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Keep Cool! luIbíekr V'ILL FURNISH ICE FROM APRIL lst AT THE FOLLOWING RATES; Per month. 25 lbs.daily, except Sandays $4 00 25 " 4 times per week 3 60 95 " 3 " " " 3 00 25 " 2 " ". " 2 00 Hotels, Restaurants, etc, 500 lb. lots, 40 cems per hundred. It will be to your advantage to contract at once, as prices will undoubtedly advance June lst. CUCUMBBR FÍCELES! DON'T WAIT This fall uutil pickles have frozen to order your pickles. I will guaran' tee pickles put up properly novv to keep as well as those put up in September. Pickles furnished any size and in any quantity. H. C. CLAEK, I,ock Box 95, 1JÍX A IC HOK. Teleptione 107, three rings. WHEN IN SALINE, Trade With Mart King, The Cash Wrocer and Oocfcery Oettler. No. 3 UNION BLOCK. Michigan. Uoughton Michigan Mining School A Stille fechool of .-urvtying, Mlning. ElecIrical and Mchanical Engineering, Phyúcs. Chemisiry, Assayiug. Ore Dressing. Mineraloey, Petrography, Geology. Drafting, Machine resign' etc. Tuition free. For catalogues and information addre8a M. E. Wadsworth, A. II.. Ph D.. Director. GO WEST! VIA THE TO ALL POINTS IN Kansas, Texas, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon and California. An Agent of the Company will be at the OOOK HOUSE, MONDAY, FRIDAYand SATURDAY of each week until the close of the term, to give information and furnish tickets to students returning home for the vacation. GEO. E. GILMAN, Mich. Pass. Agt, ;8 Griswold St. Detroit. Mich. Cheap Lands 2Lthe West. Along the lines of the BURLINGTON KOUTE in Nebraeka, Colorado. Wyoming aud northwestera Kansas, particularly on its new extensión ia that territory, there is still some Government Land awaiting seitlemcnt. as well as other cheap lands held by individuáis. These lands are among the best to behici anywherein thecountry for agricultural and grazing purposes. In Ihe comparatively new distriets are many improved larras which can be purchascd at a very low rate of tht class of restlesa [lioneersettlers who are ready at all times to move ' further we-t." In the territory embraced by the BURLINGTON'S lines west of ihe Missouri iiiver. there are in the vicln.ty of two hundred new towns which offer to manufacturera and business men an excellent opporiunlty to lócate with proflt. Send to the undersixned for defi'iiptive pamphlets and other matter giving locatiou and full particulars concerning these lands. A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. A large, handsome Map of the United States, showing north and south Dakota., mounted ana suitable lor office or lióme use and ii-sued by the BURLINGTON ROUTE, will be furnished responsible parties free on applicatlon to the underhigned. Playing Cards. For ten cents either in postage or by applying at Room 12, C B. & Q. R. R. General Office, corner of Adams and Franklin streets, Chicago, vou can obtain a pack of the best quality Playing Cards. P S. EUSTIS. Gen'l Pass. & Ticket Agt.. C. B 4Q.E. R. n-20 88 Chicago, Ii.l. ■Wood'e FtLos-ptLOcünO. THE GRKAT K;i.lSH RKMEDYTJsed for 36 years - of Youthiul f olly by T and the exeesses cessfully. jÊK AJ of later years. anteed lo cure all TJ. JK J Gires immediatc Jorms of NervoiM ViiyXN strenut h art ría Weaknoss, Kmla ■ JaiSMJ. Ask drugKlsts slons, ■"'■■■ for Wood's l'li" and all tho effect ' liotofromLlre. iy„h.tlti„;, One package, il; slx, %ö, by mail, Wrlte for pamphlet. Address ThelWond Chemical Co., 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mlch. tnnna Interests. Idwioal and lolid Krowth In une tion of nearly SI.' OO.(XX). Popniation 4.0H1, (U. S. Census.! ATI1 Toorsell o (trand opportnnlt es formonev-makli.ï r.o r.d (iet full iifnetit "f raoid zrowth i'o"'Fr,',srh,,í1';e,r:-í.iuiiAví:N ,, y tnnüíitíii's Kiuney t iasiürs s ■ _s Absorb all diseaso in the Kidneysand i f restore thom to a healthy condition. I (MqÍ Oíd chronic kidney Buflerers Eay (1 they got no relief nntU they tried "( MITCHEI.I,'S KIDXEY PILASTERS. Sold by Drnggïats everywhere, or Bent by mail for 500 Novelty l'laster Workst JLowell, JMubk, N. W. AYER &SON. uurautii.jri7.i-d avena Insurance, Seal Estáte and Loan Agency OF HAMILTON & GREEN. OFFICES: No. 1 & 2 Hamüton Bl'k, llltST tl. OOH. Partles desirlne to buy or sell Real EstaU wl,l find It to thcir alvantat;e to cali on na. We repr.'sent the following Fire Insurance (Jompanies, having an aggregate capital of orer $8,000.000: The Brand Knplrti . ■ u. '., The Uhlo Farmcr'k mi. Co., (Insnre iily lwelllngij. The nerman Flre Iiih. Co., The l"iil"s Flre Ins. Co., The CillzenM' Flre Ins. Co., ■'m Wi'nii'in'KiiT Flre In. Co., The Hllwaukee Nechanlc's Fire In Co., The New Hnmpghlre Flre lm. Co., I Northwestern Flre Ins. Co. kateii Low. Loases überally adjusted and pala promptly. We also Issue Life and Investment Pollcles In the Conn, Mutual Life liuurance Company. As'k.