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The hum of the threshing machine is again heard in the land. Mrs. Dancingburg, of Jackson, and daughter Eva are vibiting in this vicinity. The drouth has ruined some of the farmers' early crops of beans, and they are plowing them up. Ypsilantl. Mrs. D. C. Batchelder has returned from her eastern visit. John Goodspeed has returned from a trip down the St. Lawrence. Mrs. Bert W. Amsden, of Manchester, is visiting friends in our city. Miss Libbie Foy, of East Saginaw, is visitinj; her sister, Mrs. Minnis. Mrs. L. J. Stiles, of W bitmore Lake, spent Saturday at C. M. Fellows'. Five business college students wheeled over to Ann Arbor, Saturday, for a little fun. Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Cheney have been away on a little pleasure trip up north. Mr. and Mrs. Moni Hendershott, of Tecumseh, were visitors at our city over Sunday. Miss Anna Poucher, of Manchester, was the guest of Miss Ëmma Dickerson over Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Fred Andrews wil] leave for Detroit, the last of the week, to remain about ten days. Miss Hattie and Fannie Kief have been spending a week or more with friends in Manchester and vicinity. C. L. Yost has purchased a house and lot. on HuroQ-st, of Mr. Whittlesy, a tailor of Detroit, who formerly resided here. Messrs. Densmore and Feil, the new clothiers, are in the east purchasing goods for their store, which will open about September 1. Richard Putnam, son of Prof. E. W. Putnam, will not attend the University thisyear, having acceptedaposition at Sioux Falls University, Dakota. Salem. Mrs. Lewett Auslinis visiting friends at Orchard Lake. Dr. Frederick is confined to his home on account of illness. Three or four of Mr. Angel's children are down with diphtheria. Mrs. Geo. S. Wheeler is convalescing from a severe attack of fever. Mrs. Morgan, wife of Prof. Morgan, of the Deerfield high school, is visitine friends in the village. Fred Foreman has finished his contract of painting the residence of Dr. Tweedale, which now presents a greatly improved appearance. Mrs. W. H. Shannon, with her two little daughters, is spending a few weeks at the home of her párente, on tha banks of the broad St. Lawrence, near Kingston, Ontario. Mr. Rice and wife, who have been visiting Mr. Lake, on the Base Line, have left to spend a few weeks with friends in Oakland county, prior to returning to the northern península. The ladies of the Congregational church are tnaking preparations for a grand bazaar to be held in the near future. It is sure to be a success, as they never do any thing by halvee. ihe wife and son oi G. W. Thayer, Rochester, New York, cousin of H. ïhayer, is visiting the family of that gentleman. G. W. Thayer's brother is United States minister to the Netherlands. Rev. W. H. Shannon delivered a stirringaddressat Walled Lake last Sunday evening.under the auspices of the Young People's Loyal Legión. The Present Aspect of the Liquor Question was his subject Women's Missionary Society Anniversary Service will be held in the Congregational church, next Sunday. The pastor preaches in the morning and a missionary concert will be held in the evening. Robt. Waterman, of Arkansas, son of R. Waterman, Northyille, was renewing acquaintances in the village, last week. He traveled the entire distance from his Arkansas home, with horse and sulky, being three weeks on the road. Hilan. Miss Gracia McGregor is quite ill. Mrs. L. Coe, of Detroit, spentSaturday in Milan. Farmers continue to market their wheat at 84 cents a bushel. Mrs. Lew. Harris, of Ohio, is visiting Milan friends for a few days. Several of the Milan ladies indulged in a bask et picnic on Friday last. Mrs. Chamberlin and daughter were away on a visiting tour last week. Miss Durfee and Miss Durand returned to Toledo, Saturday morning. A large numberof Milan peoplehave gono to Boston on the G. A. R. excursión. Mr. and Mrs. F. Leonard and son visited friends at Williamston last week. Miss Edna Taylor entertained a large nuinber of young people at tea, Saturday evening. Mrs. Thompkius and children, of Cass City, visited Milan friends the last of the week. Miss Hattie Woolcott gave a select tea for her friend, Miss Rogers, of Ypsilanti, last week. The lawn fete, under the auspices of the Y. P. S. C. E., was well attended Saturday evening. Dr. and Mrs. S. Chapín are entertaining Mrs. Chapin's sister, Mrs. Pierce, of Weston, this week. Mrs. Simmons, a former resident of Milan, but now of Indiana, is visiting Mr. and Mra. Crandal. