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RINSBY & SEABQL! 3STO3. e .A-ESTD 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Michigran. Jave aWays on hand a complete Stock of ever thinglntti. BROCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugar; UI prime Anieles bougfct for Caii aud can te I atlow figures. Our frequent arge lnyolces c Toas is a sure stgn that we give bargalns in QUALITY AND PI.-OB. We roast our own coffees evety week, aiwaii ftesh and good. Our bakery turas oul the ver beet of Bread, Cakes and crackers. :ali ai eens. Rubber Shoes nnlesa wom uncomiortably tlgbt, generally slip off the feet THE 'COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO. make all thelr shoes with Ixuride of heel Ifnel wlth rubber. Thls clines to the shoe and prevents Uie rubber from slipping oH. Cali for the M Colehester n "ADHESiVE COUNTERS." FOR SALE.BY Win. Vllaby, John P.vr:. Doty Felner, LflfUtr, W. R inlinrdt t Co., A. l. s lr .V Son. , ARBOR. THE FIGURE "9." Tho figure 9 in our dates will ranke a long otajl No man or woraan now living will ever date e document without using the figure 9. It stande in the third place in 1890, where it will reraain ter years and then move up to secoud place in 1900 where it will rest for onc bundred years. There is another "9" which husalsocometostay It is unlike the figure 9 in our dutes in the respect that it has already moved up to first place, wheri it will pennatiently ramsln. Tt is called the "No 9" High Arm Wheelei tV WUbod Sewing Machine The "No. 9" ma endoned for first place by tht experts of Europo at the l'nris Ezpodtlon of 1889 where, after a severe contest with the leading ma chines of the world, it waa awirdMÍ the onl; Grand Prize given to family sewing machines, ui others on exhibit having received lower awurdi of gold medals, etc. The French Government also recognized itssuperiorityby thedecorationoi Mr. Nathaniul Wbeeler, President of the company, with the Cross of the Legión of Honor. The "No. 9" Is not an old machine improved upon, but is an entiri'ly new machine, and the Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it as the grandest advance in sewing machine mcchimism of the age. Those wlio buy it cnn rest awund, there. f ore, of having the very latest and best. WHEELER & WILSON 5TFG CO., 185 and 187 Wabash Ave., Chicago Soid by J. F. SCHUH, Ann Arbor. P4ÏTTTftW nonalas Shoei are VAU liUll wnrranted, and every pair has hit name and prlee Mamped on bottoau W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Culf and Laced Waterproof Grain. The excellence and wearlne qualltlesof thls shoe cannot be better shown than oy the strong endoraements of lts thousauds of constant wearers. ÍC-.00 Genuine Iland-tM-weil, an elegant and O styllsh dresa Shoe whlch commends itaelf. Syl.OO flaud-newed Welt. A fine calf Shoe ■r unequalled for style and durablllty. S0.50 Goodyear Welt la the standard dress O Shoe, at a popular priee. $0.50 Policonian'H Shoe iscuppclally adaptcd %9 for rallroad men, farmers, etc. All made In Congress, Button and Lace. $3&$2SHOESLAFD.ës, have been most favorably recelved slnce IntndvoM and the recent improvrim'nts make them superior to any shoes sold at these prlces. Ask your Dealer, aud if lie cannot supply you send direct to factorv eucloslug advertlsed prfce, or a postal for order blanka. W. ï.. DOUGLAS, Brocktoo, Nai, Examine I ■ Inffl. ll "O -.i,,, lor ((-tlin cu nuil I.nItoM. WM. REiraARDr& CO., 2 S. 8IA1M STREBT. nn Amor. jirfTTQ TJi TJT1TJ Tnay TM round on nie at unw Xüla ifAriUiü E öowelltr ..