-u. S5&,uuu,U0u. Pereons desirlng Acclaent lueuiauce, can have yearly Pollcles wrltten for them oi l'ra.veler'8 Coupon Insurance Tickets issaert i bow Uates 1d the Standard Accident Insurance (xmpau i of Detroit, Míen. Money to Loan ai Curren. Ratea, utám houre froni 8 a. m. to 12 w . and 2 ti f r. m Hamllton Oreen. Well Driiling Machinery SOLD ON TRIAL, n No Cash Payment- or settlemont of any i]r kind- untll after a ƒ , SATISFACTORY TEST. ffi Machlnery and Tools m f Guaranteed to make Wells K anywhere, Ijl I and at the rate of 3 ft. to every 2 ft. ili I by any other machine, or no sale, sil I THE BESTlsalway $ I THE CHEAPEST. il g?yPSyBend for rTatalog'ue.3CT::a Empire Well Auger Co. ithaca. n. y O, INDEPENDEN, WEALTH. Come to the land of the setting sur. Send for FREE circulara describlng the "Garden Spot of Oregon,1 Purchai-es negotitased for fmt-er, hop, fruit, wheat and other lands. Sawmills. flouring milis. canTieries, dairics, and other entrjri-cs aBRisted Kastern capital profitably loaned. Address I'OOPKK, IM'ITKKSOS' A O„ lii.i.l. n.ic n.r. i'olk Co.' Oreifon. All inqulries Answered. FOR MEN, STRENGTH Over 100 testimoniáis received In one week to GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Gives vim, forcé, vigor and never failsto cure. PAMPHLET FREE. Theveryreadingof it wtU iiicrease your self-conÍddnrccess,The Gray Medicine Co., ,&%. Í'BE FIGURE "9." The figure O in our dates will raake a long sta$ No man or woraan now living will over date a iocument without using the figure 9. It standc in the third place in 1890, where it will remain ten years and then move up to second place in 1900 where It will rest for one bundred years. Therelsanother"9" which has also come tostay It is unllke the figure 9 in our dates in the résped that it has already niovL'd up to first place, when It will permanently remuin Tt is called the "No 9" High Arm Wheeler & Wilson Scwing Machine The "No. 9" was endorsed for first place by tbí experts of Europe at the Paris Ejtpoeition of 188S where, after a severe contest with the leuding ma chines of the world, it was awarded the onl; Grand Prize given to family sewing machines, al others on exhiblt having received lower awardt of gold medals, etc. The French Government also recognized its superiority by the decoration oí Mr. Kathaniel Wheeler, Presidentof the company, with the Cross of the Legión of Honor. The lNo. 9" is not an old machine improved upon, but is an entirely new machine, and the Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it as the grand estadvance in sewing machine mecnanisra of the age. Those who buy it can rest assured, therelore, of having the vcry latest and best. WHEELER & WILSON WFQr CO., 185 and 187 Wabash Ave., Chicago Sold by J. P. SCHUH, Aiin Arbor. LOCAL OíT" TRAVELING. ■■ to eell our Niirsery Stock. Salary, Expenses and Steady Employment guaranteed. CHASE BKOTHEKN ((MI'AV, ROCHESTER. N. Y. i lè 1 1, rnrr'tho most w"NÍA, I ""DERFUL ELECTRIC k lSÏY sJ l ATTERÏ ever Invented. V 9H ■" Thousandsarebeiimcured VFHLv fTftby t where all otlierreme- TrVj fi Bdlea have failed. No acida, -.. .. frJ ml electricity permanent. Is jfW? ff'lmeBpecially adapted lo MlfiKiX cWLl treatment for the cure of - iHEV pWlt Wieumatism, Neuralgia. VOM.Nervoi)8 DebiHty. Kemiile mJJ]H BBÖBKWeakness, Spinal Dlaeasm) _i Y'W e8 Sexual Exhaustíon, - General Debility. Seminal weakness, Constipation. HeadHehe, Kidney Complaiuts. (tc.J.B.liLAlH&CO. IttOClarkSt. Chicago. ÖOjlCfttlflïlHHlölttlLjlfll) FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Thls is a cholee piece of land, in Huron county Mich.. that was taken on a mortgage. and is offered at 81,000 under valué. Price I2.500; easy terms. Address the owner, H. B. POWELL. Woodstock. Vermont;


Old News
Ann Arbor Register