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H. M. Tber was ia Djtroit, Tuesday. Dr. W. J. Maynardjis improviag slowly. Ernet Mann, of Detroit, spent Sanday in the city. T. Nickel is visiting his brother in Montpelier, Ohfo. Mrs. C. L. Scnith is visiting her niece, Mrs. J. J. Gibson. Miss Annie Condón has been visiting friends in Detroit. Jacob Pitts, of Boston, spent Tuesday with H. M. Taber. L. T. Limpert has been spending a few days at St. Ignaca. Col. Dean left, yesterday morning, for üld Mission Beach. Dr. G. W. Lacea, of Sagiuaw, spent Sunday in this city. A. Gwinner and f'amily are spending the week at Rush Lake. RDbert Heywood spent Saturday and Suoday at Plymouth. Mrs. R. J. Nelsan and son are in Detroit for a few weeks visit. Rev. Wm. Caldwell, of Saline, has removed to Aan Arbor. J. Tichenor, of Mt. Pleasant, bas been visiting T. H. Rhoddg. Willis J. Abbott, of Kansas City, is visiting bis uncle, C. Mack. R Gernerleaves for Chicago, next week, to be gone a fortniejht. Mrs. Abell and son, of Seaforth, Canada, are visiting Mrs. Lasby. Miss Ruth Durheim is spending a few days at Cavannugh lake. Bruno St. James has gone for a ten days' visit on the Lakes. Miss Emily Weinmann has gone to Ypsilanti for a week's visit. Robert Mann, ot East TawBS, is visiting his old home in this city. Miss Agnes Leas left yes'erday íor a visit at DesMoines, I jwa Miss Lillie Condón returned, Monday evening, from Grosse Isle. Woj. Henne, of Koch & Henne, went to Chicago, on Sunday last A. P. Hanson, of Toledo, spent Sanday with his family in this city. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Pond have returned írom a short visit in Detroit. Henry Binder and bride, of Detroit, are spending the week in tbis city. Mrs. John E. Moore, of Chicago, s visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Moore. Mrs. S. Binder, of Butte City, Mont., is v8iting Chas. Binder, of s'. Dr. W. M. Payne, of Cleveland, Ohio, has been visiting Iriends in this city. Dr. Wm. A. Campbell and family are spending a few weeks at Topinabee. John Moore, wife and daughter Lulu are spending the week in Port Huron. Mr. and Mr?. J. J. Gibson kave returned from a trip to Ditroit and Port Iluron. Chas. Spoor and daughter, Mrs. Eugene Mutechel, have returned from the east. Miss Katie Jacobs will leave next week for a trip to the Adirondack mouatains. Mayor Manly and wife spent Saturday and Sunday in BeHeville,Wayne cjunty. Fred Eberbaoh is practicing in the dental office ot Dr. J. 8. Henry, at Kaikaska, Mich. Mrs. Dr. McLichlan left, yesterday, for a few days' visit at Detroit and other places. Mr. and Mrs. John Neary, of Toledo, are visiting their nephew, Jas. Kiley, of this city. Hermann Wagner, of Plainwell, Allegan county, is visitiug bis parents on W. Huron-st. Miss May Breakey returned, on Monday from Marshall. Her father accompanied her home. Miss J aanna Kemp, who has been teaching at the Sault, ís spending the summer in this city. Miss Eva M. Allen, of Chicago, is the guest of her brother, W. K. Allen, of the Unity block. E. E. Kellogsr, of Clint, Texas, expects soon to visit his old friends in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. Mr. and Mrs. Will Purcell, of Toledo, #spent part ot last week with Mis. Moloney, of Fountain-st. C. C. Warner and Adam Seyler went to Silver Lake, last Monday, and will Bpeod a week at that place. Mrs. T. W. Mingay and daughter Nellie have gone to Toronto and other points in Ontario for a two months' visit. Mrs. Woodford and Mary Woodford, of Detroit, and Mrs. Rowe, of Plymou'.b, have been visiting Mrs. E. B. Hall. Miss Nanon Leas left, laat Saturday, for California, where she will remain till the opening of the second semester. Chas. Crawford, of Caseville, Mich., will arrive in tbis city, the latter part of this week, to settle up his business on State Street. Gr. C. Maynard, who has been visiting relatives in this city, left, last Friday, fur Detroit, whence he will return to Washington. W. Hallock and Mrs. Miller were called to Langing, the latter part of last week, to