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"Boss wouldn't blanket him in the stable. Said it wasn't no use." FREE-Get from your dealer free, the $4 Book. It has handsome pictures and valuablo information about horses. Two or three dollars for a Sa Horse Blanket will make your horse worth Biore and eat less to keep warm. 1 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable Ask for 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to suit everybody. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUTTHE SA LABEL Manufd by Wm. Aykes & Sons. Pullada., who make tlie f amous Horse Brand Baker Blankt ta. ■. v " !ii!,Mlllllljiipili!iHI1fl' i ' „„'tffllftglS - Rubber Shoes traless wom ■ancomfortobly tlght, ;enerally slip off the ieet. THE 'COLCHESTER" RUBBER C6. make all their fhoes wlth inslde of heel llned wlth ruhlwr. Thls clinsa to the shoo and preveuts the rubber froin slipping off. Cali for the CoIchf1ster' "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOR SALE.BV IV111. Allaby, John Ilnrc, Itol.y A Fel11 er. I,. .i mui r. w. Rpinliardt A Co.! A. l. S-yler A Son. AX' AKBOB. THE FIGURE "9." Tho figuro 9 in our dates will nmkn a lone sta No man or woraan now living will over dnte 5 Jocument without usmg the Dguro 9. It standi in the third placo in 1890, wherc it will remain tot years and thcn move up to secolld place in 1900 where It will rest for onc bundred years. Thore isanother "9" which has ulsocome to stoy It is unlike the figurc 9 in our dates in the respecl that It has already movt-d up to drst place, when It will perraancntly remain. It is called the "Xo 9" High Arm Wheeler it Wilson Scwing Jlachine The "No. 9" was cndorsed for (lrst place by tht experts of Europe at tho Paris Exposition of 1886 where. after a severe contest with the leading raa chines of the world, it was awardod the onl; Grand Prize given to family sewing miichines, al others on exhibit having receivi;d lower awardt ot gold medals, etc The French Government also recognized lts superiority by thcdecoration o( Mr. Nathanicl Wheeler, Presidentof the company, wlth the Cross of the Legión of Honor. The "No. 9" is not an oíd machino Improved upon. but is an entirrly new machino, and the Grand Prlze at Paris was awarded it as the grandestadvance in sewintz macliine mecnanism of the age, Thosc who buy it can rest assured, therefore, ot uaviug tbe vcry latest and best. WHEELER & WILSON WFQr 00., 185 and 187 Wabash Ave., Chicago Sold by M. STABLER. 11 W. lo cure BHiousncss, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, tako tho safe and certain remcdy, SIVIITH'S BILE BEANS rso llie SMAI.L, Site (401ittle Bcnnsto tlie boltle). THEY ARE THE MOST COSVKN1E.NT. Suiuble All As"Prte of ellher iae, 2Sc. per Bottlc. I.F.SMITH ACO.UXenof' U1LEBEAN8.' ST.IOUIS M0. MAlTorWOMAEr Shoul carry some Life Insurance and ASÍ OPTION PO1ICT, as now lfisued by the National Life Ins. Co.. OF VEKaoST, Provldts for; any cmexgency that can artse. can be paid for Ín; flve, ten, or twenty years an J contains the followlng guarantees: aLPpzAr' need zfc . Tí?1?1- Il guarantees extended insuranca for the full amount of Insurance, for so long't time as the caah valué wül pay for it. ihlSí'í8 aln?ble optionto many who'may íneT.' ?Sai?KIle-de8lre ífotectj jlgaijijit dVeríty ín Business, and also makes an absolute provi ion in case of death, for wife, chlldren or creditN1nen!eiI?rbeTrthl8Pollcy is ONLY writtenbytne Vermut Insula Company of Montpèlle Mc c. tcBEAU. Special Agent, 1 Hamllfon Bloek, AHM AKBOR. MICH. Insurance Esal Tstits and Loan Ag-encj HAMILTON & GREEN. OFFICES: No. 1 & 2 Hamilton Bl'k, FIRST FLOOB. 1",aí.tles.2erln t0 buy or Bel1 ReaI Estáte wKl flnd it to their advantaee to cali on ne. We reDresent the following flrstelass Fire Inturance ÍÍS??Jlíe31 havlng an "SgresMe cspitaiof over The Qrniid Rapld "- s. Co., Tbe Olito inrincr's mi. Co., (lasares only dwelIiiiKs;. The iiriiinn Flre Ins. Co., The Ioples Flre Ins. lo., The Cltizens' Flre Ins. Co., The WcsIclMsicr Flre Ins. Co., The .MilHiiukcc aiechanic's Flre In Co., The New Hampshlre Flre Ins. Co.. The Northwestern Firc Ins. Co. Rates Low. Losses liberally adjustcd and pald promptly. We also iisne Life and Investment Pollcies in the Conn, Mutual Life Insurance Company. Asura 55,000,000. Pereons desiring Accident Insurance, can have yearly Policles written for them or Traveler"s Coupon Insurance Tickets issued t Utt Ratee in the Standard Accident Insurance Compan of Detroit, Mich. Money to Loan at Curreni Raten. Office hours froro 8 A. K. to 12 M. and u ; r. m. IlainlKon k Green. LAU11UN wnrrnnted, and everr pmlr bas kU name and prlce stamped on bsttom. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Fine Calf and I.m i-d Waterproof Oraln. The excellence and wearlnK qualltles of thta shoa cannot be better shown tban by tbe strong eaaorsosnents of lts tliousands of constant wearera, Se.00 Genuine Hanl-ewed, an elesant and O stvllsh dress Shoe whlch commends itaelf. $.4.00 Hnnd-ewed Welt. A fine calf ShO8 I nnequaUed for styie and durabllity. SO-SO ÍJoodycar Welt Is the standard dresa O Shoe, at a popular prlce. SQ.5O l'olicpiiinn'H Shoe la especlally adapted O for rallroad men, farmers, etc. All made In Congress, Button and Lace. $3&$, tiaTe been most favorably recelved slnce lntroduced and the recent lmprovements malte tbem superior to any shoes sold at theso prlcea. Ask vour Dealer, and If he cannot supply yon send direct to factory encloslng adTcrtlsed prlce, or a postal forordeírfclaniít;LA8i BrocktoBi „„,, Examine W. I Donarlas 83.00 Shoe for Gentlemen and I.artles. WM. REINHARDT& CO., 43 8. MAIN STREET, Aun Arltor. FÖRMENONLY! t-TiluJil-fWlF r LOST or FAILING MANH00D; MlaiWtr Grai and NERV0ÜS DEBILITY,FflrlJTrtli Weaknessof Body andMird, Effecti yliiHlfcHpjfif Errorsor Escesee in Old or Young, IfoljUMl, ISoblfi !li.Mll)ll[) Tullj KfBtnr't. Han 1t-nl.rffe ni PtrfnfftheuKAK,l OFVKI,OrtIOlt(aV A l'AKTSOK Í10DY. Absolutlr bnn.111 IIOnK TEEITIKT- BneiU In darHen tt Mt if J Trom 6U Slklos nnd f iirf iii. Ci.untrlp. Hrilf them. Urnrrlptlve Fonk, otplnnntlun aud tin, cl" mi:Ikd ( elt1,i ír# Addreu ER.Ë MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. H. Y fï"A.I_iEl SME II I WANTED. ly LOCAL OR U TRAVEL ING. 11 to sell our Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses Steady Employmcnt guaranteed. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY. 'I Hlo PArtnatthe Newspaper Adei Iira rLÏÏLs!JtlingAgency of Messr N. W. AVEU OM. oor auUiortied arenek.


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