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WHAT SCDTPS CONSUMPTION """' ' scrofula EMULSIÓN IS8SS51 PIIDCO COLDS "UntO WastingDiseasei Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsión is not a secret remedy. Ifc contains the stimulating. properties of the Hypophosphitea and pura Korwegian Cod Liver Oil, tho potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Drugglsts. ■COTT &. BOWNK. Ch.mlsts. N.Y. Well Drilling Machinery SOLDON TRIAL, ñ No Cash Payment- or settlement of any il' kind- until after a i SATISFACTORY TEST. M Machinery and Toóla WÍ Guaranteed to make Wells anywhere, ijl j and at the rate of 3 ft. toevery2 ft. ijl f by any other machine, or no sale, f ij f THE BEST'oa'ways lij I THE CHEAPEST. I Empire Well Auger Co.. ithaca. n. y SÏHSEY & SBABOLT isTOS. 6 -A-JCTID 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Save alvayf. on band a complete Stock of ererj tñiud lu toa GROCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugars All prime Anieles bougkt for Canil and can be I atlow figures. Our frequent iarge iuvolces o) Tftas Is a sure slgn that we glve bargalns in QTJALITY AND PKIOH. We roast our own coffees every week, alwaji fresh and good. Our bakery turas out the Ten best of Bread, Cakes and crackerf. Cali and ee as. Rnbbor Shoes nnless wora -anoomfortably tlght, enerally slip off the ieet. THE 'COLCHESTER" RUBBER C6. makc all thelr shoes with üwide of heel Hned wlth rubber. Thls clinps to the Bhoe end preveuts the rubber írom slipplng oflL Cali for the M Colehester " 'ADKESIVE COUNTERS." FOR SALE BY Win. Allaby, John llura . Doty A Fel■i-r. I.. Onriuii W. .V Co., a. i. Umjtmr a Boa. a. akbor. L1.00 A BOTiLE, SIX FOR $5, TRY IT TO-DAY is rich in oxygren, PJJJJWJJiJJigJit red. It poes to the extremities, buildmgrjsvorajout places. When it returns throngh the veins it is dark and f uil of poisons, pathered all throufch loses the Bile poison ; the kidneys ■ e 11 ie Ti-orn owt waste and the tingsjplarify the blood withoxygen To keep this Ufo stream pure, mainainsoond 'nyjhjflililiiïSr aotion, nse the {juaranteed FËIfliËMÊDY SiOABOTTLE. SIX FOB $5,_TRY IT TO-DAV MAlTorWOMAlT 8houl caiTy some Life Insurance and ASÍ OPTION POLICT, as nowissued by the National Life Ins. Co.. '.OF VERMOSiT, Provides for any emergency that can arise. It can be paid for in flve, ten, or twenty ycars actl contalns the followlng guarantees: FIRST- A pald up policy after three yeari, which amount is written on the face of the poücy. SECO 5Í I- It guarantees you an Anntjal Cash v aloe, or if the iusured needs, or desires to rai money, the Company will loan on this policy, and till keep the policy in force. This is a great advantage to a person who may need money In business or to protect credit. THIRD- It guarantees extended Insurance for the full amount of Insurance, for so long ( time as the cash valué will pay for i t This is a valuable 'option to many who may through physical, or flnanclal misfortuue desira their policy canied. In fact tni Pollcy Pjrotectp jlgaijijA aïetfity In Business, and also makcs an absolute provisión in case of death, for wife, children or creditora. Rememberthis Policy is ONLY written by the National Life Insuiance Company of Montpelier Vermont. HcCnrdy C. LeBEAü, Special Agent, 1 Ilanill ton Kloek, ANN ABBOR. MICH HENRY M. STANLEY "IN DARKEST ÁFRICA The complete tory of Stanley's recent thrillic; adventares and the disclosure of his important discovcriea will appear for the first time in the work wrUUn by hinuttf, entitled "In Parkrtt África." Do not be deceived by any of the f o-called " Stanl j books " dow beins; ofEered as " gennine M and ' aathentic." To no one of these bu StauWy coatribated a line. ipCUTP -We are now ready to appoint canHULlilO. vassers. Applicants phouïd ftate experience, if any, and first, second and thirdchoico Df terrltory. Eemember that Stanley's mm bock, Ihoonly one in which he has a personal interest, v, 11 Qear on tbe title page the imprint of CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. For Agency. addresj N. G. HAMILTON & CO., CLEVELAND. OHIOl " Maneéis Specific," CURES XervnuH Debilily, V. hn rmtiitn. Premature Decay, 1'iirlini or Total Ininoteucy, and AU WEAKness arising from over-taxation of mind or body. MEN Suffering from the Díseaaea and weakness tbat havo origin in youthful imprudenco can rely ou a speedy and permanent restoratioa to nealth and bappiness. Price, s .tM by mail seourely Healed. ' THE SPECTFTC Is prepared from the prescription of an old andexperieuced pnynirian, and maybe relied on as a remedy nequak-d in effleai'y, and we therpfor reromineud it to the notice of the Medical Profession Ventrally. qj and Laboratory ManceVs Specific. ' 13 E. Jüili üüt.. New York ( ity. - H Bü MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Hatea. Four Trips per Week Bet ween DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND 8t. Ignace, Cheboyean, Alpena, Harrisville. Osooda, Sand Beach, PortHuron, 8t. Claii-, Oakland Ho jes. Marine City. Bvery Week Diiy Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Speoiftl Sunday Trips Hunns O uly and Augiut. OUR ILLUSTFIATED PAMPHLETS Ratcsand Eioursion Ticketa irlll re f urnijii ' by your Ticket Agen t, or mddreea C. D. WHITCOMB, G-n'l Ps. Aent, Detroit &. Cleveland Síeam Nav. Co OETROI" M-H FOR MEN ONLY! LfJIiJll-JWiFr LOST or FATXING MANHOOD; t . HEÜPfn JGeneral and NERV0Ü8 DEBOITY; Pfl-1 4 il Lë I ■ I Weaknf ss of Body and Mind, Effeota Mltll 'PIIM Errora or Eicesies in Old or Younjr, Kubnit, !otilc MAMI00D fat! y ttcetored. How to nlnre and trtfiiKlhenWKAK, (M)t!V K 1,(1 ItlHHK. A S& 1'AltTS 01 ftODT. AhMluielr onfalllnfr HOMK TliKATMKN'T- Itcnffllw In a dy. Ion Ietl(y from 3U Ntat-i and i roiitn ('uuulrlca. Writ tbMS. eicrlptle Bonk, fiplanatlsn and prwofs malled (alcdi fr. Addnw ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V.


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