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Eugene Donegan died on Monday night of typhoid fever. Ho was unmarried and lived with his mother at the time of his death. Last spring he ran for supervisor but was deieated. He was a very estimable young man. On Wednesday, Aug. 13, the people of St. Patrick's parish will hold a picnic at Smith's Grove, Whitmore Lake. Careful preparations are under way for Insuring to all who attend a pleasant day. As a good meal will be served for the nominal sum of twenty-fi ve cents, it will net pay any one to bring baskets. First class music will be furnished, in addition to which "our own Jim Harkins" and others will lend entertainment in the vocalline. As the Toledo & Ann Arbor road will furnish tickets on regular trains from Ann Arbor at one fare iound trip, a pleasant day can be spent at the lake for a reasonable outlay. Dexler. C. F. Conrad was in Ann Arbor on Monday. Rob. S. Appleton, of Detroit, is rusticating in Dexter. Thomas Birkett is figuring on putting in an electric light plant at this place. Prof. E C. Thompson, superintendent of the Saginaw schools, is visiting the Murdocks. Robert Diviney and wife, of Lansing, are enjoying themselves, for a few days, at J. T. Honey's. Will Adams spent Sunday at Copeland's, on his way back from Clifton Springs to Chicago. The P. of I. had a convention in Dexter Saturday August 26, and rumor has it that they will keep clear of politics. John Doody met with a somewhat ludicrous accident last Sunday. He was driving home from church with a tbreeyear-old colt, which suddenly took fright at the cars and dashed off a bridge into the river. The carriage sank in the water so deeply that only its top could beseen. There Doody and the friend who was with him took refuge until assistance carne. Ypsllantl. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rogers are on a lake trip. Miss Jessie Robbins is visiting at Whitehall, Mich. Mr?. T. C. Owen and daughter returned from their eastern trip last week. Mr. Garry Densrnoreand family have been camping at Portage Lake. Miss Anna Judd has gone to Chicago to visit her brother through August. The Germán Lutherans will hold a picnic at Arbeiter Grove on August 7. Russell Spencer, of Charlotte, was with his parents in this city over Sunday. Don C. Batcheldor is home from Buffalo, where he has been visiting for a month. Daniel Post and family are again keeping house at their beautifui Forestáve home. Dan. Quirk, Jr., is going through a course of special training at the First National Bank. Jerome Walton and daughter, Miss Genevieve, have gone out to one 'of their farms near Niles, to stay two montliB. Rev. H. M. Morey, pastor of the Presbyterian cburch, will leave for Wequetqnsing next week, where he will sojourn through August. Amusement lovers will be pleased to see Robert Downing at the Opera House during fair time. He will appear again in Spartacus. Miss Eva Kishlar has made arrangements for a substitute in her place at the union school during September, and she will Btay north to escape the hay fever. ' The whole city, seemingly, joined the Methodist and Baptist brethren on their annual excursión to Detroit and Belle Isle, yesterday. No excursions "pan out" as well as those given together by two religious factions amply supported by the pocketbooks of the and akogether worldly people. Salino. John Cobble has an increase of pension. Ütto Jarrandt has bought a new íireproof safe. Howard Rouse is at Cleary's business college in Ypsilanti. Rev. D. Q. Barry and family are taking a trip around the lakes. Miss Grace Gauntlett, of Detroit, is visiting relatives in this city. The family of Station Agent Bennett have been visiting at Clayton. L. Brown and son have been spending a few days at Grand Rapids. Rev. Miss Ida Hulton has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Adna ShiW. D. F. Reeves shipped a car load of red oak limber to Grand Rapids recently. S. G. Hartwell has been in Potterville, on a visit to his father, who is very feeble. Mrs. J. A. Bortle and three daughters have been visiting at Detroit and Port Hurón. Mrs. A. G. Lawrence and son Don have been spending a few days at Detroit. Mrs. Luther C. Wood, who was buried at Ann Arbor recently, was au old resident of Saline. Mrs. A. A.Tuttle, of York, and Miss Flora ïraver, of Albion, have been visiting J. H. Barr. Will Cody and Geo. Cook are enjoying themselvea at Bay View and sorae other suumier resorte. Miss Luella Phillips, of Lake Ridge who has been the guest of Miss Minóla Cook, has returned home. Mrs. P. F. Schneider, accompaniec by Ler daughter.