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Michigan PTentraè " The Niágara Falls Route." OBNTAAL STANDARD TIME. Ij Ts ST ij:;:: I I3SS2 : i ga I Mi I ia U I :SSS g jsss ; ; o as a s af S8838S SS88S8 W O l O - -OlOHCJX At tl I 2 i & m e s j 1 1 ï k . i = a I" s pa a LA e ie ] 2 Hr.wcw" l9 ! " ï C3 ft S : oS O. oS :5CO'0'f.O oC !i0 1 'S tr 4 - O O r - ' 2 OwoBlU i Ni iüJ II Ij iii ligias lo-gia tDaily. .Suuday exeepted. O. VV. R0GGLE3. H. W. HAYES ü. 1'. & T A. Chicaeo. Ac't. Ann Arbor. FEBRUARY lst, 1890, -TH B - ft, hlil, llippapoli? & jviapitoba BAILWAY aiuï its branches oecame the Great Northern Ry. Line, Home seekcre will finí the lasl of liie public domatu ol agriIUi:i: cultural andgrazingvaluealong tliu (ireat Northern [iy. In North I.AMS. Dakota and Moutana. Settlers on free Government 5t W laiuls ül' ng the Grcat Northern Ky. in North Dakota and MnnKtl'KS. I ta"a get low rates aud fine mar kets for iroducts. l"i"rsl r-jsorts in America along 1 111TXTIKO, (rua NoriluTu Ry LinelnMill' ïiLSota, Dakotas and Montana. FINII15Í4. n.inn I Montana produces the finest UVHBK,, Hoges and (;au]e Free ranites ■ rri 5'et in Mouse, Milk and Swcet VI Il.t.. GrassHil,s_ Rweel Grnss HUI, Milk and Sun Kivi r Valleys, Montana, reacned Nll EEI", only by the Great Northern Ry. I.ine. JThe Siock Raisers' paraHOOS. dise. nil, „ I The regions tribulary to Grpat ""'"' Northern RailwayLiue in Mon.,.,. tana produces all Uie precious ■■ and baser metáis. These have made Montana the HKAKDS, richest state per capita iu the Union. MISES. The valleys of Red, Mouse, Missouri, Milk and Sun Rivers U. Br". reached by Great Northern Ry. Line. Half rate excursious R. Ii. Sept. 9, 23, and Oct. H, 1890. ! Write F. I. Whitney, St. Paul, Minn. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Nortn Michigan Rv 'lime Table going lnto effect Sunrtay, Nov. 25, '89 Góing Nurlli. Uoiug Sonta. 4. STATIONS. I. :. MriI Mail Ex. &Ex '■ Pass. & Ex P. M. .. M. P. M. P. M. 8 25 6 OOILv... Toledo.. .Ar 110 1115 3 30 60. ..Manhatuii J a 1 05 11 l' I 4 07 6 40 Mouroe Junct'n 12 27 10 28 4 17' 6 47 Dundee 12 29 10 18 1 4 3 7 05 Milán 12 04 9 6b 17 A.M. 4 53 7 2 Ptltsfleld 1142 9 34 A. M 6 00 5 07 7 31 ..Ann Arltor... 11 80 9 22 8 15 6 30 5 30, 7 50 Leland's 11 16 9 07 7 45 6 40 ' Worden'8 7 35 7 00 ! South Lyons 7 15 5 63 8)'i Hrtin--iiri? 10 57 8 50 6 01 8 15 ...Hamburg J'u...10 52 8 45 6 25 8 42 ....Howell J'n.... 10 28 8 20 6 28 8 45 Howell 10 26 8 17 7 3i 9 36 Uurand 9 35 7 30 8 55 10 5f ...Kast Saglnaw.. 7 45 5 55 8 O0 10 16 Owosso y 10 6 40 8 05 10 30 ....Owosso J'n.... 9 00 6 30 9 07 1145 Ithaca 7 50 5 32 9 22:12 03 St. Louis 7 32 6 18i. 6 9 3212 08 Alma 7 !S 5 13 5 i. M. 10 15 12 45 ...Mt. Pleasant... 6 45 4 35 p. m. 5 30 10 45 ' 1 30 Clare 6 15 4 00 8 40 7 30 3 10 ... .Cadillac i 1 50 6 8 I 8 10 ' 3 60 Harrieita 9 59 5 20 8 55 ; 4 40 Copemish a m. 9 05! 1 40 4 47 9 86 ....Weldon J'n ... 8 43 4 14 10 40 5 52 ...Ouekama J'n 7 50 3 20 11 15 6 15 F& P M CV 7 25 2 40 11 2S 6 25 .... Manistee 7 15 2 30 11 00 ; 5 40 Frank ort. ... : 7 50 2 50 AU passenger tralns run daily exoept Runday Conneetions at Tnlertn wlth railrosrtfdlverglpg At Manhattan I unciion with W heel imi L l.akeKr e R. S. At Alexis Juucnoi. wiih y. C R R.. L. b. tt'y acd F 4 P M K II A Monroe Janctlon mtn L s s. M.H K'y. At Dundec wltta L 8 4 M. 8.. and M. & O. Ry. At Milán with W. 8t. L. 4 P. Ry. At Pittsfleld with L. 8. A M 8. R'y. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., aiií at South Lyou with Detroit. I .ansian and (Jorth. ero H ,aud rt. T Rr. At Ashley with the Toicdo Sapinaw & Musteon railway. O. W. A.SHLFV, A. J. PA1SLEY, Superintendent, Uu. Pasiientïer Agent. GEO. H. BAZLEWOOD, Agent, Ann Arbor. TIME TABLE TRAINS CARRYINC PASSENGERS LEAVE TOLKDOiiiiiliii Expresa 12:lOa. ni. HmiMiM liy IA)n-, t 1O:2O a. ni. Mt. l.oiiis ExprvkS .1:30 . lll. AWMMnatod ai íi.. i: ir . m. Trainsmarked tbvis run daily; other Traixs lii n Daily Exckpt Sunday. AllTrains M.vke Dikect rnNBcriON for InDIA.NAPILIS Palace RecliningChairCarsfreeon alITrains. SOUD VE9TIBÜLB TRAIN SERVICE DAIIA' WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. ELEGANT WAGNKR SLEEPING CARS ON ALL XHROÜQH TRAIN8 AM) THK BEST EQUIPPED DININQ ('AR SERVICE IN THE WORLD. Six hours qoicker time than by any other route from Toledo to Kansas City. and a similar siving to every puint beyond the Missouri river. Kor lowest rates. maps. folders, and descriptiva prmted matter, write to or cali on, C. S. CRANK, F. CHANDLER, Asst, (i. P. A„ G. P. A , St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis, Ho. T. E. D JMBAUGH, Pass. & Tkt. Agt., 808 Madisoa St., Toledo, O. Drunkenness 0r the Liquor Habit, PositiVely Cured BV ADMINISTERINC DR. HAINES' OCLDEN SPECiFIC. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea, or in ar ticles oj tood, without the knowledge of the pereon taking it; it i absolutely harml688 and will eflect a permanent and speeiy cure, whether the patiënt ís a moderate drink e ter. 'in alroholic wreek, it NEVER FAIL8. WeGUARANTEE a completo eme in every iustance. 4H page book FRFF Addroa in confidence, GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO.. 1 86 Race St.. Cincinnati, 0


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Ann Arbor Register