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WHEBE TO SPEKD THE SDDIKK. IfVndeclded, Perbaps Tbia WII1 Help Toa. Where to go, what to do, how to do it, and the expense involved - questions agitating so many householfa, contemporary with tlie advent of' summer, are all knswered satisfactorily in the pages of the i.andsome volume entitled " Health and i leare," just issued bv the Passenger Pepartment of the New York Central & lludson River Railroad. Tn book is profusely illustrated, con'nins several valuable maps, nd the imfrrmation is presented in a concise, yet riíadable manner. It embraces an extensive list of summer hotels and boarding houses along the Hudson, among the Catskills, in the Adirondack Mountains, at Sarntoga, Lake (Jeorge, Niágara Falls, and other famous reaorts. C pies oL the book may be obtained free upon application to W. B. Jerome, General West. rn Agent, No. 97 Clark St., Chicago, er ill be mailed post paid upon rtceipt of ten cents in stamps, by George H. Daniels, General Passenger Agent, GranJ Ceniral Station, New York. A pair of bhoes is oneof most typical rroduets of modern industry. To niake them the Animal Kingdom contributes fiom the herds of the Western Plains ; the Vegetable, from groves of oak and hemlock or from the great fjrests still left to us ; great factories supply cloth and thread ; mines, furnaces and forges combine to furnish nails or wire. Throagh scores of proceeses, the fortyi wo pieces of a pair of snoes require to bring them together, the co-operation of flfty men and women, whose división of labor is so thoroughly systematizeil that everything goes with the same regularity attributed to the works of a dock, until as a result, you, well shod reader, who wear the W. L. Douglas' Shoe, can buy a pair from three to five dollars that would have cost your forefathera from bíx to twelve.- Ex 10 The Cincinnati, Hami'.ton & Dayton Railroad is the short and direct line from Michigan and Canada to Cincinnati, Iridianapolis, Louisville, Naahville, Birmingham, Meridian, New OrleaDa, Chattat ooga, Atlanta, Macón, Charleston, Bovannah, Jacksonville, and all southern cities. Day and night traina rui throucrli polid between Detroit and Cincinnati. Direct conneciions made at Cincionati for hII points south, southeast and south west. The only line leaving Detroit morning and evening by which you can secure parlor snd sleeping cars. No extra charge for quick time and superior service. Cali on or address nearest ticket agent of any line in Michigan and Canada for through tickets to all points south, or address D. B. Tracy, Northern Passenger Agent, 155 JefFerson-Ave, Detroit, or E. V. McCorn ïck, General Passenger Agent, 200 W. Fourth St, Cincinnati. WAITTSD. il LOCAL OR" I J TRAVELING. II to sell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses and tileady Employmenc guaranteed. CHASE BROTHERS COHPANT, ROCHESTEB. N. Y. eojiclitfiiiïtiiioftlJLjiiili FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Thls'is a cholee plece of land, In Huron county Mich.. that was taken on a mortgage. and Is offered at Í1.000 under value. Prlce $2.600; easy tenns. Address the owner, H. B. PO WELL. Woodstock. Vermon t. m Mitchell's Kidney Piasters J Abeorb all diseaae in the Kidne j and f[ y 1 restore them to a hcalthy condition. I Aám. OH chronic kidncy sníTcrcrs p.iy 11" they got no relief nntil they tried "I MITCHEIJS KIDNEÏ PL.ASTEIÍS. Sold by T)rnflHt rverywhere, or Bent by mail f or 50c Novelty Piaster Work, l.owtll, Maas. GO WEST! VIA THE TO A1.L POINTS IN Kansas, Texas, Colorado, l'tah, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon and California. An Agent of the Company will be at the COOK HOUSE, MONDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY of each week until the close of the term, to give information and furnish tickets to students returning home ior the vacation. GEO. F. GILMAN, Mich. Pass. Agt., q8 Griswold St, Detroit, Mich BURÜNGIQN ROUTE Cheap Lands_J5Le West. AIoiir the lines of the BURLINGTON ROUTE in Nebraska. Colorado, Wyoming and nortüwextern Kansas, particularly on its new extensión iu that termory, there is still some Government Land await ing settl ero ent, aA wel 1 as othercheap lands held by individuáis. These lands ure among the bet t to behad anywherein thecoumry for agrlcultural and grazing purpoes. In the comparativcly new distifcu are raany improved Jarmp which can be purchased at a very low rut ■ of thatclass oí restless pion se Ui en who ar ■ ready at all times tomove 'fiirthor wet." In the territory embraced by the BURLINüTON'S linea west of the Missouri Kiver. there are in the vicimty of two hundred new towns which ofT.-r f manufacturers and business men an excellent opportuulty to loc-ate with profit. Send to thu undersigned for deciiptive pamphlets and olher matter giving location and fml particulars ouncerning these lands. A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. 1 A large, handsome Mud of the United State., showing nortn and souih Dakota, mounted and suitabie for office or home ufte and issued by the BURLINGTON ROUTK, will be fumlRhed responsible pirties free on application to the andersigned. Playing Cards. For ten cents eilher in iiOBtage or by applying at Room 12, C B. & Q. R. k. General Office, corner of Adams and Franklin Btreets, Chicago, you can obtain a pack of the best quality Playing Cards. P. S. EUSTIS. Gen'l Pass. ei Ticket Asrt., C, B. St Q. R. R. d-20 88 Chicago, III.


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