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clark and son returned from the western part of the state, Friday afternoon. Miss Minnie Emerson, of Detroit, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Smith, for a short time. Mrs. F. Blinn, Miss Lena and Master Lester Blinn returned on Saturday from a long sojourn at Cheboygan. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and children, of Ypsilanti, were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Chapin over Sunday. W. W. Watts, of Ann Arbor, spent Sunday at Win, Whitmarsh's, returning home Monday afternoon. The Misses Blitz returned to Ann Arbor Monday a. m., after a week's sojourn with Miss Imo Whitmarsh. Pitlslleld. _ Stephen Mills is still under the physician's care and unable to sit up. Two young ladies from Monroe were the gueats of Mrs. Adam Braun, last week. Miss Mary Hill, of Ann Arbor, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. O. L. Warner. Miss Mary Forsythe, of Pittsfield, will begin her school in the Mills' district, September 1. Webster. Master Ray and Miss Lena Fall are rusticating in town. E. S. Cushman and family are camping out at Whitmore. Rev. Lincoln and family are enjoyinjj camp life at Portage Lake. Mrs. Deyoe and niece, Eva Gilbert, of St. Clair, spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Ella Latson, of Omaha, Nebraska, arrived in time to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Robert McColl, last week. She returns this week. Last Thur?day morning, occurred the sad death of Una Scadin, somewhat past three years of age. The funeral was held at the house Friday, at 3 p. m. This is the second time the parents were called to mourn over the death of a much beloved child. Saline. Miss Alice Sturm is visiting in Clinton. Rev. D. Q. Barry has rturned from nis vacation. Clyde Bortle, of Toledo, is visiting hia párente in town. Miss Clara VVeaver, of Berlin, Ont., is visiting H. A. Liesemer. About fifteen mechanics from Saline are working in Ann Arbor. W. H. Danforth and family are spendiag a few weeks at Bay View. Eden Ruckman and wife are spending a few days at Elsie, Mich. Mrs. Chas. Fosdick, who has been ill for five months, is improving. Mills & Parsons sold a carload of sheep to Adrián parties this week. Geo. Chandler has returned from a visit at his grandmother's in Clinton. Mrp. Daniel Crane and children, of Saginaw City, are visiting 3. D. Munroe. Mr. Hubbard and Miss Jennie Munroe spent Sunday at 1. B. Munroe's. Miss Luella Wilcox, of Elkhart, Ind., is spending a couple of weeks at Mr. Fitzgerald's. Mrs. Dr. A. Wheelock, of Goodrich, Genesee Co., is visiting her mother, Mrs. S. Fosdick. Wm. Derendinger started Wednesday with a carload of sheep for San Antonio, Texas. The York milis are again in running order, G. B. Mason having remodeled the milis to a considerable extent. Wm. Derendinger sold to parties west his two carloads of sheep that he intended to ship to San Antonio, Texas. Miss Nettie Sanford was taken with cholera morbus Thursday night, and for a time it was thought she could not live, but she is better now. Geo. Wood and Newton Phelps started Mouday morning with two carloads of sheep for San Antonio Texas. Miss Vadah Shaw entertained about twenty of her friends Friday evening, the prominent feature being the unra veling of cobwebs woven throughout the house. Mrs. Slayton (mother of Mrs. C. H. Cowen) and daughter, who have been spending the summer with Mrs. C, returned to their home at Fairfax Court House, Va., on Monday last.


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