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WHERE TOSPEIÏD lili: SI'MUIIH. Il Ciuleclried, Porliaps Tlils w il l Hel ï'on. Where to go, what to do, bow t i do it, and the expense invjived - qnestioc ayi tating so many househol te, c mtemp rnry with the advent of summer, are all answered satisfactorily in the pages of the lands-ime volume entitled " Ilaith aad Pleisure," just nsued bv the Passeuge.r Department of the Nsw York Central & Huleen R ver Rsilroad. ï:ie book is profusely ülustrated conmios several valuable maps, ad the imf'_rmaiioQ is presented in a c ncise, y et nadable manner. It embraces an extenn've list of suramer hotels and boarding houses along the Hudson, among the Catskills, in the Adirondack Mountains, Bt Sdrutoga, Lake (Jeorge, Niágara Falls, and othpr fsmous resorta. C pies of the bock onav be obtai.iei free upoo application to W. B. Jerome, General Western Agent, No. 97 Clark St., Cmcagj, or will be mailed post paid upon riceipt ot len cents in Rtamps, by Geore H. Danels, General Passenger Agent, Gran} Cemral Station, New York. A pair of shoes is oneof most typical products of modern industry. To make them the Animal Kingdom contributes froni the herds of the Western Plains ; the Vegetable, from groves of oak and hemlock or from the great f irests still left to U8 ; great factories supply cloth and thread ; mines, furnaces and furies combine to furnish nails or wire. ïhrough scores of processes, the fortytwo pieces of a pair of snoes require to bring them together, the co-operation of fifty men and women.wliope división of labor is 80 thoroughly systematizecl that everything goes with the saine regularity attributed to the works of a clock, until asa íesult, you, well fhod reader, who wear the W. L. Donglas' Shoe, can buy a pair from three to live dollars that would have cost your torefathers from six to twelve. - Ex 10 The Cincinnati, Hamüton fe D.vion Railroad is the ehDrt and direct line ín mi Michigan and Canada to Cincinnati, Indianapoüs, Louisville, Nashville, Bitmmgham, ileridian, Nuw O leans, Ciaitanooga, Atlanta, Ma. Ml, Charleston, S ivannah, Jacksonvil , and all soirhern cities. D.iy and ni ,iit traius ru i thr. u.'h solid between Detroit and Cinciiiiiati. D reet connections made at Cincinnmi tor all points south, southeast and soulh est. The only line leaving Detroit morning ar.d evening bv which you can secure pirlor acd sleeping cars. Nj extra charge for quick time and superior service. Cali on or address nearest ticket agent of any line in Michigan and Canada for through tickets to all points south, or address D. B. Tracy, Norlhern Passenger Agent, 155 Jefferson-Aw;, Detroit, or E. V. II Cormick, General Passenger Aent, 200 W. Fourth St, Circinnati. lALESMÊll WA1TTED. SI LOCAL OR" J TRAVELING. II to 8ell our Stock. Salary, Expenses and öteady Employinent guaraiueed. CHASE BKOTHKKH COHP1HT, ROCHKSTER. K. Y. 8o chtifit ijviPhoVtb Mjsiö FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Thlsis a choicc piece of land. In Huron cminty Mioh., that wattaken on a morigage, ana ín offered at 11,000 under value. Frice $2.500; easy terms. Addrees the owner. H. B. POWELL. Woodslock. Vermout. % Mitchell'sKidney Piasters j) y Absorb all diseasc in the Kidneys and i i restore thom to a healthy condition. I Am. chronic kidney Buffercrs pay (1 they got no relief until thoy tricd ''( MITCIIEIJL'S KIDNliY rLASTKIÍS. Sold by DmgLÏ8t8 everywhere, or Bent by mail for 50c Novelty Piaster AVork, Lowell, 9Iags GO WESTl VIA THE TO ALL POINTS IS Kansas, Texas, Colorado, Itali, New Mexico, Arizona. Oregon and California. An Agent of the Company will be t the COOK HOUSE, MONDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY of each week until the close of the term, to give infotmation and furnish tickets to ktndents returning home lor the vacation. GEO. E. GILMAN, Mich. Pass. Agt., qS Griswold St, Detroit, Mu h BURUNGTQN ROUTE Cheap Landsthe West. AloriR the lines of the BUKUNGTON ROUTB in Nebraka, Colorado. Wyoniing ainl nonbwes(' urn Kausas, partitularly on its new exteusi n iu that terriiory. ihere is still some Cnvüinmeut Land awaiting seitlement, aw wel! a o tu-r cheap lands held by individuáis. These lamls art; among thebef-t lo behad anywht-rein Ihecountry for agricultural and grazing purposes iti the comparatively new disuicts are many nu.roved hirniH which can be purchased at a vitv iow rato of that class of restless pioneer-settlerh who are ready at all times toinove ' fnrther wc i " In the territory embraccd by the BURLIN(irroN" lines west of the Mlnouri Kiver, there a'e in ihe vicin ty of two hundred new towns which oíl'cr tu manufaeturers and business men au cliënt opportunlty to loate wiili protit. Heiid lo the undersigned for desciiptive pamphlets a-id other matter givini( lcication and fu.l particu r OuDccruiug these lands. A MAP OF THE UNITED 'STATES. 1 A large. handsome Mm of the Dnited 'iin, showing north and souili Dakota. m .uiturt and suilable for Offlc6 r honn use and issued by the BÜRLINGION KOU IE, will Inmtshed respooslble ] .nies free on application to üjc onderbigncd. Playing Cards. Forten centft fciiher in postage or by applying at Kiiom 12, C B. & Q. R. K. Ueneral Office, corner of Adams and Frankliu ttreets, Chicago, you can obtuin a pack of the best qualityPlayiug Cards I' s. KUSTI8. Geu'l Pass. & Ticket Agt.. C, B. & O. K. R. D-20 88 CHICA0O,IU


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