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" This is the blanket the dealer told me was as good as a 5." FRLL-Get from your dealer free, tho Sh. Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about borses. Two or three dollars for a 5a Ilorso Blanket will make your horse worth more and cat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile , ' f 5A Boss Stable A$k for 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to suit everybody. If yoa can't get them from your dealer, write ua. ÜORSÍ BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUTTHE WA LABEL Manufd by Wm. Atkes & Sons, PhUada., wtw make the famous Horse Brand Baker Blankets. Rubber Shoes nnless worn uncotufortably tigïit. generalij slip ofiC tho feet. THE 'COLCHESTER1 RURBERC8. m.ikc a!l ttieir shoes with insMn of heel linwi wlth rubber. Thts clines to tho 6hx' un! ruMUts the ruuücr froni slipping off. Ca!l lof the " Coicheswr " "ADHES1VE GOUISTERS." FOR SALEJBY Wm. Allnby, John llurs, Dot y éc Tel' ■ nor, l,. (Irnnrr, W. Reinhardt & Co., A. I. Seyler fe Son. ANUÍ ARBOR. THE FIGURE "9." Tbc figure 9 in our dates will raake a long stajNo man or woman now living will ever date a Jocumnnt without using the figure 9. It stnikfe in tho third place in 1890, hm it will remain tel years and then move up to rfcond place in 1900 where It will rest for on? bundrwl years. There is another "9" which has also come to stay It is unlike the figure 9 in our dates In the respcel that It has already moved up to flrst placo, wliin it will permanently remain. It is called tho "Xb 9" High Arm Wheeler & Wileon Scwing Machine Tho "No. 9" was endorsed for first place by th experts of Earope at tlie Paris Exposition of 18Sfl wherc, af ter a severe contest with the leading m:i chinos of the world, it was iiwarded the oBlj Grand Prize given to family sewing machinos, :i otherson exliibit boring reoslved lower swnrdi of gold mcdals, etc. The Frcuch Government also recognized ils superiority by thedecorution o( Mr. Katbkntel W'beeler, Prealdentof the oompany, with tho Cross of the Legión o( Honor. The "No. 9" is uot an old machine improved upon, but is an entinly new machina, and the Grand Prizc at Paris was awarded it as the grand cstadvance in Bowlnu machine mechanism of the age. Thoso who bu}' it can rest nssured, thcre lore, ol haviug tho yoty lutcst and best, WHEfeliER & WILSON MTQ 00,, 185 and 187 Wabash Ave., Chicago Sold by M. STABLER, 11 W. Wnxhlnsrlon-at. To cnre Bilionenesa, Sick Headache, Constiliation, Malaria, Lirer Complaints, tako thü safe and certain remedy, SIIT3H'S BILE BEANS Usc the WKAMJL Slze (40Httle Tieans to tho boule). They ahe the most cdnvkniunt. SuitAble lor all A6cn. Pric of ellher Ize, 85c. per Motile. UlnAIIIII"lll Tfft"lHOTOORAVURE If SxlNRAT'"''"'U PANEL SIZE J.f.SMITHJtCQ.JiaiirofBILEBEA'3, 'ST.IOUIS MO. MAETorWOMAN Shoul carry some Life Insurance and AIÍ OPTIOX POLICY, as now lssufed by the National Life Ins. Co.. OF VERHONT, Próvidos for; any emergency that can arlse. can be paid for in; flve, ten, or twcnty years and contains the followlng guarantees: FIRST- A paid up pollcy after three years which amount is wrltien on the face of tha policy. SECÓN D-It guarantees youan Annual Cash Valué, or if the insured needs, or desires to ral money, the Compauy will loan on thts policy, and still keep the policy in forcé. This is a great advantage to a person w ho may need ruoney in busintss or to protect credit. TIIIRD- It guarantees extended insuranca for the