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MAITorWOMAlT Shoul carry some Life Insurance and ast oPTioat polict, as nowlssufcd by the National Life los, Co„ OF ÏKBMOST, Provides for any emergency that can arise. cm be paid for in; five, ten, or twenty yeare anU cntains the followlng guarantee: SSHVbk Neet? pjijit jltetfity íonnscrfanddea8r sg sr Vermónt Ce ComPany Montpelier" McCnrdy C. LeBEAü, Special AKent, 1 ' ' ' . " ANN AKBOR. MICH Insuraace, Seal Estáte acdlow Aj encj HAMILTON & GREEN. OFFICES: No. 1 & 2 Hamilton Bl'k, FIRST KI. OOK. . tS.the,lr„adv'antaLe to cal1 on na. We renresem the following irstclass Fire Insurance "wOCW g " aggre8ate "Piuuof orer The SrndRpld'"rf us.(n., The erman Flre In. Co., The People's Fire Ins. Co., The Mimen1 Flre Ins. Co' The WeHtehester Flre Ins. Co., The Mllwankee Hecbanlc's Flre In The New Hampshire Flre Ins. C., The Xorthwestern Flre Ins. Co. Ratea Low. Lossei llberaUy adjusted and Dala promptly. We also Issue Life and Investment Policles in the Conn, Mutual Life Imurance Company. Assets 556,000,000. Persons desiring Aociaent Iiuiuïance, can have yearly Polldee wrltten for them or Travelers Conpon Insurance Tloketa tssued at Uiw Rates In the Standard Accident Insurance Oompanv of Detroit, Mich. Money to Loan at Currem Ratea. Office hours froi 8 a. m. to 12 M ind u. Hamilton A Oreen. rSTTTTHV "■ IniiBlnn ShoM are l AU 1 1UW WRi-rant ril. and i-vory pair has hls name and price atamped on bottam. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Fine Calf and Laced Waterproof Graln. The excellence and wearlng qualltlesof this fihoe caunot be better shown than uy the strong endonemeuta of lts thousands of constant wcarera. Se.00 Genuine Iland-sewed, an elegant and O stvlfah dress Shoe whlch commends ltself. Syi.OO IlaiuNnevred Welt. A dne cali Sno unciiualled for stvle and durablllty. Sq.SO (iooilycnr welt 1 the staudard dros O Shoe, at a popular prlce. SQ.SO l'iiliceiimn's Shoe Is eBpeclally adapted 0 for railroad men, farmers, etc. AU made in Congress, Button and Laoa. $3&$2SHOESla%1s. ïïaTe been most favorably received slnce lntroduced and the recent improvements niake them superior to anv shoes aoM at these pricea. Aak your Dealer, and if he cannot eupply Ton end direct to factorv enclosiog advertised prfoe. or postal for order blanka. m V. 1,. DOUGLA8, Brocktoa. Hass. Examine S' . fttotifflnN 92.00 Miue lor CieiitlPinon and I,;uli-N. WM. EEINHARDT & CO., 49 N. MAIH STREET, Ann Aranr. FOR MEN ONLY! rjjrqTFJWjFor LOSTorFAILING BIANH00D; I ilLUW!mCTeDeral and NERV0US DLBIUTTf rj7tJJii'W'eaknessof BudyandMird, EtfecU rlMtHklPllAf Prrnrn or Escessea in Old or Youne, Kuliual, nhc M N MIKlI fullï HcMt.rt-.i. How iDinlirgx mnd StrcTiirlhpnWKAK, t MKVV l.o'l'KlHMIi.vVSA IWDV. imolutelT nnfallimr HOME TKKATJÏKNT- Bnflla in ■ day. ■ ra Wlilj trom 50 8Utr and t art n ( 'oantrlf 8. Wril lhm. Uorrlpllvc llnok, cxplrnntlun and urooTii d (tf-iiled) flll. áiinu ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. WA1TTBD. il L LOC AL OR" TKAVELING. 11. to 8ell oor Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses teady Employment guaranteed. CHAKK HUOIIIKKS oni'AN V. 1 HlO HAl tnatUie Newspaper ije M. W. AYKR BON. our authorlzed aern


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