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POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all n leavening strength. - U. S. Government Report, Aug. 17, '89, OVR ar CENT rtil.lHN. Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Want, not ezeceding three Unes, can be userted three weeks for 35 cent. WA&TED. WANTE1- Suit of iinfurnisliiil rooms, ground fioor preferred. or part of a house in good location. Aüdres at once, giving particulare and terms, W. M. T., Reoister Office. 15 WANTEI- A girl for general housewort. Oftll at No. 17, Wilmot-tt, Ann Arbor. 15 WANTEI - Homes for three boys, ages re spectively 7. 9 and 18. for adoption. Cali or address Jas. P. Bear. No. 19 N. Main-M. WASTE!- An elderly wuman for housekeeper in the country. One with fumitnre for her own room preferred. Jax box 201. 18 4Ê4) (i)i On flrst class real ijptrVUv estáte securliyatfive percent. Address I, Register Office. FOR s !.!■:. ÏrOR Nice marble-top walnut bed1 room suit, in good order. 23 Wllliams-Bt 15 POR SA I,E- Ticket from Chicago to Pueblo, V Colorado, and return, good for 30 days. 830. A bargaiu. G Rkul-ter OH'ce IpoR NAI.E OR ItE.XT - Honse and lot, No. 13 Willaid-st, withtnm block of the Universlty. Large and roomy - three s'ngle rooms and four suites. Water works and barn. Cali early for prices and terms. WiU sul', cheap before September rather than rent. Address orapply to F. Stofflet, 11 N. Main. 11 tf FOR MALE CHE AP- A good paying milk business, with tifteen cows. Good reason for selling. Address, Box 1817, Ann Arbor. 13 FOR N I.F- First class ticket from Ann Arbor td Tacoma, Washington and return, J68.00. Regular rate S97.U0. A 2 Register Office. FOR sl.i: OR RENT- Peveral good houses in central pa t of the city. One wel! adapted for sudeuts' society house. Enquire of J. Q. A. Ses8ion8, Atty.. No. 5 N. Main-st. tf FOR SAI, F.- No. 37 Monroe-st and No. 41 E. Unlversity-ave. Apply uext door on the corner. I?OR SAI-E- Good second hand upright pianos atgreat bargains. A. Wilsey. PORXAIiE- Fineorgans onweekly payments of one dollar. A. Wilsey ■ FOR SA!. E Cheap- One 5-horse power upright stationary engine and boiler, in good onndition. Price only $100. Buyers, here is a bargain. Cali at No. 3 VV. Washingtou-st. 6wks FOR RENT. FOR RENT- House, No. 12 S. Observatory-st, 4)4 blocks from the campus. Suitable for Bmall famlly. Comfortable andconvenient. Inquire at house. 15 TO RENT- House at 39 S. Twelfth-st. Heated by furnace. Inquire at 10 W. Huron, or at the house. H I71OR RENT- Brick home. No. 91 South State1 st. Steam ïeat. Apply to W. W. Wheedon, No. 6 Huron st. 17_ TO RENT- Fumished fratemity house of four suits of rooms and two parlors; exlremely reasonoble until October 1. Apply to J. W. Bennett, over Doty & Feiuer. 14 TO F ENT- Two dweiling houses on the bank of Portage Lake, for the season or by the year. One has been reeently used by l'inckney parties as a Club House. For particulars, address Thomas Biikett, Birkett, Mich, MIKCEIiLANEOVN. MI1.I.ER ATE. greenhouse propertyat present, has not beensold. The business of the greenhouse will be continued as before the property belng 21, acres and 721 ft. streel froutage. One minute's walk west of the court house and postoffice. J. Toms. 1 HERE is your chance to make money, "The iCyclone Dish-waiher." State and county rights for sale. Send for circulare and prices. HowardiSiBurdick,233Bankst, Room 13, Cleveland, Ohlo. 18_ From Wurster & Kern's on Detroitst. to Fourth st, over Allmendinger & Seybold' blacksmith shop, where I am prepared to do all kinds of carriage paintlng. I. C. Hanciy.


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Ann Arbor Register