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POWDER Absolutely Pure. A creñm of tnrtn' K-.kirg powder. Hij; of all in leavening strength.- U. S. Government Report, Awj. 17, '89, oir au 'et coLvant. Adveitisements, siich as To Rent, For Sile. ati'l Wants Dot esuseeding three linos, can be inserted three weeks lor -2r MOM. WA&TBD. VI 7 A X TE I- suit of unfurnished rooms, ground íloor preferred. or partof a house In good location. AddreaN, uiving particulars and térros, W. M. T., Rkc;i.ster Office. lo W ANTEO- A girl for general housework. Cali at No. 17, Wilmot-&t, Ann Arbor. í WANTED- Homes for three boys, ages respectirrly 7, a and 18, for adoplion. Cali or addressJas. P. Bear, No. 19 N. Main-si. I olí ÑAUE. ,'■OK If soM b? September 1, 1880, a restaurant and confeetionery store, ís s. State-st. Will take due bilí tbr pan of it in board. 16 FpoK SAI I) - Household furDlture ronsisting ofstoves, tables, chairs, rockers, bedsteads, etc., cheap for cash, at lí} E. Washington-st, 18 iiOR NALJE - Mee maible-top walnut bi.-dJT room tuit, in good order. 23'Villiams-st 15 ÍMR Ticket rom Chicago to Pueblo, Colorado, and return, good for 30 days. $30. A bargain. ti Kegi-ter Office TOK SI.K- First class ticket f rom Aun Ar" bor to Tacoma, Washington and reiiirn, Í63.UO. Regular rate 097.00. A 2 Kkgister Office. Í7OB NALE OR HENT- Several good houses ín central pa! of the city. One welí adapted for sudents' society house. Enquire of J. C. A. Sessions, Atty., No. 5 N. Main-st. tf 17OR SAIH-No. 37 Monroe-si and No. 41 E. Universityave. Apply next door on the corner; ÍpOR (Jood KOOnd hand upright pianos atgreat bargain). A. Wllgey. FOR SAIiK- Fine organs on weekly payments of one dollar. A. Wilsey. FOR HALE Cheap- One 5-horae power uprlght stationary engine and boiler, in good condition. Price only 8100. Buyen, here ís a bargain. Cali at No. 3 W. Washingtou-st. 6wks FOR RENT. tpoR RENT- Rooms suitable for house keeping in the third ward. 16 Spring-st. 16 rO RENT- Two houses on Summitst. Inquire at Keeeh 8 lumber yard. 16 fpoR RENT- House, No. 12 S. Obeervatory-st, -l'. blocks from the campus. Suitable for smail famlly. Comfortable audconvenlent. Iuquire at house. 16 TO KENT- House at 39 S. Twelfth-st. Hetted by furnace. Inquire at 10 W. Huron, or at the hoube. 14 IlOB RENT- Brick house, No. SI South State1 st. Steam beau Apply to W. W. Wheedon, No. 6 Huron st. 17 TO RENT- Furnished fraternlty house of four suitfi of rooms and two parlors; extremely reasonoble nntil October 1. Apply to J.W.Bennett, over Doty & Felner. 14 TO KENT- Two dwelling houses on the bank of Portage Lake, for the seasou or by the year. One has been recently used by Pinckuey parties as a Club House. For particular, address Thouias Biikett, Birkett, Mich, IIIMM.I.IMIIIS. JU. MAKN, hasleased the store, No. 32 E. Huron-st, next to Raudall's, wbere he will open up about August 1 with a large stock of new and second hand goods of all kinds. Ererythiug in the line of house keeping can be found for about half the price of new. Don't fail to talce advantage of the firet and best. J. S. Mann, No. 32 E. Huron-st, Ann Arbor Mich. 16 MILI. KR AVE. greenhouse property at present, has not beensold. The business of the greenhouse will be contlnued as before the property belng 2'í acres and 721 ft streetfrontage. Oue minute's walk west of the court house and postomce. J. Toms. 1 HERE is your chance to make money, "The Cyclone Dlsb-wather." State and coanty rights for sale. Send for clrculars and prices. Howard!iBurdick,233 Bankst, Koom 13, Cleveland.Ohlo. 18_ REMOVED- From WursterA Kern's on Detroit st. to Fourth-st, over Allmendinger t Seybold's blacksmith shop, where I am prepared to do all kinds of carriage painting. I. C. Hany. 21


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Ann Arbor Register