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When Baby w:is ■ : rit, we ave her Castoria. V)u;n she ma a i'iiiM. she cried for Castoria When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Chlldren, slie gave them Caswri. 1 oiiml in the Newspapers. From the Cresco, Iowa, "Plaindealer." "We have never, as our readers for nearly thirty year8 in this county can tesüiy, written a "puff" of any patent medicine. Duty as well aa inelination impel us to depart from this studied silence, to say to our readers and the public that, having been completely pr.istrated with a violent and dietressing oold, after three days fighting it with ordinary remedies and getting no relief from their use, we obtained a bDttle of Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Cough Cure, obtaininp; alinost instant relief and a steady improveinent under its use." Large bóteles only $1.00. Ask for Clarke's Flx Soap. '-Best on Earth." 25 cents. Boib the above for sale by Bberbach & Son. According to recent reporta, Miss Robertson, of Aurora, Hls., was the Champion census enumerator. Sbe had made an average of 202 ñames a day, I netting $8 per diem. Ho It Was! mLX At the battle of Gettysburg 1 was sh t through tlie left leg and was sent to the hospital. The aricy surgeons relieved me but pronounced my case incurable. It discharered pieces oL bone, and for years I have suffered with a running sore. I tried everything which my limited means would allow, and exparienced no relief until I tried Sulphur Bitters. I am now almost well and shall continue their use - Old Soldier. Mrs. Harrison likes " Little Annie Rooney." By her request the marine band plays t as often as possible at the White House indjor and outdoor concerts. lus! as ttood," Say some dealers who try to sell a substitute preparation when a cuátomer calis for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Dj not allow any false statements as this induce you to buy what you do not want. Rsmember that the only reason for making it is that a few cents more proSt will ba made on the substitute. Insist upon having the best medicine- Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is Peculiar to Itself. Carmencita was ongioally engaged for the United States by the Kiralfys at a salary of $150 a week. She is now said to receive $1,000 a week. To Nervous Debilitated Hen. If you will send us your address, we well mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye'g Celebrated Voltaic Balt and Appliances, and their charming effects upon the nerrous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor, and manhood. Pamphlet Iree If you are this afflicted, we will send you a Belt and Appliances on a trial. Voltaio Belt Co., Marshall Mich. Fir3t Pdliticiaa - "If you believe there is so much bribery at the elections, why don't you mantion a few instances?" Second Politiuun - "A hem! Perhapa it is better for both sides if we confine ourselves to genenal statements." An Eminent Doctor's Prescriptlou. Dr. C. P. Henry, Cnicago, TIL, who has practicad medicine mmy years says: L st SpriDg he used aad prescribed Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Skia Cure in 40 or 50 cases, and never knew a case where it failed to cure. "I know of no remedy 1 can rely on so implicitly." Positive cure for all diseses of the Skin. Applied externally. Clarke'a Flax Soap is best tor Babies. Skin Cure $1.00. Soap 25 cents. At Eberbach & Sjn's drug store. "I am not as generoua as I was once.' "Why so?" "I gave a fellow a pieca of my mind yesterday, and carne home on a shutter." Hls Itfnorance t'ost He 9130.00! I was sick abed for three montha. The doctor said I had Prolapsus Uteri, which wa8 untrue. He didn't try to cure me but wanted to make $1.50 every day. My uncle is a druggist, and he told me to turn the doctor off and try Sulphur Bitters. I did so and five dollars' worth of Sulphur bitters cured me of general weakness' and debility. - Mrs. S , New Haven. Two young mdu were courting her, and when she said she had ratner be Merker than Moses, the latter left. Brndlield'B Female Kegulator Should be used by the young woman, she wao sufiers from any disorder peculiar to her sex, and at changa of lite is a powerful tonic ; benefits all who use it. Write the Bradfield Reg. Co., Atlanta, Gra., for particulare. Sjld by C. E. Eberbach. "What makes the wind have such a porky soaell?" asked one sailor of another. 'I guess it's because it comes from the eow-west," was the return. Atlvlce To Jlottn-rs. Mr8. Winslow's Soothing Sy rup should always be used for nhildren teething. It soothes the child, softens the gum, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. IVenty-five cents bottle.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register