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Somo wboat ia sis inches long. The Methodist pulpit is now occupied by Rev. Mr. Jennings. Willis Ball and wife pull upstakes thia week, and move to Dexter. Comraunion servioe was held at the Congregational church last Saturday. Corn husking bas commenced. The quality is yery good, and in some places the yield is good. fttony Crcck. Whcat is looking fine in this vicinity. Mrs. Robbins is quite poorly. Mrs. Rose, of Hillsdale, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robbins. Bean threshing is now the order of theday. The average yield isp-ood, but the quality rather poor and inferior. Another pioneer gone. Mrs. Eliza Lamb died the 2d inst. at Ypsilanti, aged seventy-nine years. The funeral was held at the residence, and the reinains were interred in the Stony Creek cemetery, on the fourth inst. She leaves four children: L. H. Crane, of Stony Ci eek, R H. Crane, of Saginaw, Mrs. Roger Crippen, of Ypsilanti, and Mrs. Mary VanWinkle, of Cairo, all of whom were present at the funeral. I.lma. Ed. Parker has a position in the University hospital. P. of I. meeting'at Lima town hquse Saturday evening, October 11. Frank Buchanan will teach the Kaercher school this winter. The young people enjoyed the dance very much at Mrs. Wedemeyer's last Friday night. Nelson E. Freer is attending the law department and Willie Wedemeyer the literary department of the University at Ann Arbor. Russell Wheelock will go to Pontiac Monday. He isnot crazy but has a position with a good salary, which he will accept on the 15th. Mr. and Mr?. II. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stocking, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Nordraan, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Freer attended the county grange convention at Ann Arbor the seventh of October. Dcxlor. Ex-Marshal Tubbs' revolver caused onr village ghost to disappear, Prof. Walker ia keeping our schools up to their former excellent standing. Mrs. Britten e.xpects to build on the lot vacated by the fire, early in the spring. Rev. Bailey, cf the Chelsea Congregational church, exchanged pulpits with Eev. Morris last Sunday. Report has it that Joe Linsey, alias " Dynamite Joe" has skipped to Canada on account of a warrant sworn against him for -breaking the seventh comrnandinent. George A. Peters has sued the M. C. R. R. for breach of contract, and as the agent of the road did not put in an appearance, Mr. Peters says that inasmuch as he has got a judgment for $200, he will, if the case is not appealed within live days, side-track one of the engines at Scio and putit up for sale thus showing the world the importance of that little village. Cbelsen. Robert Boyd drove over to Mason last week. Mort Bush went to Fowlerville and Detroit last week. George Mast is very low from injuries caused by a fall from a ladder. G. Wike and Carrie Dusty, of Chelsea, are to be married in the near futuje. Miss Jessie Everett returned home from her visit inCanadalast Monday. Rev. Conrad, of Oswego, New York, preached at the Baptist church last Sunday. Rev. O. C. Bailey, of Chelsea, and Rev. S. Morris, of Dexter, changed pulpits last Sunday. Quite a number of Chelseaites at tended the fair at Stockbridge last week. They report a big crowd. George H. Kempf, Chelsea's rushing dry goods merchant, will start á new store in Manchester in the near future. A. Durand is having an arch cut between the old postofllce room, and W. P. Schenk and W. W. Schenk will occupy both stores. Auctioneer Geo. E. Davis, now traveling with T. H. Spaulding's outfit, selling horses, was home over Sunday and sat at the bass end of the Baptist choir. At the special school meeting, lastFriday evening, it was voted to build a $7,000 addition or upright, leaving the soutti wing as 11 is. n was üeciüeu to raise $1500 this year and bond the district for $5,000, paying $2,000 the next year and $1500 year after. The election to decide the matter was held Friday evening. Ypsllnnli. Charles Boyce, of Port Huron, is a guest of his uncle, John lioyce. Miss Mary Carpenter, of Hudson, is visiling Mrs. Rachel Bogardus. Mrs. Ed. Bogardus, of Chicago, is visiting her mother, Mrs. L. Warjz. Mrs. I. Farresterand childrerf started for Rochester, N. Y., Tuesday, to make a visit Prof. McEanery, of the Business College, thinks of going north on a business venture. Hon. E. P. Allen is home and ready to dig up the political hatchet and go on the war path. Air. and Mrs. Wm. Rickey have broken up house-keeping and engaged rooms at the Hawkins' House. ' Miss Clara P. Geddes has accepted a position in the B.izarette and will oversee the fancy work department. Miss Nellie Yerkes gave a little reception at her home last evening, in honor of her guest. Miss McCorkle. of Webster. Rev. Mr, Beale preached las farewell sermón to the Congregational flock last Sunday and will take up bis work at Whitghall hereafter. Misses Julia Stebbins and LizzieMillspaugh start next week for New York, where they will take up a thorough course in vocal training. The Methodist youngfolks'societytendered their president, Purand Springer, and