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DR. FRUTH OF NEW YORK, WILL BE AT THE Cook Ifonse. Tuesday, October 11. si jte' irfBËH DB. FRUTH, OF THE Provident Medical Dispensary, NEW YORK CITY, Ably assl?ted by a f uil corps of compct"-it p!irbicians and eurgeons, treats with napanUaled success all Chronic Viseases and Viseases o llxe Eyt and Ear of every nature upon the latest scio::tiflo princip. TIe particularly invites a'l whose cases havo been ncglected, badly treated or proi-ounced incurable. Tatients who are doing wel! undcr tbocareof their own physiciacs ucel noi cali ou U3, as our proviace is to treat thoco whc cinnot find rel! f othcrwlse. Believing that seience is truth and "truth is miphty aD'l will prevail, ' when kuown, and knowing (,,nt dlseasc can be cured with positive -ertainty. be invitet 'jc aillicted to cali and receive advice íree acd be 'ured of their diseases. There is uo subject tbat requires so nncli ntudy a-id experienceas the treatmeuturi'l cui olehronic diseases. nci r'-raarkablo cures performed by him is due to p. ti.orougb. knowledge of ihe structure and fuactions oï the human eysim, andthecuieof discaBeby natural remedief . Letthosegiveo up by others cali for examinatton. Hehassuccesslully troated the following disoases since his arrival in this State: Eye and Ear diseases, Chronic Diar1 '.oea, Chronic Inflammatiotio tlie Womb, Chronic Jiifiammation of the Baater, Painful r Irregulüi W.nutniation, Feyér Sores and Ulcers, Ivnniilinenct of Urine. Tape irorms, Crooked Limbsaiui Eiüarqea Joints, SpinaX Curvatura', Chtb Foot, Hip Joint DjMase, White SúieUing, Ilscha-ging Abtcisses, terüity or Barrenness, Kcrvoutiex8 and Qaieral Debilüy, Impotency, Disease of the Kidveys and B'addei: Li'ucorrhea at White, BWchei.Piwplts, Skin Dis cese, Dyspepsia, Comti'putwn, Drrrpzy, Cáncer, Epileptic Fits, ÉrysipeJas, Gravel, Goitre, Gleet, Ganarrhoea, HyarowrJL' ?crCZMsease,Hicutadie, Pües,IíusLria.Spkilú,a. yitusDancc.ChronicDysenlerti.Enlarged Tunsils, FUtula in Ano, Hernia or Rupture, Omrian Tumors, Paraly&is, Pro'apsus Uteri, Bronchilig, Aathma, Caíarrh, Scroufa, Consumptinn, Cfironic Coughf Female Wcalnt, Spermalonhia Rheiimattim,etc. AllsurRicnloperatlons performed Pree Exatninatlon of ttie trine. Kach pereoa applying for treatmentthould bring au ounee of their urine, whioh u illrecei ve acareíul Chemical aad microsoopioa! exnmination. Remarkable Cures perfucted in olil cases which have bf?n neglccted or unakillfully treated. No expe:,ments or íailures. I'arties treated ty mail r express, but wbere possiblo personal coasultation preferred. Curable casus gue viteed, I.istofquestions Iree. Vestcrn Add ess, To'cclo, O. eyer made, like Alai ■55ESÉÍ5 derful lamp!" A lamp ÖL?k SSSSBÍ ff? absolutely non Y(@Z ÊmmmAï5m i plohlvo and un'ÍmJ hrenkaMe, which "332 JL fives a f loar, oft &B&&fií&BB33& rilliant wliitclight vxsi$5wm of 85 candle power! 9&&ir5i3Cur Purer and brighter Kmr than gas light, softer ■fla than clectric light, x fts. more cheerful than 5l5ií8ii eithcr 1 That lamp is TfffHftffy" "The Rochester." No Smoke, No SmeU, No Brdkcn Clúmneys. Only ve years oíd. anü over two millions Ín 11 si'. It muat bo a Kood lninpto make such a telU Ing succes?, tndeed it is. íor liinin muy come ancj lamps may KO, but tlie "lteichester" ishlnes os forever! Over '.,000 nilislic vnrielicK - llanRlng ana Table Límps, liammot and Study, Vaso nnd Piano Ijimps- evrry kind, Ín Brome, l'orcelaln, Ilrusa, Nickel Hnd Black Wrounht Iron. Aak tliu lamp dealer for It. Look for the trade. mark slanip: "THE RoCHKSTEU." lfh"hasn't the Kennino Rochester and the style you want. or-if thereisno lamp-storo near, scii'l tona direct for freo tllustrated cutalojíue (and reauoed pncelist), and wo will box and send you auy larop aafel; by expresa, right to your door. liOCHESTER I-AMP CO., it Park Place, New York. Manufacturar, and solí ofltnchester Patents The Laroest 1.amv Store in the World.


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