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The New Evenlngr Paper, The Detroit Times, costs but 0 cents a week, or 25 cents a month, delivered at your house. Subscriptions may be left with the canvassers, at the post office news stand, or with the agent, G. H. Snow. POWDER Absoltitely Pure. A cream of tartar baking ponder. Highest of all in leavening strengt h. - U. S. Government Report, Avg. 17, 'tï, USE DR. CRAIG'S ORIGINAL Kidney and Liver Cure Crown Piasters and Pilis. They are the cmly Safe Remedies to use for those afflietedwith Brlght's Disease, Liver Complaiut and Urinary Affeetions. Only those prepared In the dry form are the Original and the Only Kidney and Liver Cure that will restore you to perfect healih. ALL LADIES USE C. B. R. A.. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. The Craig1 Medicine Cc, PASSAIO, ÏT. J. 150 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. When Baby wüs sick, we her Castoria. When she was a Chile], she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Wooü's .E5fa-Os;pliocLi:r3_e. THE GUI, A f EGLISH REMEDY. Csed for 85 years .. of Youthinl f olly iy thousands and the exoesees pssfully. aB}J of later years. mteedto cure all Jj.ilg J Gives immediate lormsof Nervousl $3TËs3 slrength andvig-, A eakness, tShAL. Ask druKKists ■toas, P for Wood'BÏhoBl"ia-,ïIS.D0tency' "him rröm t Z' phodlne : take no inlalltheelTects ■ Boto f rom Life. ;„ht.ini one laokage, tl; Blx, í 6, by mai), Wrlte for pamphlet. (ldresg ThelWo. d C'heinicnl Co., 131Woodward vo., Detroit, Mlch. TEW" GOODS. Are you in need of , GARPETS! We are stocked with a full line of beautiful new patterns in all grades of Ingrain, Brussels and Moquettes. We are ready to quote the very lowest prices, QUALITY considered. Are you in need of FURNITURE Our $15.00 Antique Chamber Suits with Bevel ed Mirror are the best crticle ever shown for the money. We have received our new stock of Parlor and Chamber Suits, Study Tables, Book Shelves, Studente' Rockers, etc. Having bought goods cheap, we are prepared to give you a good article for less money than before. Just received, $500 worth of LACE AND HEAVY CURTAINS! LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS. KOCH&HENNE 56 and 58 S. Mnlii Sf reet. AZSnST AEÓIBO.R,. liÊB - { LEADERS OF - -LOW-:-PRICES! SPECIAL SALE i -M ttlíKK OM; ForTenDaysOnly COMMENCING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, '9( One Ca.-e Dark Prints, 3ic per yar One Case best 7c Dress Prints, 5J One Case soft-finish, 10c Bleached Cotton, Gic 50 Chenille Table Covers, 81.75 each 100 Tinsel Table Covers,275c each. 50 large white Bed Quilts, $1.00 each, 75 large Bed Comfortables, made by the Ladies' Society of the Congregational Church, at $2.25 and 2.50 each. 200 pairs white and gray Blankets. at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 a pair. 50 dozen Ladies' Wool Hose, worth 35c, to go at 20c a pair. One case Ladies' Ribbed Vests, long sleeves, at 25c. 100 Ladies' Wool Shoulder Shawls, at 50c and 75c each. 500 yards plaid and striped Planneis, at 10c a yard. 300 Curtain Shades, with Spring Rollers, 35c. 25 pairs Allover $8.00 Chenille Curtains, at $5.50. 50 pieces 36-ince Wool Plaids, worth 50c, to go at 25c a yard. 25 pieces 40-inch Serges, 75c quality, to go at 50c a yard. 100 39-inch Seal Plush Cloaks, Seal ornamenta, elegantly lined, worth $25.00- during this sale $13.50. i 50 28-inch Seal Plush Jackets, with high puff shoulders, worth $15.00; during this sale only $10.00 each. 25 Astrachan Capes, at $3.50 each. 50 Seal Plush Capes, at $5.00 each. 75 Misses' Newmarkets, at $2.50 and $3.00 each. 19 real Astrachan Fur Capes, at $1C. Watch Uur Special Sales I Schairer & Millen. ALWAYSJjüIOHEAPEST


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