-Mrs. L. E. Nicholson bas returned to Galion, Ohio. Koinain (lover, a few days ago, hac a demolished buggy on his hands. His borae bad taken l'right at a barrel anc daahëd dov, a C'liicago-st, witii the afore saiil result. Kev. Caldweil, according to the Ob server, in the possessor of several iiiter (■Miing relict, including a copy of th Vicksburg Daily ('iüzeh, .luly 2, 1868; copy of the Boston Intelligence, of Jul; 25, 1818 ; a copy of the Youth's Com panion, of December, 183!), and th manuscript of a sermón preached on I July 5, 1764. Itfllan. M. Edwards is on thesick list. Jefferson C. Rouse spent Saturay in Dexter. C. M. Fuller is sojourning in Detroit or a few days. Rev. Jay Huntington is rusticating br a day or so. Rev. Mr. Thompson left ior Jonesville Thursday. Miss Ada Vanwurmer is spending the unimer at Petcskey. A party of Ypsilanti young people drove to Milan Sonday. Corn, potatoes and cucurabers are ufferini; for lack of rain. Several of the farmers ;;re drawing in ogs for the last few days. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Reynolda are enertaining guests this week. Several members of the Milan G. A. i. will visit Boston this f all. Mr. Smith's people entertained friends from away last week. A runaway took place Monday on County-st. No one was liurt. Mrs. J. C. Rouse returned from her Saline visit, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wisdom are entertaining guests from Detroit this week. Editor Smith and wife returned Saturday from their trip to the "Soo" Mísb Eva MainH, of Ann Arbor, is the guest of Miss Allie Harper this week. Miss Maud Tylor, of Saginaw, is visiting relatives hore for a few weeks. Miss G-EC3 Wilstiii gave an interesting tea to a telejt few, Friday alteinoon. Editor J. Carr, of the Dundee Reporter, vioited Milan the last of the week. Mrs. H. M. Burt has opened her house lor a private boardintr houe this week. Miss May Robinson, of Detroit, is spending the bumtueriu Milan visiting relatives. Miss Grace lluntington and Miss Tucker are visiting friends in Detroit, this week. The weather signal floats from the top of Chas. Thompson's clothing store on Main-st. The Free Methodists held their quarterly meeting from Friday until Sunday evening. Tomniie Luxton, who was run over by a roller last week, is out of danger, and doing nicely. Miss Hattie Wooleott, of Ypeilanti, and a friend are visiting Mrs. M. Woolcott for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Whitmarsh returned Friday from their Znkey Lake visit. Lhey report a fine lime. Mrs. Belle Taylor, of Saginaw, is pending her summer vacation with her mother, Mrs. Taylor, of County-st. Chelsca. ,T. E. Durand has removed to Jackson. Rev. J. E. Reilly haa arrived in town. Aaron Durand is visiting in Battle eek. Sam Straith, of Clfelsea, will soon remove to Windsor. TheMisses Keusch have returned from a visit at Grass Lake. MissMillie Boardman is spending a ew weeks at Port Huron. Fred Freer, of Detroit, has been pending his vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Williams are visiting at Williamston, Mich. Mrs. L. C. Stewarr, of Ann Arbor, has een visiting Mrs. J. Schumacher. Miss Alice McConnell, of Alpena, has een visiting Miss Allie Mclntosh. Mrs. Godfrey Kempf has been attendng camp meeting at Eaton Rapids. Mrs. George B. Austin, of Maine, has een visiting Mr. and Mrs. Allison. Harry Nichols, of Quincy, has been spending a few days in this village. Miss Mae Wood has been visiting friends in Pinckney and Stockbridge. Judge Lawrence, of Tacoma, has been visiiing Mr. Codd, at Cavanaugh Lake. Mis. A. W. Ames antt daughter, of Ann Arbor, spent Sunday in Chelsea. Miss Lulu Speer is spending her catión with MissLinna Miles.of Bridgewater. Miss Kittie Livermore, of Unadilla, has been the guest of Miss Nettie Wilkineon. D. C. Moe, ,of Parma, has recenlly Bpent a few Java with Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, of Sioux City, Iowa, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Blaich. Henry Speer and daughter Ida have been taking in the encainpment at Goguac Lake. Mrs. Sophia Hutzel and Mrs. E. K. Fruhauf, of Ann Arbor, visited friends here over Sunday. The Misses Ada and Nettie Skinner, of Detroit, have been visiting their aunt, Mis. W. F. Hatch. Mrs. Mark Ormsby, of Pontiac, who has been visiting friends here for some time, has returned to her home. The Standard says that the ordinance with regard to muzzling dogs is not rigidly enforced. This matter should be looked after. A sorry looking "prairie schooner," with a sorrier looking crowd of gers, passed through this place Wedne:aay. - Standard. Alva Freer, according to the Standard, has a blackberry bush that is nearly eleven feet high and completely covered with berries. II. S. Holmes and Collin Babcock, who recntly purchased theGilbert cottage at Cavanaugh Lake, have raised it u.) and made other improvements. The boys who are roaming around our streels arnied with air riñes should exercise a little care. Recently George Clark, the milkinan, while making his usual rounds, was struck in the eye by a bullet from one of these guns, handled by a careless boy. The councii should pass an ordinance in reference to the use of these guns. - Standard. The Michigan Central Railroad Co. wi'l U 11 excursión tickets to Chicago and return Erom August 2 to G inclusive, good to return ui.ul August 11, on account o' encampmeiit of Odd Fellows. Fare lor rouud trip, $8.05, includiug adrnission to grounds. On August (i, tickets will be eold at $f) 00, good only on special tiain of that date.


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