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Each Season Has its own peculiar malacly ; but wlth the blood maintained in a state of uniform vigor and purity, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the system readily adapts itself to changed conditions. Composed of the best alteratives and tonics, and, being highly concentrated, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the most effective and economical of all blood medicines. ■ Kor some years, at the return of spring, I bad serlous trouble with my kidneys. I was unable to sleep nights, and suffered jreatly with patna in the small of my back. I was also afflicted with headache, loss of appetite, and indigestión. These symptoms were much worse last spring, especially the trouhle with my back. A friend persuaded me to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I began taking it, and my troubles all disappeared." - Mrs. Genevra Belanger, 24 Bridge st., Springfleld, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PRKrARKD BY DE. J. C. AYEB. & CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by Druggist. $l,six$5. Worth $5 a bottle. scoirs S;oN EMÜUION SSShSITI8 CUBs h. Wasting Diseaeei Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many li „ve gained one pound per day b its use. Scott's T.mulsion is not a secret remedj. Jt contains the stimulating prope ties of tha Hypophospbites and pure ïsorwegian Cod Liver Oil the potency of both being l;u- ly increased. Itisused bj Pbysk-i ns all orer the -world. PAL AFABLE AS MILK. So!.l y all Jruggists. ■ CO TT A ' CWNI.Chmlsts.N.Y. S772 Greatest Blood PurifieriQ KNOWN. # I Thi3 Great Gci-man Modi.i rlsthe#, II III eheanest and best. 128dososi í srii-# II IIPHUHIÏITTEliSfor$1.80,lcsl:i!iiW 9 III one cent a dose. It will cure t'..o t U Q worst cases of 6kln disease, immM yi 3k conimon pimple on the fm-cM T Eis !to that awful dfaense Scvofula.# W SÜLPBTUB B1ÏTEI18 is the# best medicine to use in all# cases of such etubborn Kid-lll deep ecated diseases. l)o#nCygarCoutll not ever tako Ooi order. X 'se Ui DLUE PILLS Vtt'ps'ÍIS llorincrniry.tiiey are deadJ'"' 'i . " J'? "l I 1 the purert and best#Joa'UBe M medicine ever made. gUay Blt'.ersllj B witha yellovsiíclíy#í on't -walt until yon M Usubt:iiii-i'?lsvonr#aroii;ial)letowalk,or!i III bivatli fon] imdifave f!;it on your bnck.lll lloffeiifive? Your#l)utgetsomeut once, it 1 1 llstomacli is out#wU cui-eyou. Sulphurlll I II of oidor. üse#Bitters is {S8UÍi"kbs The Invalid's Friend. g sS immei liately Che yoimp, tbe aged añil Ej III Is your I 'r-#tering are soon made well by II I line tliii'k,#ltsuse. Rememlier wbat youlll I II ropy, cln.jfmui here, it mny Bave your 1 1 lludy, OTMUíe, it lias eaved hundreds. III #Don't wait until to-morrov, I f I Try a Bottle To-dayl Q Í- Jf re you low-eplrltad an.l wcak Ijl !3 Mor sufferin" l'roin the oxcesseg of 1 1 SMySuth? If o, SULPHOB BlXTJiltól II 'Wwill cure yuu. Send 3 2-cent stam)is to A. P. Ordway A Co., Boston, Mass., íor best medical worlt published ? 31CREGULATOR &&&&& AENSTRUAT10N OR MONTHLV BICKNESS t TAHS.N OV1RVHG CHANSt Öï Vït " J300K TO"WOMAN' BFADFinD RLBULATOR CO. ATLANTA GA. ULO BYAU OBUBSISTX SOLD BY C.'E. EBEBBACH. litcWl's Rtamatic Piasters. iutast nLiry roR ali. rirarï! atic wns. e Sttre crns {rirRhenmatiBmcnralgiaandSciatica. fiold 1t drnc"ist9 everywherc. er by mail, 25 centj. MoveltT rianter Works, LowoU, AI. "SHancéiïSpecifie," CURES Nel-vouw I)fl)ilily, Exlinntion, IVcmnlnre fíci;i, r.ntial orTolnl Iiiiimliiu -y , mul All WEAKU039 arising from over-tasatiou of miiid or body. MEN SiifTrrlng from ílie Pispases and weakness tliat nave ortffla tu youthfalimpmdenoe ranri'lyon aepecdy aud permanent restonitiou to hcnlth and üappinesB. Prloe, $'.00 by muil accureiy eealed. THE SPECTFIC is prepared from the prescriptlon oí an oíd andoxpcrienced ptiysiciau, and may be relied on as a reme ilv unequaled ín cfBcacy, and we therefure rrommend it to the notice of the Medical Profestion Qatcrallif. Offloe and Laboratory ManceVê Speclflc, % 13 E. 30tb Su. New York Clty.


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