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Many Clergymen, glngers, actors, and public speakers use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It is the favoritc remedy for hoarseuess and all aflections oL tin' vocal organs, throat, and lungs. As au anodyne and expectoran!, the effects of tliis preparatiou are promptly realizad. "Ayer'a ('lierry rectoral has done me great good. It is a splendkl remedy for all diseases of the throat and Uings, and I have mucli pleasure n testifylng to its merits."- . (Kcv.) C. N. Nichols, No. Tisbury, Mass. In my profession of au auctioneer, any affection of the voice or throat is a serlous matter, hut, at each attack, I have heen relieved by a few doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This remedy, wlth ordinary care, lias workert sucb a magical effect that I have suffered very little inconvenience. I have also used it in my famlly, wlth very excellent results, In coughs, colds, &c."- Wm, H. Quartly, Mínjaton, So. Australia. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPAKED BY DB. J. C. AYER & OO., LoweU, Mass. Eold by all Druggiats. Price $1 ; six bottles, $5. HflAf p.nïT CONSUMPTION yUU ' SCROFULA EMULSIÓN fSScSs" CD all O Wasting Eiseasei Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many 1 .re gained one pound per day Tj its use. Scott's Einulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulating prope ties of .the Hypophosphitea and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. the potency of both beingliiif.' lyincreased. It is used byPnysic: na all over the -world. PALPABLE AS MILK. St.?.' y all Irugglsts. ■COT T fc C OWNC, Chomlsts. N.Y. THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ iTRUTHSFORTHESICK. TrthÖM"dTn7h?y $1,000 will 1)0 ;iidL BUlótuSpellsdepenu for acaso III onSULFEOEBiraiBi 'IIUB BlTTKKS willll t will cure yon. ..tassist or CUíO. It 1 W c.;-, ,„, 'vr fails. CT Ithattircdandallgone cieanscthe vitiate(iI feclinf?; if no, use i,iUOi1 when you ecvIII Sülpiiub BlTTKttB ; ts ímpurltles burst-l I it will cure you. iiijthronifh the skin II llnot procure sufliclent 2„i __■ II I lexercise, and all wl.o ButPHU8 lsn ■teiisI I I lareconüncdiniloors, „.n, olire UverComl I I Ishould use SuLPinjR I)on.t be dls.l I IJBITTER9. Theywü ;.our:lgcd; HwlllcureU ta not theubewcakaiKl ,.„„ ' PJ IMsickly. ? '" E" If vou do iiDtwisü SULPHBR Blit&BBin to ïuffcr f ron ,ci ii - -11,1 nUWyon uP andl aüsm.neeabottle oi "ake youetrougandl I SüLPHUR lilTTERS; , ,C'1 ,,'L' i nIII m Uou't be without a "11 makc yourblood, JSbottle. Tryit; you pure, riel, and strong.U irlll not rcgi-et it. ;nd your Pesh hard. Ij ■11 "TT"i : i delicate Trv m i.i'iiri: liiT-l I I Ihealth, who are all ri:i;s to-nlght, andlll Illrundown, slimildusc you will sleep welll 'Ui l l in i: l.i i : i iiJ-Hlnrf-rJJ J)o vou want the best Medical Work pnbllshedl 8end 3 2-cpnt stampa t . i' ORDWAI & Co Boston, Was., and receivo a r;ouy, free. ?jJrADnELffS fFlc REGULATOR AENSTRUATION CH MONTULV SICKNtSS t TIVHtN OURVHB CttfcN&E. Qï Uit BRLKT ï KHGtR At SUïT tWHS WILL BE MOffiLÜ BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA GA. SOLO B VML DÜUGGJST&. S0LD BY CE. EBEKBACH. ff % % t 1 1 a e r KV il HcMFs EtaniatiG F1ÉÉ. i:-'-tamt itLiEI1 ron all rnraiTro i'A:r.-,. t F'tie rn f iri:hpmfit!Bm,Konralgiaoii .Scia'.ica. bwc i'y dnicL'ipta ererywhera, or I y mail, 23cptiu. Kuvelt? l'lastcr Wtatlitt JLowcil. imi. ianceísSiiecific," CURES -Npwoun lc!iliiy, Kxliatmtion, Prcmnturc Pc my, Partial or Totnl Impoteucy, uud All WEAK;ii ïsing frorn over-taxatiou of mind or body. MEN Snfferlng from tïie Diaeaaea and ■n-oaltnesa tliat nav orUrin iu vont li tul lmpradeno cui rely m aspeedy aiii (iin;nu"'iit restoratioa to health andliappinesa. Prioe, $3.00 by mail secnrely leaJed. ) TIJ 'E SPKCTFTC tapronared from tbeprescription o in oíd and experiencia pbyslclui, uud may be relied on ;i a remedy unequalod in effleary, and wo thorotor rriimnendit to the notlce of the Medical Projetío 'Jcmrally, offlce and Laboratory ManceVs Specific, 13 E. 30tli St.. New York City


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