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The Arbor Savings Bank

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Organized 1869, under the General Banking Law of this State. Capital, $50,000, Surplus, $100,000, Total kets, $351,126, Business Men, Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and other persons will find this Bank a Safe and Convenient Place at whlch to make Deposita and do Businss INTEREST IS ALLOWED ON ALL SAVINGS DEPOSITS of $1.00 and upwarda, aoocrding to the rules of the bank, and interest compounded semi-annually. i Money to Loan n Sums of $25 to $5,000. SKCBEKD BY TOIKCÜMBSRED REAL ESTÁTE AND OTHER GOOD SKCUP.ITIg DIREOTORS:-Ohrlstian Mack, W. W. Wines, W. 1 Harriman, William Deuble, David Rinsey, Daniel Hiscock and W. B Smith OFFICERS:-Ohristian Maok, President; W. D. Harriman, VicePresident ; O. E. Hisoook, Cashier. Report of the Condition of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank At Ann Arbor, 5!ichigan, at the close of business, July 18, 1890. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and Djscounts S 344,369 2Í Capital Stock paid In j 50.000 M Stock, bonds and mortgages etc 255,234 95 SurplusFund 100,000 00 - 2.461 76 ateíS::- : 17M Due from banka In reserve cities 93,791 C9 Commercial deposita " 154 915 62 Due from School District No. 1, A. A... 3,827 49 Savlngs deposita .....'...'. 3S2 750"66 BmslntraMlt " ?SC?!:r:::::: ig'g Furalture and flxtnres 1,930 85 '"" Current expenses and taxes paid 115 04 „ 15 736,128 54 Checks and cash items 325 78 State op Michican. Couxty of Washtesaw, ss. Nlckels and pennies 90 84 I. Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier of the abovenamed Gold _ 15000 00 Bank, do solemnly swear that the above stateSllver 1,600 00 ment the best ofmy knoTledge and U. 9. and National Bank notes 14,024 00 belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. Corrkct- Altest: Christiaíj Mack, David P.rut 736,128 54 SKY, Wm D. Harrimas, tweetors, Subscribed and sworn to Dtieie me. tak 24t day of May 1890. HENRY J. MAKT, Nota.-y Public


Old News
Ann Arbor Register