wife a reception, last week Wednesday evenine, at the residence of Mrs. Deubel, en Washington-st. The ürstentertainment on the Normal lecture course was given last Monday evening. The doublé program was enjoyable - consisling of music by the blind pianiát, Edward Haxter Perry, Iand elocution by Mrs. Edna Chaffee Noble. Bnllne. Fred Henne is improving from bis severe illne&s. Eev. D. Q. Barry was absent frora his church last Sunday. Dr. Nichols left Monday for a hunting excursión up north. Saline Farmers' Club meets at H. D. Platt's on Friday of this week. Howard Kouse is clerking for A. M. Humphrey, the new cash grocer. M T King went to Detroit yesterday to enter into the grocery business there. Emery. L. E. Hebbard attended the fair at Ann Arbor last Friday. Martin Naylor has purctiased a new Allmendinger organ. John McLaughlin, who has been "on the siok list, is now convalescent. The editor of the .Tri-County Picket, A. II. Herrón, was seen on our streets Monday. School commenced here last Monday with a good attendance. Thad Leiand teacher. The 8. L. N. railway company has published its new time card. lts headquarters will be at Leiand. Died Friday, Octcber 3, Mrs. Procknaw. The funeral took place from the Lutheran church on Moaday morning. Eev. Bowen, a student from the University, preaches at the church next Sunday morning. Let there be a good attendance. Sabbath school will be held immediately after the service. Salem. Mrs. Ryder has returned from Grand Rápida. Miss Tweedale spent Saturday in Ann Arbor. Mrs. Fred Forman is visiting at Brighton. Mrs. Frank Forshee left for Fenwick on Monday. Mr. Traub made a business trip to Detroit Monday. Eev. S. Bird is spending a week with bis daughter, at Lansing. Mrs. íish, of Portland, is spending a few days visiting Mrs. S. U. Wheeler. P. Coldron and wife have returned from an extended trip through the west. Helen Gougar.of Indiana, is expected to lecture on prohibition in Salem tonight. John H. Sutherland, brother of Mrs. M. Frederick, returned hometoGlencoe, Ont., last Saturday. Ed. Naylor will remove his saw mili from Webster and opérale it in tbis village this winter. Mrs. Dr. Spaulding, who has been visiting friends here, for the past week, returned to Detroit Monday. Dr. D. L. Dakin,.of Detroit, únele of F. Dakin, has been elected seeretary of the Wayne County Medical Society. The farm stock and farm implements owned by Mrs. Woodworth will be sold on her premises by auction, next Friday. S. Perry, young brother of Mrs. Frank Forshee, has bn appointed receiver of public money at Grayling, Mich. 3urt Cook and wife, of Negaunee, are visiting Mrs. Cook's parents here. Burt is deputy state oil inspector lor me northern península. The thoroughbred Shropshire ram weighing upwards of 200 pounds, which captured the premium over some eight or ten competitors, at Plymouth fair, is now the property of Mr. Geo. Nollar. Hilan. Mrs. Nellis was quite ill last week. Mrs. Vedder entertained guests over Sunday. Mrs. Dr. Harper visited Ann Arbor friends last week. Rev. G. E. Sloan and family arri ved in Milan last week Thursday. Mrs.OllaBennett.of Ann Arbor, spent Sunday with Milan friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Case gave Ann Arbor a business cali Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fuller visited Attorney G. R. Williams last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rouse returned from their Ann Arbor visit on Saturday. Mrs. Chas. Case and daughter left for Lambertville the first of the week. Mrs. W. Hitchcock, who has been ill for several weeks, is now convalescent. Died, September 29, at his residence on Dexter-st, George Phelps, aged 20 years. Mr. and Mra. M. Vincent rpturned, the last of the week, from a six weeks visit in Boston. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Aeedham have moved into Wm. Needham's house on County-st. The members of the B.ipüst aid sooietv are talking fair strongly for (lie neir future. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, of Qnincy, Mich.. are tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wíll Barnes, tuis week. Mrs. G. R. Williama returned Thureday from a two weeks sojourn with relativas in Ann Arbor. Rev. H. M. Bartram and family moved to Dearborn last week, where he has accepted a cali to preach. The Patrons of Industry are looking forward with pleasure to the address of Hon. T. F. Moore, October 11. Mr.find Mrs. B. F. Watts, of Ann Arbor, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Whitmarsh over Sunday. The night cap social, under the auspires of the W. R. C, at the G. A. R. hall, Friday evening, was well attended. Rev. Sloan, the new Methodist minister, preached a fine sermón toanappreciative audience, Sunday morning. Attorney G. R. Williams has moved bis office from theBlackman block, into a suite of rooms in the Newcomb block. A gasoline explosión on County-st, Saturday, caused quite a commotion. Mr. Needbam's stove was carried into the street all in ñames, where it burned out at leisure. No serious damage was done and no one was hurt.


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