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The miracle working wells of Galgoez, in the district of Pressburg.Hungary, rattrartingsomanythousandsofpilgnin- that the authorities have been forsed to cali in the military to keep order. A pair of shoes is one of most typical producís of modern industry. To make them the Animal Kingdom contribuí -s from the herds of the Western Plains ; the Vegetable, from groves of oak and hemlock or from the great f jrests still left to us ; great factories supply cloth and thread ; mines, furnaces and forges combine to furnish nails or wire. Through scores of processes, the fortytwo pieces of a pair of snoes require to brin? them together, the co-operation of fifty men and women, whose división of labor is so thoroughly systematized that everything goes with the same regularity attributed to the works of a clock, until as a result, you, well shod reader, who wear the W. L. Douglas Shoe, can buy a pair from three to nve dollars that would have cost your forefather= from six to twelve.- Ex 10 A doublé wedding on horseback took place out in Arizona Terntory. The grooms were cowboys, and the ceremony was witnessed by 200 persons, all mount ed When Baby was sick, we gT6 her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried f or Castoria When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. DR. FRUTH OF NEW YORK, WILL BE AT THE Cook House, Tueaday, Kept. 16. I I ''■ DU. FRUTH, OF THE Provident Medical Dispensary, NEW YORK ClTY, Ably assisted by a f uil corps of competent physicians and eurgcons, treats with unparalleled success all Chronic Diseascs and Diseasca of the Eyt and Ear of every nature upon the latest scientifie princip.c. He particularly invites all whose cases havo been ncglected, badly treated or pronounced incurable. Patients who are doing wel under the care of their own physicians need not cali on us, as our province is to treat thoBe whc cannot find rel! l otherwise. Believing that scieuce is truth and "truth ismighty and will previiii, Khcn known, and knowing tat diseasu can be cured witu positive certninty, he invitec the afflieted to cali and receive advioe Iree and be ourod oL their diseases. There is no subject that requires 60 miieb Btudy and experienceas the treatment and cui of chronic diseases. The astonisbing success and rcmarkable cures performed by him is due to a thorough knowledge ol the Btructure and functions 01 the human sysOm, and tbe cure of disease by natural remedie. Let those gïven up by othcrs cali for ezamination. He bas suceesslully treatcd the fo'.lowing diseases sincehisarrival in Ihis State: Eye and Ear diseases, Chronic Diarilwea, Chronic JnftammationoJ the Womb, Chronic Inflammalion of the Bladder, Painful -yr Jrregulai Menstruaiionf Fcver Sores and Ul'ers, Tncontiiienct of Urine, Tape Worms, Crooked Limbsand Enlarged Joints, Spinal Curpatures, Club Foot, Hip Joint Distase, White Swelling, Vischarging Abscesses, Sterilily or Barrenness, Kerwusnest ana General Debilüy, Impotency, Disease of tlie Kidneys and B'addet: Leucorrhea or Whites, Btolches, Pimples, Skin XHs ease, Dvspepsia, Constipation, ïhopsy, Cáncer, Epi leptie Fit, Èrutipdas, Gravel, Boitre, Qleet, Qonor rhoea, Hydroce :Veo.riIHseaétHeadacfie, Pues,Hy& 'ria.Syphüis.St. Vitua Dance, Chronic Dyseiiiem, i-nlarged Tonsils, Fístula in Ano, Hernia ar Rupture Ovarían Tumors, Paralysis, Prolapsus Uteri, Bron chiti, Asthma, Catarrht Scrojula, Consumption Chronic Cough, Female Weakness, Spermatorrhea Hheumatism,etc. Allsurgicaloperations performei Free Exaniiuati-on of tbe Urine Each pereon applving for treatment sho'}l;i-ïir:sg an ounce of theirurine, whichwillreLiveacaref ui chemical and microsoopical exaTü'iDation. Reinarkable Cures Ptlfucted in old cases which have b-3n neglecteí Or unskillfully treated. No expe .meuts i iailures. Parties treated by mail r expres but where possible personal consultation. rjreferred. Curable cases gu mteed. Li8tofQUstions Iree. WestefrTAdd ess, ,- DR, KItïJTK, Tolcl'.o, O ""So3-'s ftLOsili.o3.Í3D.O. TJÏE CREA f ENGLISH REMEDY. rsefj f(w. 86 yearsi " - Bk of Youthful folly ly thouiandssuc mm and theexeesses J'rasfuUy. JBaÊÊtW ot later years. 'inficd ro curt all TLaJm J Gi:es immtdiatc iurnia of Nervou M%&A?3 strength andvig-, Veaknees, Km Mktt.mL ak. or. Ask drURglsts ■ lona, Spermator '■■' for Wood's l'hos hea, Impotency. " , ",' ,t ' i il' phodlne; takeno ndaUthelIects!Ë?!2in)iI1_yf substltute. One 'ackage, $1; Bix, f 6, by mail, Write for pamphlet. ddres Tlie.Wo.d Chemical Co., 13X Woodward .ve., Detroit. Mlch. GOWËSTl VIA THE TO ALL POINTS IN Kansas, Texas, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon and California. An Agent of the Company will be at the COOK HOUSE, MONDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY of each week until the close of the term, to give information and furnish tickets to students returning home for the vacation. GEO. E. GILMAN, Mich. Pass. Agt., (8 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.


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