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A. M. D )ty 8 on the sick list. Q-eo. Wahr has gane to Chicago. J. L. Duffy has gone to Chicago. Ambrose Pack is camping at North Lake. iíis Bella Hurlburt is visitÍDg friends in Ha=tinga. Mrs. E. L. Munyon has gone to Detroit on busi-iess. Dr. W Dielz, of Easton, Pa., a visitin F. Sicffl.H. Will G winner is spending his vacation at Zukey Lake. Mrs. Ben Baiker left Wednesday evening for Chicago. Albert Mann is speuding a few days at W'iitmore Lake. Jas. Stafford ia in Bluffton, Ind., t n a visii to his brother. J. F. Lawrence is spending his vscation at Strawberry Lake. T. S. Mnn and Will Perking spent Suuday in Manchester. Miss Hattie Warner has gone to Toledo for a vieit with friends. S. W. Merry and family will remove soon to Washington, D. C. Mr. and ürs. John M. Feiner are spenc'ing a few days in Chicago. Hon. F. A. Maynard returned to Grand Rápida on Sunday evening. Miss May Rodgers leaves to day f jr a visit at Elsie, Gratiot county. Mr. and Mra. John Burg have been spending a few days in Detroit. A. F. Covert has returned from a shc rt visit with his brother in Detrjit. Jo. Stimson has gone for a four weeks' visit at Jaokson and Battle Creek. Mrs. A. R. Garbutt, of S Louis, Mich., is visi'ing Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bach. Drs. Nancrede and Dirliag left on Mon day for a business trip to Petoskey. W. W. Wadham left Saturday to pend a couple of weeks at fortage Lake. Dr. W. W. Nichols and wife spent Sunday and Monday at Put-in-Bty. Mr. and Mrs. H. Randall will leave on Sa'urday for a trip to Boaion, Mass. Mrs. John Moore and daughter Lulu hav ■ returned home from Pjrt Hurbn. Mrs. C iroline Gott and daughter, Mist Clara, have gone to Chicago for a week. Philip Bich and family will leave tomorrow for a short stay at Old Mission. Mrs. Prof. Wilcox-ion is spending a few W'.eks with her mother on Waahtenawave. C. Eberbich, wi(e and nephew, have returned from a visit at St. Catherine's Lawrence Dann and A. J. Diebl left for Cuieago Monday morning for a week's visit. Ed. Eberbach and family went to Zjkey Lake Monday morning, to be gone a week. Dr. R C. Fair, medie, '90, of Port Hurón, has been in the city visiting Dr. Rogers. Mrs. A. D. Seyler aad daughter Bsna have returned from a five weeks' visit at Toronto. Mrs. O. J. Parker and daughter, o Howell, have been visiting Mr. and Mis. J. R. Baoh. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney C. Eastman, oí Chicago, are spending a few dys with Mrs. Israel Hall. J. T. Jacobs and son Charles left on Monday morning for a short sojourn on the St Clair flats. Miss Emma McMorran, accompanied by her mother, has been enjoying a trip down the Si. Lawrence. Mmses Bertha and Cirrie Christman have gone to Cjici g J for a short visit with their brother. A. R-intsehler, who attended the recent funeral of tiis father, returned to Detroit on Monday morning. Miss Emma Bower, of the Ddtnocrat, left Siturday morniog for a short visit with her sister at Mackinaw. Dr. E. L. Drake, of Marquette, ia visiting Mrs. A. E. Gregg. He has purchasad all his catpets in this city. Ned H. Hunt and daughter Helen, of Grand Rápida, are visiting Mr. Hunt's wolher, Mrs. Sirah H. Hunt. Dr. W. W. Nichols will take his vacation on hia fruit larm, lastiug two or thres weeks, atter August 25. Jas. Cillaghan, of Chicago, who has been visiting his parents in this city, relurned home on Sanday night. C. B. Woodward, formerly of this city, now cbief clerk of the Hotel Normanüia in Dötroi', spent Sunday in this city. Mrs. John H. Maynard acd daughter, Mrs. Allen R-ed, of' Chicago, left onThursday evening for Saratoga and the Adiron dscks. Mrs. F. L. M illory, of Brooklyn, N. Y., who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Hobson, for some time, returaed home on Monday last. Mr. and Mre. H. H. Curtis and daughter Grace have returned to Lansing, accompanied by L. A. Wetzel, who wil! remain a couple of wet ka. Mis. Leonard Bassett and her sister, Mrs. Earl Eggleston, of Brooklyn, Micb., have goue to Syracuse, N. Y., where they will spend tour or live weeks. Mrs. Ella Hamilton nd Bert Mallory, of Illyria, Ohio, are the guests of Mrs. J. H. Sweet. Mrs. Sweet will return with them and spend the sumtner at their home. Rev. R'cbard Cordley, D. D, wife and two grandcluliiren, ol Lawrence, Kas, re spendig a portion of