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Nothing Else equals Aycr's I'ills for stimulating a turpi'l llver, strengthening digestión, and regulating the action oL the bowels. They contain no calomcl, nor any Uier injurious drug, but are composed oL the active principies of the best vegetable cathartlcg, " 1 was a sufferer ior years from dyspepsla and liver troubles, and found no permanent relief until I coinmenced taking Ayer's Pilis. They have effected a complete eme."- Oeorge Mooney, Walla Walla, W. T. " Whenever I am troubled wlth constipar' tion, or suffer from loss of appetite, Ayer's Filis set me right again." - A. J. Kiser, Jr., Hoek House, Va. " For the cure of headache, Ayer's Cathartic Pilis are the most effective medicine I ever used."- R. K. James, Dorchester, Mass. " Two boxes of Ayer's Pilis cured me of severe headache, from which I was long a sufferer. "-Emma Keyes, Hubbardston, Cono. Ayer's Pilis, PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYEE" & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. WHAT SP.nTT'S CONSUMPTION UU I ' SCROFULA EMULSIÓN !SSS5S1TIS AlinrA COLDS ÜUUCO Wasting Diseasei Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many hare gained one pound par day byits use. I Scott's Emulsión is not a secret remedy. It containa tlie stimulating properties of the Hypophosplutes and pure Norwegian Cod liver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all orer the world. PALATABLE A3 MILK. Sold by all Druggists. ■ COTT & BOWNI, Chmi8t,N.Y. Bjhe Greatest Blood Purifierg KNOWN. # I I Thls Great Germán Medicine Is the#, III I II chcnpest and best. 128doseBof SVl-M u II PHUilBITTEKSfor$1.00,lessthan J I III one cent a dose. It will cure ttiew j rn vrorst cases of skin disease, tromm en 63 a common pimple on the iacow Ü jg ITIto awful dfsease Scrofula. W lïSULPHUB B1ÏTEHS Is tlic# III best medicina to nse In aUM Illcases of such stubborn andyou,. Kldlll Hldeep seated diseases. Do#ne, s arc out III J not ever take ifof order, l'sc UI BLUE PILLS fUHfíS llormereury,theyaredeadJ'JslJJ;';'i'?1: "Wl II the purest and best#ya' Ute il medicine ever made. gnUar BltierS ! Ij SSIsyourTongueOoatedjr SS ö withayellowstickynoD'tVi'alt nntil you U PI substance? lsyour#are unable to walk, or ITI llbreath foul and#areflat on your back, III Illoffensive? Your#but get some at onre, itlll llstomacli Is out#will cure you. Sulphurlll IM of order. üse#Bitters is IJSULPHUR Mmum TnvnUfl'a Prionii != 53 lmmei iiatolyjrriie young, the aged and ja III 8 your Ur-#tering arc soon made well by l Hl lne thick,#its use. Kemember what you III ropy, clo-read here, it may save your 111 III udy, or#iife, it has saved hundreds. l &. #Don't wait untU to-morrow, I S Ë fjry a Bottle To-day ! E IS" Ë Are you low-splrited and weak,ll S Mor Buffering from the excesses of III L#youth? If so, SULPHÜK BlTTKEsl II 'Wwill cure you. Send 3 2-cent stampa to A. P. Ortiway & Co., Boston Mass., ior best medical work publisheü? M.RIEND" CHaODsMoSR LESSENS PAIN T0 UFE Of BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA SOLD BY ALL ORUGGISTS. "" SOLDBY C. E. EBERBACH. EtÉfl's Einde Plastea INSTANT EKUE7POR ALL rUÏTniATIO rAHÏ JS'"KEcuiiBfornheninatism,Kcnralgiaan..S':i.'i.Jca. fauid by droguista everywtierft, er by maii,í5crtnt3. ' Maneéis Specific' CURES íervouH Dübilily, Exhnnntinu, Prenmture Ile. cay, Partial or Total Imiiateucy, nul All WEAKness arising from over-taxation of mind or body. MEN Suffering from the Piscases and weakness tbat have orisrfn in youthfiil imprudenep can rely on a speody and permanent restoratiou to ïiealth and nappiuess. Price, ÜZAHt by mail sccurely mealed. THE SPECIFW Is prepared from the prescription of an oíd and experiencia phyBlciau, and may be relied on as a remedy uneqaaled in efficacy, and we therefore recommena it to the uotioe of the Medical Protssion Ontrally. omoe and Laboratory ManceVt Speciflc. 13 E. 30th St.. New York CU


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