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0UR25CÊlÖUJiVlNr Adveitisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceedlng three unes, can be Inserted three weeks for 85 cents. WANTED. VV i ',K-A gn. at Mrs.S. iiliiz's, corner of Fmirth ave and Liberty -st. 27 VV'lIn"atB"yfUr "" Wyriii-A flretol Couk, and second Kirl, at the Phi Delta Theta Huuse, No. 10 S rorest ave. 26 %Yx'l':l- Immediately, U-o or Ihree sollof T iturs. A good opportunity to make Bome mo:-ey Work suitable to tither lady or eenUeman. Cail at thia office. mt VV A, S ', K "- Uopying, compiling, addressinK T cireulurs, etc. todo. Drawings made. Can glve ro erences, Cali or address II, 17 S. State st. WA. IKII-A plací; lor a boy of 16 yeara. to woik for board, with privilege of goinK to schooi tapable of takinsr care of horses. Addre&s tl, or apply at this office. VV KUA Kood üea" girl, in a family ol live. Apply ff, W. Liberty-st, 25 WAVI'KD- Girl for general Housework- no ffMhlng. Gurman prefurred ; 25 S. 5th-st. 23 "A.vrKI)_A suite of rooms, from Oct. lst tot once ' Inquire of AI., Kesiiter Office, a V''I'I':"I1J' man and wile. tbree or four " Linfarinshed Rooms, forlight housekeeping, wíthln a milu Irum L'niversity. Apply to A. Garben, City. 24 KK SAI.E. FiOR BALE-A good horsj and buggy. Enquire t 21 Utddes-ave., city. 26 Lou s %i.k -.mi excellent Dri vina Horae genL tle and not airaid of street cars. Chas. Hurd 1 1 uhtenaw-ave. q FR Stl.K-A Donkey, witli saddlo. biidle, cart and harness- bultable for children. Address "K," this office. 25 ÏMK .New, six-room Coitage, ou Kummit-st. Inqnlre atcity MU'n. Lj-iOK S.VI.K-Two new miloti cows, lour and teímSii Tubbs' ouefourlh f jÖl SAI.K UK KXCII IXUK-üue UbX urban resldence willi about Uve acres of land within a mile of the CJniveisiiy. M. A. Smith 42 N. Pontlac-et., city. lMUt a half lot in Forest Hill UemeXI tery. Enquire at No. 8 8. Maln-st. LMK First classtickeffrom Ann ArL bor to Tacoma. Washington and return, ?t!8.00 Regular rato 897.00. A 2 Reoister Office. iMMt samo tu KENT- eevëral good A houses in central pa.t of the city. Onewell adapted for sudents' society house. Euquire of J Q. A. Sessions. Atty., No. 5 N. Maki-st. tf ' Ij OK SíAl-E- At 17 Wilmot-st, a small lot on l the corner of Wilmot and Elm-sts ; price 8250 A plant table5J feet long, 2% feet wide, contalne sand, .ï ; also plantó, $5. A zinc-lined bath tub, Sa; a pony, U0; a phaeton, JS5. At home momings. 25 FOK REST. 17 O R A picasant house on W. Libertyst. Inqnireat the Eber White fknn. 29 1rlt House on Washtenaw-aviT cm 1 street car line. Has ali modem improvements Inquire at 18 State-st. 27 FOK KKSI r- To ladies. a very deslrable, nicely furmshed room, with large closet, and heated by furuace. Inquire at 25 E. Lawrence st. 26 IjMk KSIT- Four large unfurnished rooms F and cellar, with furnace, atlic and stable, N E. cor. Spring and Hiscocksts. Apply to Jas. D Diincan, 76 Miller-av. 20 lj-OK Six-room Cottage in Baldwin's l adcütlon, near the end of Orleans-st. AidIv at 19 E. Cniversity-ave. , ïa lOK KIM Several Unfurnished Kooms, r in new house, Wiimot-st.aboveorbelow. Inquire at 52 N. Fourth, or at this office. 25 ifOK KKHT- T WO New Houses,onebrick,one X frame; modern improvements - &team and furnace heat; near the . üniversity. Apply to Hamütou & Green, Hamilton bloek. 25 IOH KESiT- Three suits of rooms and two r single rooms in üiiity block. Appiy to B. Brown.s. State-st. tf '■po Two dweiliüg houses on the bank X of Portage Late, for the season or by the year. One has been recently used by Pinckney parties as a Club House. For particulars, address Thomas Birkett, Birkett, Mich, im ll.l.VM i n. LOST- A KOld ball for ladies watch chaln- lost somewhere between S. Univ-ave and T. & A. A. station, by way of Campus. Reward wiU be given to finder. Leave same at Register office. 27 ROKEN WTOVKS- Repared at jont residence if within two miles of college campus. Clocks, also, of all descriptlons cleaned and repared. Charges low. VVorkmanhip guaranteed. Address X and Y, thls office. 27 LOST- A Perslan shawl, going from cemetery to Hamllton Park. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to Stirason & Hurlbert's Palaeegrocery, No. 9 Mainst. TTIANY WOKK-If in want of materials JD for Fancy Work oall at the milllnery parlors of Mra. E. L. Munyon, 16 E.Washington kt. 25 VEKY 1IKJ1I WAQE8 to thoroui;hiycm"petent Cook. Must be good I.aundress. and have references. Dr. Nancrede, 1 Coruwell Place _ 25 (.lllt.MSHKI) KOO!li AMD HO 1H1I.V A limited number will be accommodated wlth rlrst-class furnlshed rooms and board, at from 83 to $1 per week, at No. 76 Kullerst. 'J6 STUAVKI- alargespottedCoWjWithcroolEed horns eurvlng toward the face; bliud in one eye. Notify E. Kent, öth ward, and get a reward. '2r Iiia vi: itr.novci) to No. s. Nonh insaiis street, where I am ready to do Dress Making, for old and new customers. 23 AUCE L. IIlGLEY. Los r- Two colts, one two years oíd, roan. One yearling, black with wh.te star in forehead. Finder wlll pleasc notify Mrs. Wm. Donagan, Welsh's Comerá, Northlield. THE AKW PJEHHION I.AW-AU honor1 ably discharged eoldlers who ferved at least ninety days In the U. S. army during the late war and are now sick or dlsabled from any . cause not the result of thelr own vlclous habits, are entitled to pension. Wldows or soldiers, dependent parents and chlldren under sixteen years of age also entitled, allpensiousdating from fllingof appllcation. I shall be pleasad to acl as your attorney in presenting your claim, having had a number of yeatsexperienee In the business. Employ some one near at hand who can gei up your evidence cheaper than any agent living eisewhere. Cali and consult me or write íor íurther Information. E. H. Vail, 53 Washington-st. 24 Prienda of the Register, having business in the Probate Office, will picase order their printing sent to this office.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register