Real Estate Transfers

The real estáte transfers for the week ending October 18, were as follows : E. L. McDowell to J. C. McDowell, w Ulot 419, Norris & Cross' add. Ypsilanti _. 8 600 E. H. Cordary to B. L. IT Doge. piece of land on North-8t, 240x161 feet, 239 feet north of ■ w corner Congress and Normal-sts, Ypsilanti 1550 J. P. Judson to J. H. and M. E. Hall, e 14 lots 62 and 63, R. S. Smith's add Anu Arbor _ 300 Jas. P. Lemon to Z. C. Lemon, part of Iota 1, S and 5, Hl8cock's add, Ann Arbor..... 200 E. C. Reule to Geo. Schaible, piece of land 24 feet wide off wet Ide of land heretofore conveyed by Fltch Hill to John Rauscnenberi?er, Ann Arbor town 110 A. M. Freeman to Chas. King, lots 118, 121 117, 122 and 125, BartholomeWsadd, Ypsilanti „ 700 C. Kapp, by adm'r. to NicholasKlein, part of lots 10, 8 and 7, Brown & Fuller's add, Ann Arbor 600 Wm. Holland to W. H. Ostrander, part of w lA s w % sec. 1, AuguBta.. 60 Chas.Tuttle to Wm. Holland, sama 60 Kichmond & Wheeler to C. G. Schlimmer paris of lots 4 and 8, block 5, Delhi 600 S.B. BrinkerhooftoB. F. Balley, lots 12 and 13, Normal School add, Ypsilanti... 1,850 E. M. Comstock to B. F. Bailey, land on Adams-st, Ypsilanti _ 2 0C0 C. H. Pearsall to Hemphllland Batchelder part of lot 62, Cross & Bagley's add, Ypsilanti „ ....... 700 J. W. Wallace to W. and E. Cook, part of lot 52, Cross & Bagley's add, Ypsilanti 800 A. A. Herrlman to B. F. Bailey, land on Arcadia-st., Ypsilanti 140 Jas. McMahon, by adm'r, to Jas. McKernan, part of s e }A n e %, and part of s e ]A.n&)4 sec. 31, Northfield 686 QUIT CLAIMS. Ed. Clark to J. A. Clark, lot 1, block 1 s of Huron-st, range 2, Ann Arbor. 1 Nicholas Klein to Frederick Kapp, part of lote 10, 7 and 8, Brown & Fuller's add, Ann Arbor 1 C. W. Gardner to Demascus Monks, w V6 n e'4 sec. 16, Lodi „„.. 203 James McKernan to Emil Retig, part of sw % neJ4 and part of se4 neW sec 31, Northfleld 720 W. N, Stevens to Jas. Stilson, land on w side of Whitmore Lake, Northfleld 20 Burt and White to Ed. Duffy, admin., part of VZMjffii nd part of te'4 ne4 sec 31, ToU.1 number of transfer, 22; amoutoing o - 11,918
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
E. L. McDowell
J. C. McDowell
E. H. Cordary
B. L. D'Ooge
J. P. Judson
J. H. Hall
M. E. Hall
James F. Lemon
Z. C. Lemon
E. C. Reule
George Schaible
A. M. Freeman
Charles King
C. Kapp
Nicholas Klein
William Holland
W. H. Ostrander
Charles Tuttle
C. G. Schlimmer
S. E. Brinkerhoof
B. F. Bailey
E. M. Comstock
C. H. Pearsall
J. W. Wallace
W. Cook
E. Cook
A. A. Herriman
James McMahon
James McKernan
Edward Clark
J. A. Clark
Frederick Kapp
C. W. Gardner
Demascus Monks
Emil Retig
W. N. Stevens
James Stilson
Edward Duffy