Real Estate Transfers

The real estáte transfers for the week ending October 11, were as follows : Jacob Emerick to N. E. Crittonden, lot 313 Norris & Cross' aiid. Ypsilanti 52,500 V in. Warner to J. L. Babcock, et al., part ofwWn w Vi sec. 9. Lima 250 Maraner Every to E. N. Eandall, part of s e Vi b w !4 sec. 14, liridgewater 250 A. Rausebenbereer to Thos. Rausehenberger, undlviled sw K sec. 9, Northfield, etc - 7-0 John Keuney to liert Kenney, 112 acres in n e !4 sec. 22, Webster _- - 8,900 Joeeph Larick to JacobJShuler, et al., part of w V2se% and part of w J n e J sec. 9 aud 4, Bri(lRewater 3.O Theo Which to Joseph Larick, part ol w s el4 aud part of w Jn e i sec. 9 and 4, Bridnewatcr 330 F. J. Iphaus to C. Upbaus, eiw and s e '4 n w M sec. 19. Kreedom 350 N. E. Crtttenden to H. P. Glover, w % e H s e Vi sec. 30, Ypsilanti town 2,500 H.P. Glover to J. and C. Emerick, yiYA s e 'A sec. 30, Ypsilanti town 2,500 Joseph L. Rose to i. V. Sheehan, und. of und % of 20 acres sitúate in s w K tec. 33: aifsb uud. % of und. % of acres in s w cor. of n m}i of sec. 33 (with exceptionsl. Aun Arbor_... 233 1 hos. Richards to J.uther Smith, pait of lot 9 Tbos. Richards' add, Milán 190 I.utherSmlth tr Wm Capel, part of lot 9, Thos. Richards' add, Milán. 1S Jas. heirs, to L. 8. Johnson, part of lots mo aud 101, R. 8. Smith's 3d add, Ann Arlmr 1.500 I. KiUon. by heirs, to Emma James, part of lot 87, R.S. Smith'h add, Ann Arbor... 1,705 QVIT CLAIMS. 1'. MoGninesR to F. McGuiness. e 10 acres n w !4 s e V sec 22: neííiw U sec. 23: w % n e yt and n e M s w '4 and n w !4 sei4 8ec 31. Üextcrtown 800 E. J. Burnham to H . Calhoun , e % 8 M M 6 e '4 sec. IS. York _ 1 Mary Oresselhouse to Caroline Uphrus, s 'A&w'A and e '4 n w % 8ec. 10, FreeGom 350 A. S. Uphaus to C. Uphaus, ei svi% and s e Vi n w Z sec. l'J, Free'lom 350 M. to M. J. Grossbaus, w % e Vi n w V, sec. 2.', and w Vi n w V, fee. 2A Lodl _ 1 Total number of transfers, 20; amounting tu. $25,735
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
Jacob Emerick
N. E. Crittenden
William Warner
J. L. Babcock
Maraner Every
E. N. Randall
A. Rauschenberger
Thomas Rausch
John Kenney
Robert Kenney
Joseph Larick
Jacob Shuler
Theodore Which
F. J. Uphaus
C. Uphaus
H. P. Glover
J. Emerick
C. Emerick
Joseph L. Rose
J. V. Sheehan
Thomas Richards
Luther Smith
William Capel
James Kitson
L. S. Johnson
Emma James
P. McGuinness
F. McGuiness
E. J. Burnham
H. Calhoun
Mary Dresselhouse
Caroline Uphaus
A. S. Uphaus
M. Grosshaus
M. J. Grosshaus