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Says the Free Press, coming to the re - cue of the small boy: There is only one richt way of celebrating the Fjurth, nnd thatisbypop! 6zzl bang! hurrahl The man who growls at it is an old kicker without a grain of pitriotism in his soul, and nothing he snys should be heeded. Wnen noise and smoke go henee on the Fourth, there wi! be no more glory. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried f or Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. ■When ghe had Children, she gave them CastorÜL Blood Pols., n Is very Hable to follow contact of tLe hands or face with what is koown as poison ivy, especiaily ia hot weather or ;f the body is prespiring freely. The troub!e may subside for a time, only to appear in aggravated form when opportuuity offers The great purifying powera of Ho id'u Sarsaparilla thoroughly eradioate every trace of poison from the blood, as the cures it has accompüshed conclusively show. It also ures scrofula, salt rheum aud all other fections arising from impure or poisone , bbod. It has been lately shown that if two coins be placed on opposite sides of a píate of glass and electrified for two minutes they will leave a perfect image of themselves upon the glass. IiSdles Have Trled It. A Dumber of my lady customers have tried "Mother's Friend,"and would net be without for many times itscosL They recommend it to all who are to become mothers. R. A. Payne, D.-uggist, Greenville, Ala. Write Bradfield Reg., Co., Atlanta, Ga., for particulars. Byall druggists. Steps have been taken to establish in St. Petersburg a society for the insurarjce of crops against climate mishaps. Tne Agricultural society of the metropolis has initiated the movement. Arrested ! Charles A. Daley was arrested last evening for stealing froui the drug store of Shiefman, a bottle of Sulphur Bitters. Betore the oourt this marning, upon being asked why he should steal, he stated thm bis mother was iroubled with Rbeumatism, and that was theonly medicine that helped her, and being out of money and work was the cause of bis stealing. As this was his first offence he was put on probation. - Newark News. People who say sharp things often get the reputation of being blunt. Wlint Does It Mean ? "100 Doses One DjlUr'1 means simply that Hood'sSasaparilla is the most ecor-omi cal medicine to buy, because it gives inore for the money than any other preparation! Each bottle contains 100 doses and wili average to Ust a month, while other preparations taken according to directions, are gone in a week. Therefore, be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla, the best bloed purifier. It is a fact that within a few years there has been a very notceable increase in the number and yariety of song birds in New Jersey, which is ascribed to a strict enforcement of the game laws. A Valiiable Remedy. A letter from S. P. Wardwell, Boston, says : "I used Clarke's Extract of Fiax (Papillon) Oatarrh Cure in June last for Hay Fever with great satisfaction, and find it the only thing I have seen which would allay, without irritation, the inflammation of the nostrila and throat. lts soothing and heaüng properties were marked and immediate." Lirge bottle $1.00. Clarke's Flax Soap ia the Iate-t and best. Try it. 25 cents. Ask for them at Eberbach & Son's drug store. An extract from a parish magazine in England reads thus : "Unmarried workers are requested not to marry for some Iittle time, as we cannot afford to lose their services, as we have lost tnany Ia'.ely. " To NervoiiN Debilltated Sten. If you will send tu your address, we well mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye'a Celebrated Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their chartning effects upon the nerrous debilitated sytem, and üow they will quickly restore you to vigor, and manbood. Pamphlet tree If you are tlms afflioted, we will send you a Bdlt and Appliances on a trial. Voltaio Belt Co., Marshall Mich. The hen is not a cheerful fowl. She broods a good deal. I Will Wever ! Allow myself to suffer again what I have suffered for the lastyear. That vile disease, Dyspepsia, gave me no comfort. I eould Dot eat nor enjoy any thing. Tae doctors amounted to nothing ; nothing seemed to relieve me, until I used a bottle of Sulphur Bitters. Four bottles made me well. Joseph Batohelder, Master of Schoon er C. A. Baker. Germán papers continue to arrive j?iving accounts of Alvary's success in Munich. Rumora are already afloat that he 'tí to return to New York next season. Advtce To Motbers. Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup sbould always be used for ohildren teething. It soothes the child, softens the gum, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoe. Twenty-five cents bcttle. Thought in marble stands the wear and tear of time for a long while, but thought in spring poetry ia not so fortúnate. Tbe Universal Verdict of Ui. Pcople Who have used Clarka's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Skin Cureaward it thefirst and highest place as a remedial agent in all cases of Skin Diseases. Erysipelas, Eczema, Pimples, uasightly blotches, humiliating eruptions, Boils, Carbuncles, Tetter, etc, all yield to this wonderful preparation at once. Price $1.00 for a large bottle at Eberbach & Son's drug store. Clarke's Flax Soap is good for the Skio. Try it. Price 25 cents.


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