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WHAT SCOTT'S CONSUMPTION UUI ' scrofula EMULSIÓN ggS2SS1TIS PIIBEC COLDS UUnCO VTasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many hare gained one pound per day b y its use. Scott's Emulsión is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulating propertieu of the Hj'pophosL hites and pura Norwegian Cod ver Oil, the potency of both. being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all orer the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. ■COTT & BOWNI, Chemlsts. N.Y. Well Drüiing Machinsry SOLD ON TRIAL, n No Cash Payment- or aettlement of any [ kind- until after a ij '■■ SATISFACTORY TEST. Machinery and Toóla Iff i Guaranieed to make Wells tj j anywhere, ijl and at the rate of 3 ft. to e very 2 ft. Hl f I byanyother machine, orno sale, lili THE BEST'alwaya lij I THE CHEAPEST. I II fjTSJWBena for Catalotrue.lSÏ-3 Empire Well Auger Co.. ithaca. n. y. EINSÏY & SIAB0L7 UTOS, e -A.J5TI3 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. H&ve al vayR on band a complete Stock of eyerj thinglnta. GROCERY LINE! Teas, CofFees and Sugari All prime Anieles bougbt for Caso and can te. 1 atlow figures. Our frequent iarge lnvoice o) ffa is a sure slgu that we give bargalna In QUALITY AND PBIOH. Weroastour own coffeea every week.alwayi fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the ver; best of Bread, Cakes and craciten. Cali ano eeaa. N JB BÉíS "K jéüPH Rnbbpr Shoes nnless wom Tincomfortably Uht, generally slip off the feet. THE 'COLCHESTER" RUBBER C6. makc all thelr nhoea wlth Insfde of heel 1ïnel with rabber. This clinirs to the shoe and preveuts the rubber trom atipplng off. Cali for the " Colohepter ' "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." I O t SALE BY Win. Allnby, John Birir, Doly FplII T. I.. (I II11IT. V. K llllllDll .1 CO., A. l. Sojlor A Sou. VltllOH. FiTciíEBEMEDY $1.00 A BOTTLE, SIX FOR $5. TRYITTO-DAY Blood makes a trip around the body in ;i few BeOonds. If iure, it repairs enrrent waste and keeps np vitality. If iilled with Kidney acid poison, you will have SourTBuDOD, which will ohanga all ■- duids of the system, and graVtouy break down every vital org__ and gve you a umi:itude of unyieldinji disorders. To sweeten the blood, use the juaranteed vegetable alterativo, FHMÜMËDY LJ.OO A BO'TLE, SIX FOB Só J"Y IT MAÑorWOMAÑ Shoul carry some Life Iusurance and AN OPTION PO1ICT, as now issufed by the National Life Ins. Co„ OF TERMONT, Provides for any emergency that can arise. It can be paid for iu; five, ten, or twenty years an ú contains the followlng guarantees: FIRST-Apald up policyafter three years which amount is ritten on the face of the policy. SEÍ'OND- Itguarantees you an Asnual Cash alue, or if the insured needs, or desires to rai money, the Company will loan on this policy, and Btill keep the policy in forcé. This is a great advantage to a person who may need money in business or to protect credit. It guarantees extended insuranca for the full amount of Insurance, for so long a time as the cash valué will pay for it. This is a valuable 'optlon to many who may through physical, or íhiancial misfortune desire their policy earried. In fact this Policv tyotect? piijit jldvefjiity In Business, and also makes an absolute provisión in case of death, for wife, children or creditors. Remember this Policy is ONLY written by the National Life Insuiance Company of Montpeller, Vermont. MeCnrdy G. I.eBEAU, Special A-onl, 1 Hamilton Block, ANN ABBOR, MICH HENRY M. STANLEY ÍN DARKEST ÁFRICA The complete atory of Stanley's recent thrilling adventure and the disclosure of hia important discoveries will appear for the first time in the work writttn by himidi entitled "In Darbtit África." Do not be decei ved by any of the ro-called " Stanley books M now being offered as " genuine M and H intnentic." To no one of these has Sunlcy contribated a line. priJXQ -We ara now ready to appoint cannÜEH I Ui vaesers. Applicanta rhonld rtate ezperience, if any, and firat, second and Ihird choire af territory. Remember that Stanlty't mvn book, the only one in which he has a personal interest, wi',1 Dear on the title page tha imprint of CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. For Agency. addresa N. G. HAMILTON & CO., CLEVELAND. OHM " Maneéis Specifie," CURES íervouH Debilily, Kxlni nHtion, l'reniature Decay, l'uninl or Total 1 inpolrm , uncí AU WEAKness arising from over-taxation of mind or body. MEN SufferinR from the Diseaaos and weaknesa that have oriffin in youthful impnidence can rely on a apeedy and permaneut restoratiou to health and happlness. l'rici', S'.OU by mail securely sealed. THE SPECTFTC ia prepared from the prescription of an oll aiulexpirienccd physirian, and may be relied on as a remedy unequaled in efflcapy, and we thereibn rerommend it to the notiee of the Medical Proe$aion Qerurallif. Office and Laboratory Mancel'ê Speciflc. 13 E. 30th 8Ch New York City. C TT 17 1? 09 .MH'"ÍB " ' TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Fout Trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petoakey, Sault Ste. Marie, and Lake Hurón W.iy Porta. Ivtry Week Day Between DETROIT AIND CLEVELAND Speel! SumUy Trip darfagJait, July, Aunat nd Sopt. Doublé Daily Line Berwean CHICAGO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. OUR ILLUSTRATEDPAMPHLETS Kat es and Eioursion Tick' will befurnishe bv your Ticket Agent, or addre&a E. B. WHtTCOMB, Q. P. A., Detroit, Mich.,' Detroit and Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. FOR MEN ONLY! HJIUll'Wiif" 10ST or FAILINO MANHOOD; k imiWTnGe!:eral and NERVOUS DEBIIITY ; m.l i ' I II ' IWeaknf sb of Body and Mind, Effect! PiltHI'lilIrtf Errorsor Exoease in Old or Younff. Hiihnbl, Noble ïl tMi(M)l) ftilly lic.lored. How to eolkrge fto4 slrntthniKKk, I MKTÏ!.OPKIMIIll.AVSPABTSOFi8Dr. Abulutlr nnflllnt HOJIK TKKATXEM'-BanellU In d.y. flla Uatlf? h-om 50 8t.t and Fvrvlf B CoantHea. WrIM thm. )eieriptli Bnok, tpUnstla and proofs malled (■Ivdi tr4 Wdtei. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V.


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