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CITY NOTICES. SUMMEEt TERM OF PIANO FORTE INSTRUCTION, BEGINNING JULY 15, 22, 28, FOR 8 WEEKS. For terms, address, Reuben H. Kempf, Teacher of Music, 22 South Division-st. C. F. Stabler & Co. are selling wnll paper cheaper than any other place in Ann Arbor Notice the change in Kocb & Henne's advertisement It will pay every lady to visit Mack & Schmid's ñext week. Ch i ld ren Cryfor Pitcher' Castoria. Auction. By vote of the holders, the real estáte of the Ann Arbor TanniDg Co., consisting of three lots of land, a iwo story brick building about 30x130, engine and boiler, will be f old at public auction on the premises, in the city of Ain Arbor, July 31,1890, at 3 o'clock p. m., local time. Also, imm.diately iollowiDg, at the same place, all book accounts and other personal property of the company, to close the business. The above land and buildings are well located and adapted tor inanufacturing. Chas. E. Green, President. Aun Arbor, Mich., July 14, 1890. 13 Kalsomimng, paintiog and paper-hanging at lowest rates at O. F. Stabler &Co's. Ice Creanis, Vanilla, chcoolate, coffee, pistachio, strawlierry, macaroon, tutifruitti, bisque, nonquat. All Sucday orders should be given the day previous. tí E. V. IIangstekfer & Co. Childrën Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. iiírHiitl Excursión. The Michigaa Central will give to its patrons a graini excursión to Detroit, on Thursday, J;1 v 24, to witne?s the mteresting races at ihe Detroit Driving Park, between the four-year-oldc, for a purse of $9,500. The panorama of Custer"s last rally, one of the most beautiful pictures ever produced in tbis country, can now be seen at Detroit, on Larned-st, near Bates. Liberati's famous military band is one of the attractions at the driving park. The train will leave Ann Arbor at 8:31 a. m., and the fare for the round trip will be only $1.00. Returning, the special train leaves Detroit at S:30 p. m. Tickets wil! be good on this train and date ooly. Icen. Orange, lemon, strawberry, raspberry pine apple, Roman punch. tf E. V. Hangsterfer & Co.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register