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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Organized 1869, under the General Banking Law of this State. Capital, 150,001), SürWoT Total Assets, $651,185. Business Men, Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and other persons wil] flnd this Bank a Safe and Convenient of .00 and -ogoy bank a O Money to Loan n Sums of $25 to $5 OOO nmn.rriLLïD BY IT8 RKAL LSTATE A!iD THKE G00D mccmX ' " Report of the Condition of the Ann Arbor Savin?s Bank At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, July 18, 1890. " RESOURCES. UABILITIBS. íf e af counte „.$ 344,369 24 Capital Stock paid in.. . I 50 000 0B Stocks, bon ds and mortgagea etc 2W.284 95 8urplus Fund.:. ïm'nm S Overdrafts. 46176 ündivided Proflts 17'8i7 08 Due ftom banka in reserve mm- 93Í794 69 SSSSSü"-- ZZZT 1M& 6 Due from School District No.l,A.A.... 3,827 49 Saving deposite..... líí' Bills in transit 3353 30 Due to banks and bankera"".'."'. 128 as Furnlture and flxtuxes .'.". 1,930 86 CerÜflcates of deP8it '■ 19.853 Ós Current expenses and taxes paid 115 64 t 736 128 54 Checks and cash items 325 78 Statb op Michigan, County of WashtenÍw sl S?íí; - 16,000 00 Bank, do solemnly swear that the abole sSS SNaiiöüaiBanknotei:::::.:::::: SS Kr.'"''0 attfrar bubtcribed and sworn to beíoie uie. icit 24t day of May 1890. 'HENRY J. MANK, Notary Publlo


Old News
Ann Arbor Register