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Geo. Latson and wife were in town Sunday. Uhas. Hatch and bis two children are visiting here. The ladies of the Home Mission Society send their missionary box thisweek. A. Olsaver was eleeted delégate to the ordination of Rev. Morris, of the Dexter Congregational church, Oct. 28. Slim y Creek. H. P. Thompson is on the sick list. Henry Finch, of Farwell, is visiting friends in thia vicinity. The Presbyterians held a Harvest Home service at their church, last Sabbath. The Methodist dance and social given on the 17th inst. was a decided 8UCCP88. The Y. P. S. C. E., of York, will give a literary and musical entertainment at L. H. Crane's on the 24th inst. Mrs. Hadley Jackson, who has been visiting friends and relatives at this place, has returned to her home at Caro, Mich. F.mery. T. E. Leiand is laidup with a sprained ankle. John McLaughlin is seen on our streets again. Miss Annie Hemingway has returned from her eastern trip. Mrs. Etney Townsend, of Saginaw, is visiting friends in tuis place. ' John Maulbetch, of Emery, and Lucy Minehart, of Salem, were married last ïhursday. Mrs. E Donevan entertained the ladies' aid society Tuesday afternoon. A pleasant time was reported. The ladies' aid society will give a necktie social at the residence of Mrs. Hemingway to-morrow evening. Cbelsea. Mark Lowery has gone to Nebraska City. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glazier were [q Chicago last week. Ex-Postmaster McKune is clerking for Geo. H. Kempi. There were four overcoats stolen from parties here fair week. Michael Fleming, of Chicago, 111., was in town Thursday, the lCth. Mrs. L. Allen, nee Dollie Loomis, of New York, is home visiting her parents of this place. George H. Kempf will start his new store in Manchester this week. It will be known asKempf'sdrygoods store. There is to be a fair at the town hall, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings of next week. Bishop Foley is to address the people the first night. Dixboro. School closes here on Saturday. 1 Miss Cora Foster, of Scio, is visiting friends and relatives in this vieinity. Miss Carrie Jacobus, of Ann Arbor, was the guest of Miss Camp, during the past week. Miss Made Galpin entertained little Master Schumacher, of Ann Arbor, over Sunday. Sidney Co wan returned home last Saturday from a week's visit with relatives in Ann Arbor. A large number of Dixboroites attended the party given by Miss Hicks, of Geddes, the past week. Miss Edith Campbell gave a hop on Friday evening, in honor of her guest, Will Campbell, of Coldwater. On Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, the farmers of this vieinity united in repairing the Dixboro hills. Lima. Dance at town hall Friday evening. Open meeting of P. of I. at town hall tonight. J. E. Cooley went to Coldwater last week to spend the winter. Miss Inez Stocking recently entertained about thirty school friends. Herbert Dancer presides at the senior class meeting of Chelsea's high school. Henry C. Pratt gave us a good speech on the tariff, Friday evening, at tha town hall. Cloverseed is badly sprouted by the heavy rains and handling now causes a large waste. W. E. Stocking and W. Hamilton were delegates to the P. of I. convention at Dexter, last Saturday. Geo. H. Mitchell has succeeded in getting apples enough to run bis driers, which is more than he expected. Mr. and Mrs. J. Storms attended the prize drill at Detroit, last week, and yisited their son, Eev. A.B. Storms, who is pastor of Woodward-ave Methodist church. Miss Georgia Covert died on October 15. The funeral was held at the M. E. church, Lima Center, Sunday, Rev. O. C. Bailey, of Chelsea, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Covert, of Mt. Pleasant, brother of deceased, were present. Hilan. Mrs. II. M. Burt and family moved to Detroit last week. Mrs. Ada Dexter and MissErnma King are enjoying a pleasant trip. Mrs. Pinkham, of Portland, Mich., is visiting Milan frienda this week. Kev. Jay Huntington and family returned from Detroit the last of the week. Mrs. E. Rowe, of Manchester, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. A. Blinn, last week. Quite an excitementwascreated Monday forenoon by a runaway team on County-st. No one was hurt. Died, at his home on the county line, Rev. S. S. Lenning, aged 81 years, on' Ihursday evening, October 16.' Mrs. Helen M. Gougar, of Indiana, lectured before an interested audience on Monday evening, at the opera house. Messrs. Whitmarsh, Kelly and Dennison visited