attend the funeral of Mr. Hallock's btepfather. Miss Mary Langley, daughter of Prof. Langley, formerly 01 the Üniversity and now of' Pittsburg, is visiting Miss Elsie Whilman. Conrad Noli has returned from his trip to Pittsburg. He met there three of his old school (rienda whom he had not seen 8ince he left Germany. Mrs. W. D. Breymer, who has been visiting friends in this city, has returned to her home in ïopeka, .Kansas. Her mother, Mrs. Upson, of Saginaw, accompanied her. Mr. and Mrs. Whitmarsh, of Milwaukee, Mrs. Powers, of Grand Ripids, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blitz, and two children, o Detroit, hava been sojourning at Zukey Lako. Mr, Charles H. Cushing, of Chicago, lit '88, has been spending a faw days in the city, visiting friends He returaed Monday night to St. Ignace, to joiu his mother and sisters, who are spending the sommer there. Mr. Cushing comme:, ces his 6eoond year of teaching, Oktober 1, at Morton Grove, Hls. Prof. Hempl is slowly improving. Prof. B. C. Burt ia in Omaha, Neb Prof. J. II. Drake wís in town on ïuesday. Airs. Alexnler Winohell is Tuiting her daughter in Minneapolis. Martin Seabolt and family will go camping toon at Zukey Luke. A. M. Noble, of Detroit, is visiting his sister, Mrs. N. W. Clieever. Miss Alice Orippen, of lonia, is visiting her cousin, Misa Hattie Crippen. G. "VV. Cropsey will leave íor Detroit, Siturday, to be gooe several days. Mrs. II. S. Crippen, of Tpsilanti, is visiting friends and relativos in this ciiy. Dr. A. N. Collius, of Detroit, i spend Dg a few days with Judge Ctieever. F. I. Muir, lit '88, principal of the Bat tle Creek high school, is in the city to-day. Prof. W. S. Perry will sooa lave for a visit at his former home in New Yoik state. Miss Lou Sanz;, who has been camping at Portage Lake lor some time, reiurued to day. Jadge Cooley has returned from Washington to altend the wedding of his son Caarles. Misaes Minnie and Ella Welh,of D.'troit, are the guests of M:s Kuehnle, of West Huron-st. Mrs. J. W. Patchin and (amily and M ss Watking, of Mauctiester, are visiting Mrf. S. W. Clarkson. Miss Flora Clark, who has been spending the winter in Ann Arbor, has returned to Sioux Falls, Dakota. Charles A. Green, ot Hamilton & Green, and brother, J. G. Green, returned yesterday from a trip to Saginaw. Mr. and Mrs. Neary, who have been visiting G. W. Cropsey and family, have returned to their home in Toledo. Ross G. Cale will leve in two weeks for Germany, where he will spend two years studying music and literatare. Isaac C. Aston, of Columbui, O., and his daughter, Mrs. John G. Silver, are spending a kw days at the home of J, T. Jacobs. Mrs. V. P. Payne end daugh'er Jessie, left on Monday íor Guthrie, Indian Territory, where Mr. Payne aud son George are at present located. Prof. Miller, of O. vet college, visited the University library, Monday, for the purpose of geleding a list of mnsicbooks, to be used in O.ivet college. Mrs. Will Wunderlicii, of Jackson, has been in the city. She came to see her little daughter, who brcka her arm at her grandfather's farm near this city. Mrs. Hsnry Krause, of. this city, and George Hirth, of Det-oit, left on Sunday for Uurlington, lowa, to sttend the funeral of their sister, who died at that place reeen tly. Mrs. Dr. Collins, A. Johnson and daugbter, Carrie, of Grand Rapids, are spending a few weeks with Mrs. OoI1 ns' sister, Mrs. Theodore J. DaForest, cf Geddes. Mrs. John Henly and daughter, who have been visiting in this city, expect soan to lócate in Chicago, where Mrs. Henly will keep house for her son-in-law, Cari Hendricks. Miss Susie Smith, of Jackson, and Miss Minnie Seyraour, ot Cl velar,d, who have been spenjii'g the Slimmer at Whitmore Lake, visited ülends in this city, during the first of the week. Walter W. Campbell has accepfed a cali to preach at Concord, Masi., and is now home trom the east, making a short visit with his parents in this city. He will enter upon his dutie in that historie place about the Brsc of August.


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