■Nuwspaui Advertislng Itiirpau : luSpruoe S'.j, whait advertí! -ia OUtncU pui l uuulii (ar k ' W E W VOUk, 11 MANorWOMAU Shoul carry some Life Insurance and AH OPTION POL.ICT, as now issued by the National Life Ins. Co., '.OF VERMOMT, Providts for any emergency that can arise. can be paid for in flve, ten, or twenty yeare and contains the followlng guarantee: FIRST- A patd up policy after three yeare which amount is writien on the face of the poney. SF('O D- It guáranteos you an Annüal Cash ai.ue, or if the insured needs, or desires to rai monejr, the Company will loan on this policy, and still keep the policy in force. This is a great adyantage to a person who may iieed nioney In busmees or to protect credit. THIRD- It guarantees extended insurance for the full amount of insurance, lor so lung time as the cash value will pay for it. This is a valuable option to manv who may Ihrough physical, or flnancial misionune deeire their policy carried. In fact this Policv ffotect? feafet ivef?it In Business, and also makes an absolute provi. ion in case of death, for wife, children or creditore. Remember this Policy is ONLY written by the Nulonkl Life Insuiance Company of Montpeller, n C. 1 . 1:1 v I . sM. h.l Agent, 1 llmiiilloa Black, ANN ARBOR, MICH HËNRmTANLËY $ÊÊÈh "IN DARKEST ÁFRICA The complete tory of Stanley's recent thrilling advc Mures and the disclosure of bis important diacoveriea will appear for the first time in the work wrilten by hinustf, entitled "In Darkest África." Do not be deceived by any of the eo-called " Stanley books " now being oflercd as "gennine " and " an. thenüc." To no one of these baa Stanley contribnted a line. ipCUTP -We aro now ready to appoint canHULlllöt vaseers. Appllcants flimild state Experience, if any, and flrst, second and third choice at territory. Eemember that Stanlty't own book, the only one in wbich he has a personal interest, will Qear on the title page the Imprint of CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. For Agency. address N. G. HAMILTON & CO., CLEVELAND. OHItt " Maneéis Specific," CURES Nervou Debilily, Exhn nwlion, I'rpiimlurr De n y. Parcial or Total Impoteiicy, uud All WEAKnesa arising from over-taxation of miad or body. MEN Suffering frora tlio Diseases anti weakness that have oriffln in youthful imprudencft ran rely on a Bpeedy and permanent restoratton to hcalth andnappiness. Price, 92.00 by mail sccurely sealeil. THE SPECTFW ia prepared from the prescription of an oíd and eiperlenred pnvsician, and may be relied on aa a remedy nnequaled In effleaey, and we there fnr wpomrnend it to the notice of the Medical ProeêtUm Generally. Office and Laboratory ManceVs Speciflc, 13 L. 30th 8c. New York Cttjfc mi WÊÈ MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Tour Trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAIMD 8t. Ienaoe. Cheboygan, Alpena, Harriaville. Oseoda, Sand Beach, Port Huron, 8t. Clan, Oakland House, Marine City. Ever y Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Speeial Sunday Trips Zuring July nd Angvt. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Bates and Exeursion Tiekets wïU befurnisfaed by your Tioket Agent, oraddresl C. D. WHITCOMB, Gen'l Pms. Agent, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co DETROIT .ICH. förYeYönly! iWiüTFÏWlFo!1 "OST or FAILUtO XANHOOD; (■ JlUlMWH'Sencral and NEKV0Ü8 DEBIXITY; (ÍTÍTÍli'lWetkneBsof Body nd Kind, Effeot MliHlPCIII,,-: Erroraox Eicesse in Old or Young, KoKuul, .S.ii.lf H iMtt'imftillr HMor.-.l. Hsf In rnlirn til 0lmrttlinWIIAk,r.MliíKLÍPtOOi;iiASlÁKISOrlWDT. .H).olaH!lT mrllln; HUJ1B TKRATJUiXT-Benillt In l7. Men teitlfy rrom 50 Stmtei Knd Krtgn ('onntrlrit. WriU thm. ÜpirrlptlTe Ronk, vplunullan and proif tticllrd (lied) fre Adilrtu CRIE MEDICAL CO.. B'JFFALO. N. V.


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