the summer wi;h R v. Mr. Bradshaw, on Thompson st. Ex Gov Felch, accompanied by his daughter Mrs. E. H. Cjle, and grand daughter Lulu Cjle, has returned from a month's goj un at Ishpemicg and Marquette. Prof. J E R-ighard and A. C. Eycleshymer weiit to Portaga L ke, Saturday morning, with the intentioc of camp ing out for come time. Tbe mocquitoes were too muoh for them, ho wever, and th y returued the next eveniug. The following members of the Wel.'h Post G. A. R will take the trip to BostonMaj. W. (J. S.evens, Dr. W. F. Breakey and wife, J. Q. A. Sessions and wife, Dr. 8. A. Jones and Col. H. S. Dean. 8. Bli z was in Detroit on Tuesdny. Prof. Demmon haa been in Ionia on business. O. E. Hiseock left yesterday lor ChiCgï. Mis Gracie J.funelie has re u-ned h. me from Monr.e. Mr. anrl Mrs. Wm. Wigtier are at WequetonMnt;. Thomas Monah, cf Chicago, is si - ing Geo. Clarken. Frank Case spent Stinday wiih bis pj. rents at Brighlon. M. M. Greei and f-mily f r Duluth next we-k. Mrs. Wiliiam VVbedon will Satnrday for a trip u Botton. Miss Grace R ■my, of De roit, is visit ing Miss Graoe Jentielle. Mrs. W. W. Beman will Uave on Si. - urday for a V'p to B ston. Miss Sira Whedou i visiting her tister, Mrs. Phillips, in Milwhukee. Miss Nt-llie Monnhan, of De:roit, is visiting Miss Mary Clurken. Miss Ella Meute left on Mouday for a v.:ait with friecdi in Detroit Rev. Mr. Millarrl, lit '71, now of St. Cl iir, is in town for a few days. Miss Briht, of Bjston, bas been visiting Miss Damon for a lew day. Miss Allee Damon leaves to-moirjw for her home in Cnmbridge, Mass. Wiliiam Mclnt'. re isited his daughter at the Mjnrot c civent, on Tuesday. Clarence Clnrk, of Ka'amazoo, is visit ing his grandtaiher, Mr. I. C. Handy. Miss Amanda Ryer will leave to-day for a trip to Bjff. lu and Niágara Falls. A. W. Bier, of Detroit, visited friunds in thiscity, ihe firs'. of the week. Fred Neuhoff, o. e of the clerks with Wagner & Co., is spending the week in Djtroit. Misses Hattie and Je nie MoNickels, of Turner, Hls., are visitiug M ss Maggie Djnevan. Mrs. Wines, Mm Hadlv, Miss Wines and Master Kddie H.-.dley leave Saturday for L jng Island. Oscar Schmid lelt lnst evening fcr Joljet, 111., where he will take a position in an irou manufactoiy. Charles Worden, of the Worden Fur.ii ture Co., Grand Ripíds, and son George were in town yesteriiay. Dr. W. 3. Herdman and family, accona pamed by Miss Mary Lingley, are spe'i. - ing a few daya at Pe:oktjy. Prof. E. L. Briggs and wife, of Grand Haven, are visiung Mrs. Briggs' paren's Mr. and Mrs. A. EL H lmes. L. H. Cl'-ment is looking af'er the iüterests of tbe Allaie:]dinger Piano and Organ Co., at Chicngo and Milwukee. Miss Tessie SatterT' and Miss Minuj Drake have goce to I-hpeming to .-i Miss Siatierys sister, Mrd. M. C. Sheehan. Miss Carjl Britton, who hus beeu speading several weeks with Mrs. Ber tena Bliss, returned yesterday to her hou e in Detroit. Alfred Huss, of M mroe, and sister Miss Paulina Hus?, of Sigiuaw, both former residents oí (his citv, are speuding the week at Whhcuore L k-. Gottlob Sühleichrr, nt Sindusky, Obio. a brother in law of the late Mr-. Duin a Sihleicher and mi . ld settler of Ann A.-bjr, is sp. inliüg a fe dys in the nly. Mrs. M. K G uld and daughter Lulu, of Graad Ripios, ire vsiting friends in Ypsilanti and here. Mr. Gould, fbrmerly in the employ of the Eleotric Light Co. in this place, is buperiuUiudent of a plant at North Park. Mrs. M. M. Tuttle has returned from a visit with her son, V. E. Tuttle, at Toledo. Mr. Tuttle started oiu as a dentist in that city only a short ti iie ago and ig already well established. Mr. D vid Decker, of Abnapee, Wis., law '88, is speodin tiis summer vacition in this city. Mr. D-cker i prosecutim; tittorney at his home, and also has a fl .urishing law praciee. Misse8 Mollie, Ma hel and Lulu Cois n and their ulier, Mrs. Wheelock leave to-morrow tui Slem, where Ihej will spend a oonpie of weeks. Fr. m Salem the Miï-ses Ooroon will go to their home at Petoskay t r a short s journ. A camping pertj consisting of Messrs. B. F. Sohumai:her, J E. Harkins, Ross Granger. B u. Atki'.son, Charles Andrews, W. J. Whiie. of C'.cago, W. (i. BuichfielJ, Misses,Ma:.e P wers, Eva Herb-cf, Jennie Foster, nd several Dxter you g ladies, wil leave nex' Mouday morning íor a week's sij uin a. Base Lake.


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