full amount of Insurance, for so long' time as the cash valué will pay for it. This is a valuable option to many who'may Ihrough phyeical, or liuancial misíortune deslre their policy carried. In fact this Polier fyotect? gaijijt hoflHty In Business, and also makes an absolute provisión in case of dcath, for wife, children or creditors. Remember this Policy is ONLY written by ths National Life Imuiance Company of Montpeller Yermont. McCnrdy C. LeBEAU, Special Agent, I Hamllton Block, ANN ABBOR, MICH. Insurance, Ecal Estáte and Loan Aencj OF HAMILTON & GREEN. OFFICES: No. 1 & 2 Hamilton Bl'k, FIRST FLOOR. Partles desiring to buy or sell Real Estáte wül flnd it to their advantage to cali on ns. We represent tho followlng first-class Fire Insurance Oompanies, haring an aggregate ca ;ital of ever G8,uw,uyu „ j, The Grand RapIdN Wir -lis. Co., Tbe otilo Farmer" ms. Co., (lugares only l ■ 1 1 ngH i. The Nrrinnn Fire ín. Co., Tho People's Fjre Ins. Co., Tho Clttzens'FIre In. Co., Tho Westchester FlrO Ins. Co., The Milwniikce Hechanlc'n Fire In Co., The New HampHhlre Fire Ins. Co., The Northwestern Fire Ins. Co. Ratcs Low. Loases liberally adjusted and paid promptly. We also iesne Life and Investment Folíeles Ín the Conn, Mutual Life Insurance Company. Astets 56,000,000. Persons desiring Accident Insurance, can nave yearly Policles written for them or Traveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets issued at Low Rates In the Standard Accident Insurance Compan of Detroit, Mich. Money to Loan at Curreui Rate. Office hours froro 8 A. B. to 12 v. and 2 te 5 r. m, Ifnmillon A Creen. LAUliUN wnrranted, and cvery pair ha hU niiiiic and price namped on liottom. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf and I.aced Waterproof firain. The excellence and wearlnjr qunlltles of this shoe caunot be bi'tter showu tlian hy the stroug eodorsemeuts of lts tuousands of constant wearera, SC.OO Genuino Hnnil-arwed, an elegant ana O st'iish dresa Shoo which commends ltself. Sü.OO liand-snwod Welt. A fine cali Shoe uneqoalled for atylo and durability. SO.50 Goodyear Welt Is the standard dress O Shoe, at a popular price. ' S4.SO l'olirriiiiin'B Shoe la eapeclally adapted 0 for rfttlroád mrn, farmere, etc. All j.kuIu m Congress, Iiutton and Laca. $3&$, tavo been most favorably recelved slnce tatroduced and the recent improvements make them superior to any shoes sokl at theao prices. ABk your Dealer, and if he cannot supply yon send direct to factory encloslng adrertlsed price, or a postal for order Ulan kn. W. E. VQVQlMtt Brockíon, JIn.. Examine W. I . nongla 82. OO Shoe lur Gentlemen mul T.adloH. WM. REIUHARDT CO , 42 H. MAIN STREKT. Aun Arlmr. FOR MEN ONLY! tfiMll'.mFor LOSXorFAIXING MANH00D; JrHLlJiWGenerai and KERV0ÜS DLBI1ITY; Kl 1 1 I n I ! laknesa of Body and Kind, Effect P""! PPII"f Errors or Escesses in Oíd or Young-, lt.iljuüf, l'l II MI(ttUí r-ill; li --.l..r'-r1. How t -nlnricp ftnii í(rrntíthfDHAIí,-MKVKl,lír ]ttKANSrAHTSoH!OI)Y. Absblutelr anralllna; H9U 1 UK ', I 11KNT- llrnrfttii la t dlf, Slrn (citiíy rrom 6U 8laten and F-r.lga ( .juntric. Writf thcnu Itflcrlpthe llook. t xplitrntlloa and i;roofT nmllrd (seated) Irt Addrw ER1E MED. CAL CO.. BUFFALQ. N. Y. I WANTED. il LOCAL OR" U TRAVELING. II to sell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses Steady Employmcnt guarauteed. CSASE BKOTIIEKN (OJIPANT. 1 HlO HAl tn"tthe Newapotwr Adve N. W. AYER A 8OH. our auth.jrlzi.-d ageutt


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