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Miss Susie Sanders is visiting at Bay City. Mrs. Henry Coe is visiting Chicago friends. Miss Eva Kishlar is at Escanaba for the summer. Miss Laura Jenness has returned home from a visit at Mackinac. Mrs. E. C. R. Cowell has gone north, to enjoy lake breezes and mosquitoes. John Taylor, jr., leaves for Cleveland, next Saturday night, for a week's vacation. Joseph Estabrook, namesake "of the well known Prof. Estabrook, is home from the west, on a visit. Mrs. J. F. Sanders' clothing store is to be under the management of Henry Platt, jr., after September 1. Sketohing parties are numerous now, and all the pretty scenery along the Huron is being done to death. Deubel Bros. have given up the incandescent electric light plant, and gas reigns supreme in all the business houses. Myrtelle L. Ely, a Normal student, and Mr. C. S. Hartwell, of Chicago, were married at the home of Mrs. De Xike, last week. Charles M. Norton, the Huron-st hardware dealer, has disposed of his stock to Messrs. John Taylor and Henry LeFurge, two well known and popular business men. Mrs. Fred Williams, of Charlotte, made Ypsilanti a short visit on her way home from Houghton, where she had been to attend the wedding of her brother, S. J. Bowling. George F. Key, of the Normal, architect; and Mr. Ed. Rorison, carpenter and builder, have joiued intellects, and will endeavor, as a young and pro(jressive firm, to keep up with the times in ideas and worknianship. The fourth qnarterly meeting was held last Sunday at the Methodist church. Presiding Eider Hudson, of Detroit, was present. A fine concert will Ve given at the opera house, August 1, under the auspices of the Episcopal Yonng Men's Society. Home talent wül be assisted by Clinton Eider, of New York; Arthur Lyman, of Chicago; Franoi= Walker, ot New York, and Master ( ynl Tyler, of Detroit. This entertainment prouiises to be a treat to music lovers. IMilnii. Mrs. Nellis entertaiued fjuests last week. Mrs. EL Knight is off on a short vinting tour. Miss Julia King left for Saline, Monday morning. Mrs. McGregor is quite ill with nervous prostration. Miss Flossie Chapin left for Owosso, Monday evening. Mrs. Pyle returned, Tuesd.iy, from a few weeks' sojourn in Canada. Dr. Van Tuyle and wife, of Ypsilant', called on Milan friends, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. O A. Kelley drove to ïpsilanti on business, Thursdav. Rev. Mr. Tompkins, of Cass City, is visiting Milan friends, for a few days. Mrs. Lucy Coe left for Detroit, Monday, where she will stay for some time. The Methodist lad'e held their social at Mrs. J. H. Frank'c, Wednesday a.ternoon. Miss Grace Menzie, of Canada, is visifinf: her sister, Mrs. Pyle, for a few days. Miss Grace Huntington gave a select tea party to a few fnendf, Mon'lav evening. Mrs. L. Wilson returneJ, Saturday evenini, from n iour week' pojourn in Canada. Mrs. Geo. A'lams, of Detroit, is the guest of Dr. Palmer and fainily for a few weeks. Thesecond dance of th.esea.son, given Saturday evning, at Ford's hall, was well attended. Miss A. Tucker, of Chicago, is the guest of Rev. J. Huntington and daughter, this wetik. Mr. Chamberlin and family moved into Mrs. Otto Bennett's house, on County-st, the first of the week. Miss May Reynolds left, Friday morning, for Montpeiier, Mich., where she will visit friends for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Belding Rouse and daughter, of Saline, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rouse, Thursday. H. J. Zimmermann has sold his undsrtaking and furniture business to Derby Bros., who will continue the business at the old stand. Mrs. Alex Smith and Mrs. Milo Height drove to Ypsilanti, Saturday, to yisit their daughters, who areemployed in the Ypsilanti stay factory. Mr. Pilbean, a farmer who lives eatt of here, when returning home with a heavy roller fastened back of a lumber wagon, Friday, was greatly distressed by running overa small boy, eight years old. The boy, whose name isTommie Luxton, had attempted to ride on the tongue of the roller back of the wagon. He slipped and feil, the roller passing entirely over him. When taken up, the blood was running from his mouth, nose and ears. He was taken home and a doctor was soon on the scène. Though badly hurt, the child may recover, but it is feared by some that his spine is iniured. Webster. Carleton Van Riper spentSunday wilh his father. Miss Rope Van Riper is quite sick with the measles. Mr. William Latson has the largest yield of wheat on record. Murray White is harvesting the raspberry erop on the Boyden farm. Miss Crawford, who is teaching in the Milford schools, is here visiting. Miss Monroe, a teacher in Howell, is the guest of Miss George Lomas. Misses Mame and Maggie Phelps, and Mary Blodgett are visiting in Muskegon. Ira Backus is improving from the effects of his fall during the haying season, and is around again. Mr. Ralph McAllaster, of Ann Arbor, and his bride, formerly Miss Lizzie Cooper, of Jackson, were the guests of Mr. Scadin and family, over Sunday. Dlxboro. fCrowded out lat week] Miss Herbert, of Detroit, is visiting at Mrs. Shanklands. Ed. Campbell and Henry Wells have returned from Saginaw, Bert Ruthruff and his mother, of Ann Arbor, are visiting here. Leslie Bush, one of our model young men, has gone to Ann Arbor to learn telegraphy. A terrible wind and hail storm prevailed here Monday. It did inuch damage to erop and window-lights.


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