the Ann Arbor Commandery on Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. Chas. Black mer is selling Mrs. H. M. Burt's stock of goods this week, at the auction rooms in the Blackmer block. The "Temple of Fame," under the auspices of the Helping Hand society, was well rendered before a large audience, at the opera house, Saturday evening. The P. of I. dry jroods store came near catchingon fire Wednesday afternoon. The top of a match flew into some cotton bales, and in a moment forty bales ■were in ñames. They were carried into the streets and thus the store was saved. Bal I ne. Mi?s B. Lazell, of Saginaw, is visiting fríe neis here. P. II. Rouse made Benton Harbor a visit last week. Mrs. II. Wallace, of Jonesville,is visiting friends here. Mr. Clifford broke liis shoulder bone by f.illing from a wagon. Fred Clarke is visiting his aunt, Mrs. E. Clarke, in Chicago, 111. J. W. Huil is going to move his fauaily over to Canada for the winter. Miss Anna Jewett has returned from a two weeks' visit at Northville. Robert Shaw, an old and highly esteemed pioneer, died Friday noon. Geqrge Stea'a little boy died Monday morning. He had been sick about three weeks. Eddie, a little son of J. G. Gross, died suddenly Monday morning. Brain fever was the cause. The raarriage of Wm. Richards and Miss Leila Bond took place onThursday, Octoberö, Rev.Caldwell, of Aan Arbor, officiating. F. H. Miller, of Centralia, Wash.. was married to Miss Lulu B. Bliss on Wednesdav evening, October 15, at the home of the bride's mother, Eev. F. G. Potter officiating. The happy couple start for their home in the far west soon, going by the way of Kansas Citj7, Denver, and San Francisco, Cal., and then home. Tpsllantl. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Cleary are the happy parentsof a young son.Mrs. Miller, of Alpena, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Taylor, of Adams-st. Mrs. Joseph Lazell, of Manchester, has been visiting herdaughter, Mrs. Dnrand Springer. Mrs. Susan Rorison and Miss I.enora Platt, of Detroit, spent Sunday with friends here. Dr. Wm. Hall, former proprietor of the Forest-aye Sanitarium, is now conBulting physician at St. Louis, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rogers have returned from their bridal trip and setiled down in a pleasant house on south Huronst. Miss Ella Yeckley has sold her little home on River-st and dejarted for St. Clair, where she will make her home with a sister. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Roberts have taken up their abotle in Ann Arbor, where Mr. Roberts is employed in Eberbach's hardware store. Miss Hilda Lodeman made a fine water color painting of "Aunt Posey," a well known old colored lady of this city. The picture was exhibited at the Detroit art museum and received favorable notice. Sneak thieves have had pretty good luck lately in our city. They have secured a nice bit of plunder from Dodge's jewelry store and Bedeu's shoe store. Officers are trying to ferret out the gang. Salem. Miss Lathers, of Wallaceville, is the guest of Miss Ida Toncey. John Ambrnse, of Petoskey, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Scott Cook. Miss Tweedale spent a couple of days visiting friends in Windsor last week. Harry Sheffield and brother, gave a party to their friends last Friday evening. Ed. Ryder has been appointed to the po8ition of night watch on the D. L. & N. R. R. Wm. Northrop, of New Haven, Conn., has been visiting his brother, A. C. Northrop. Mrs. Wm. Murry, who has been visiting friends in Detroit during the week, has returned home. Rev. Mr. Phillips started a Sunday afternoon bible class last week, to be held at 3 o'clock each Sabbath. Mrs. Frederick will hold a sale of farm stock, implements, etc, on her premises, Friday, the 31st of this month. The free concert and debate, by Ann Arbor students, will take place at Pebbles' Corners tomorrow evening. L. M. Stevens has purchased a new boilei and is getting his saw-mill ready for work a mile north of the village. The republican caucus, last Monday night, brought out a Iarge crowd, who gave the speaker an attentive hearing. A eofial, under the auspices of the Congregational church, will be held, Friday evening, at the residence of Dr. Tweedale. The "Jolly Five Social Club" will give a party at Hay wood's hall on October 31. There will be inusic by the Whitmore Lake string orchestra. The committee in charge are J. Tyler, T. Kane, M. Wihtee, C. Forshee and F. C. Wheeler.


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