie Latson, a teacher in the blind school at Lansing, is home for a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Pickett, of Milford.were ■ guests of W. Latson and family, last week. Miss Nettie Latson has gone to Jacksonville, III., to attend the national convention of the instructora of the blind. Henry Wilson, wife and son were called to Detroit, a few days ago, by the sickness of the only remaining member of the family, Mrs. Lillian Rose. Jay McColl, who is attending the agricultural college, waa home over Sunday. He left college, only a few weeks uefore graduation, to accept an appointment as topographic aid on the Unied States ueological survev. The ïhursday evening prayer-meetings of tha Congregational church have been distontinued through the summer months. Communion service was held, last Sunday, at the aforesaid church. and one convert was received into fellowshij).


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