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OCR 25 CENT 4'OM'MX. Advertisemeuts, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wantá, not exceeding three lines, can be Inserted three weeks for 25 cents. WAftTED. WANTED- Girl for general Housework- no washïng, Germán preferred ; !: S. 5th-st. 23 X7ANTEI- A Germán glrï, for ïmall family V T of four. Inquire at 19 Packard st, or Adams' Bazaar. 24 WANTED- A suite of rooms, from Oct. lst to Dec. loth. Inquire of M., Register Office, a once. WANTED-At once, two rellable girls- dinIng room and kitchen, at 8 S. Main st 82 WAJd'Bll-A young man at Calklns' Pharmacy, 34 a. State-Bt. No experience required. 23 WA N TE O- Curn, Oats, Hay, Wouü, ruiuim, Butter, Eggs, etc , in exchange for Household Goods, new aud second-hand, at J S. Manu's, No, 32 E. Huron-st. Ann Arbor. 23 ANTED - Girl for genera' housework. Good wages for competent persou. Inqulrc at B. A. Hinsdale's. 13 church st 24 WASTKI - Employment by a bright and wllling young man who wishes to work his way through college. Communications may be sent to Prof. George Hempl. 22 WANTED- Good competent glrï, Gorman preferred. Good wages. Enquire 18Church-st. roit s i.i.. Í--OR KALE- The Fence at 16 N. State-st; also " a good C'oal Stove- base burner. 25 YirÁSITEl- By man and wile, three or four TT Unfurnished Rooms, forlight housekeeping, witbin a mile from Univereity. Apply to A. Garben, City. 24tf L"R Team of gentle Poules. Alsu, r two-seated surrey and canopy top buggy. JL. P. Hall. 24 FOBYaLÍT- Fullblooded Jraey Cow; in milk _ Oetober lst. E P. Hall. 24 LOK -AI.K Caligraph No. 2 ; Ï20ofï; used T but little. Cali at Courier office. 24 i, UK A.E- Two small Base Burner and a F Charcoal Filter, at 51 E. Liberty-st. 24 iOB SAIE- Household goods; stoves, etc. Also Bome valuable books. 22 S. State-st. second fioor. 24 f "'UB tAJ-i:- A desirable house. Inquire at 39 w ashtenaw-ave. . 23 L'B SALE- Two new milen cows, foor and F flve years old. W. W. Tubbs, one fourth mile north of Delhi MUI. 23 FOi SAI.K- An opeu Kmte coal stove. at 0 East Liberty st. Will burn wood, hard or soft coal. 22 "UB MALE OB Fine subP urban residence with about flve acres of land within a mile of the Cnlveisity. M. A. Smith, 42 N. Pontiac-st., city. Li' OÏTiSAX.1-.- A half lot in Forest HUI CemeV tery. Enquire at No. 8 S. Maln-st OK SA I.E- Firet class ticket from Ann ArC oor to Tacoma, Washington and return, JS8.00. Regular rate 597.Ü0. A 2 Reqister Office. RWK 81LI! OB KENT- Several "good F hooses in central pat of the city. One well adapted for suden ts' society house. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sesslong, Atty., No. 5 N. Main-st. tf IOK saLË Cheap- One 5-horse power up' right stationary engine and boiler, in good condition. Price only (100. Buyero, here il a bargain. Cali at No. 8 W. Washingtoii-st. 6wks FOR KENT. FOR RENT Several Unfurnished Rooms, In new house, Wilmot-st, above or below. Inqulre at 62 N. Fourth, or at thii office. 25 nou KENT- Two New Houset, one brick, one Ij frame; modern improYement iteam and furnace heat ; near the Unlrerslty. Apply to Hamllton dk Green. HamUton block. 25 PUB RENT- Six Unfurnished Rooms to rent, JF at 47 y2 S.Di Vision it. Inquire at 47 S.DiTlsion. 24 FOR MALE- Mew, slx-room Cottage on Summit-at. Inqnlre at City MUI. htok RENT- House for rent, at the head of Spring. Jacob Ganthom. 23 rp RENT- The flat over Brown & Cadj 'store, X on State-st. Also, a mail cottage near Mrs, Baldwin's residence. Inquire of J. B. Davis or of Mrs. Baldwin, at her residence, on Geddes-st. 23 FH KENT- Four large, unfurnished rooms, northeast cor. Spring aud Hlicock-acs, Apply to Jas. D. Duncan. K IpOR RENT-A good piano. Inquïre at No. 8 ' Thompson-st 22 ÍpoB KENT- Flve toom and basement Cot1 tage- in flrst block from Campus. Inquire at 46 East University ave 23 FOR RENT- Unfurnished room, doublé parlors, and suite of rooms. Also dlnlng room fun'iiture, sil ver and Unen for sale, Inquire at 28 N.Btfrte-st 22_ OB RENT- A pleasant house on west Liberty-st- Inquire at the Eber White farm. 22 tOR tJtEST- Three suits of rooms and two single rooms in Unlty block. Apply to B. Brown. S. !?tate-8t. tf rpo HEMT- Two dwelliug houses on the bank X of Portage Lake, for the season or by the year. One has been recently used by Pinckney parties as a Club Hou?e. For particulars, address Thomas Birkett, Birkett, Micli, hiMi:' . LHK.MSIIKl) KOOSIS AM KO.VKI.F A limited nuiríber will be accommodated with flrst-class furnisheil rooms and board, at from Ï3 to$4per week, at fío. 16 Kuiler st. 21 ST K A Y E I- a lafge spotted Cuw , with crooked horns curving toward the face; bliiid in one eye, Notify E. Keiit, óth ward, and get a reward. III t K REMOVED to .No. 8, North [agalla street, where I uu ready to do Dress Making, for old and new custoiners. 2J Auce L. Higlf.y. KMAK1). A black vest, checked with bruwn. lost last week betveeu Thompson and Ingalls-st8. Finder will röceive a reward, at No. 6 S. IllKRlls. _ MIXS HJVLBY'M Cl 'n Ëlocution for Ladies and Chilaren 'ill begin Weduesday, October 1. Children"s c.lass, Saturday, Oct 4th. Inquire at 46 South Iugalls st. a L ADI KM will flndalöt of home-made comfortables made by tho Ladies' Aid Society of the Congregatioual churc'h atlow prices. Schairer & Millen. M BCY your wood at 'he saw mili and save monev. AU kluds c'f cord and Etove wood. F. M. Hallock. 28_ LOSf- Two colts, oie two years old, roan, One yearling, black with wh.te star in forehead. Finder will please notify Mrs. Wm. Donagan, Welsh's Corners, Northflold,


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Ann Arbor Register