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The Majority Of so-called cough-cures do llttle more than Impair the digestive functions aud créate bUe. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the contrary, while it cures the cough, does not interfere with the functions of either stomach or liver. No other medicine is so safe and efficacious in diseases of the throat and luugs. "Four years ago I took a severe cold, which was followed by a terrible cough. I was very sick, and conflned to my bed about four months. I employed a physician most of the time. who flnally said I was in consiimptinn, and that he could not help me. One of my neighbors advised me . to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so. and, before I had finlshed taking the first bottle was able to sit up all the time, and to go out, By the time I had finlshed the bottle I was well. and have remained so ever since."- L. I). Bixby, Bartonsville, Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PRKPARED BT DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mas. Bold by all Druggists. Price $1 ; elx boules, $5. aft FLY N ETS CHEAP AND STRONC. 20' other styles 5-A Nets, prlces to suit Ui Wm. A y res & Sons, Philadelphia. Sold by all dealers. ( i frt PPI-A catalogue of ] ! Sfc II rnPP'the niüBt WON'tjSSLf! l l' lll-LlDERfUl ELECTRIC ' SSK' ILJ ï lATTERÏ ever Invented. V öMHtc f I f ï ) Thousandsarebeinpcured Hbn étè )by lt where all other remeÍJMLA rf B diftH have fatled. No acida. 1 QV CaW electricity permanent. Is JfMÊP1 f=fSl.especlally adapted to Belf - 'JTiKil VifcJ treatraent for the cure of y Blíru aÖBk Hheuniatism, NeurHlRia. J I SCM Norvnua Dehility. FiMiiaK' wVlrlH ■Sfik, Weakriess. Spinat ïriseitHnl V ) fílei, Sexual Kihaustion, v- - General Debility, Seratnal Weakness, Constlpatlon. Headache, Kldney Cmiiplaints, etc.J.B.BLAiK&CO. aiOClarttSt. Chicago. MiícMl's Etamatic Piasters. INSTANT BILEÏ POR AÏ.L. I. HEI! MATIG PAINS. StTjtBcrmforRhenittftt:sm,KccralgiaanL.RcHt:ca. Soul by drnggiets everywnero. or by mail, ïu r-nti. i.ovelt? l'Iatcr iorVo, Liradi, ...ui.n. CfiiLD sH0 LESSENS PAIN LR TQ UFE 0 BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA S OLO Br ALL DRUGGISTS. SOLDBY C. E. EBEKBACH. ORE&ON, 1KDEPESDEKCE, WEALTH1 Come to the land of the setting sun. Send for FREK circulare describing the "Garden Spot of Oreeon," Parchases negotitased for ttmber, hop, fruit, vheat and other lands. Saw-mills, flouring milis, canneries, dalries, and other enterprises asslstedr Eastern capital profitably loaned. Address ('OOPER, PATTEBSOS A CO., Indepeiulence. Polk Co., Orenron. All lnquiries Answered. School oí Ezpressios. 22 South State Street. HCSIC. Elemente of Expressive Speech. Germán. (Synthetic method.) Phyalcal Callare. (Belsarte.) Kiiul-rrarlrn. Froebel System in English and Germán. ADDRESS- ORÍN CADY, PRINCIPAL. Insurance, bl Estáte and Loan Agencj HAMILTON & GREEN. OFFICES: No. 1 & 2 Hamüton Bl'k, FIRST FLOOB. Partles desiring to buy or sell Real Estale wi;i find it to thelr advantage to cali on ns. We represent the following firetclass Fire Insurance Ctompanies, having an aggregate cepitaiof o f er 8,000,000: The Grand RapirtH " un. Co., The Ohio Farmer' hih. Co., (limnrm only du i Ilinics . The erman Fire lm. Co., The Pcople's Fire Ins. Co., The CitlzenH'Fire liiH. Co., The sKIicsi.r Fire Ins. Co., The Hllwaukee Mechauic's Fire In Co., The r Hampwhire Fire Ins. Co., The Northwestern Fire Ins. Co. Ratee Low. Loases llberally adjusted and pala promptly . We also lsne Ldfe and Investment Folldes In the Conn, Mutual Life lnenrance Company. Asets S5ö,UU0,0uu. Persons desiring Acclaem lnsutanee, can have yearly Pollcles wrttten for them 01 Traveler'B Coupon Insurance Tickets issoeil at Low Kates In the Standard Accident Insurance Company of Detroit, Mich. Money to Loan at Currem Raten. Office hours f rom 8 A. u. to 12 H. and 1 to 6 P. M. llimiiiioii Oreen. FOR MEN, STRENGTH Over 100 testimoniáis received in oneweek to GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Gives vim, forcé, vigor and never fausto cure. PAMPHLET FREE. Theveryreadingpf it will increaseyour self-couAddd"ccess,TheGrayIHedicineCo.,NBei%.


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