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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisemeutf, such as To Rent, For Snip; and Wants, not execeding three liues, can é inserted three weeks for as eenta. 1V1NTE. Uay, oats, corn. potaloes, wood, etc., ia exchange for house ïurin.-lilng goods of a'l kinds, ntw and second hand, at No. '2 E. Huron-st. 29 fariuec m good establlahed business, wilh S8UU to Sl.üoO capital. Apply at Boxjlia. :;o WAMTED- Smajl furnished house. Apply l.Z, this office. 29 WA.MEO - A furnace to tend, by a student who is trying to work hls way through college. Address F V ], or leave word at this office. 29 WA T;o - FAK.H.-A 6,ö0o Newspaper property, in city of 7,00n iuhabitants, to exchatige lor sniall farm. ïhe very thing for farmer who wishes lo retre, and has collegebred son wilh journalistic teudncies. Address U, this office. 81 WA IKD-A gin. at Airs. srÈlïu's, corner of Fourth-ave and Liberty-8t. '27 WASiTKI- Iinmediately, two ur three solicitors. A good o, portuuiiy to make some mo:ey. Work suitable to tilher lady or gentleman. Cali at this office. 2ötf FK MALE. UOU SALE- Pony for ?ale, cheap. Inqulre at r 8 .vingü Bank, or 54 B. Ulvlsion-st. 2 fU MALE- Some fine Japauese Napkins for sale at The Aegiísteb office. A special lot at a big reductlon in prices. (Jood qualuy. 29 L'Ort M H.l-.- First cïass ticket from Aun Arr bor to Tacoma, Washington and return, ííS.tO. Regular rate Ï97.00. A 2 Register Office. L-OK KALK ÜK BKNT- Several good 17 houses in central pa t of the city. One well adapted for sudeuts' society house, uqutre of J. Q. A. Bessions, Atty., No. 5 N. Maln-st. tf FOB KECT. ÍÍ"OK A pleasant house on W. LlbertyM. Iuqulre at the Eber White farm. 29 F IK KENT- House on Washtenaw-ave, on Street car line. Has all modern improvements. Intuiré at 18 Siaie st. 27 b-OK KE.Vf- Türee sults oí rooms and two single rooms in Unity block. Apply to H. Brown, a. 8tte-st. tf MISCELLANEOIIN. Jus I- A pair of gold EyeGlasses, on West LibJ erty st, between Mack & Schmid's store and Hllh-st. Finder will pleaseleave tbem at 17South I)ivision-st, and receive reward. 29 BI Y YOl'K nuuD at the $aw Mili, corner Hill aud Fackard-sts. All kinds of Stove and i 'urd Wood. 29 F. II. Hallock. IMS I'- A. fc'ol.l ball lor ladies watch chaln- lost j somewbere between S. Univ-ave aud T. & A. A. station, by way of Campus. Reward will be given to finder. Leave same at Register office. 27 B KOK EN Kepared at your residence if within two miles of college campus. Clocks, flso, of all descriptions cleaned and repared. Charges low. Workmanthipguaranteed. Address X and Y, this office. 27 f I Itll.AH WK1.I.S do away with impure il water. There is not the least doubt that many of the most serious diseases are eonveyed into healthy systems by infecicd water. The whole class ot' typhoid and malarial fevers are doubtless thus spread. It isunfortunate that thisfact is not better known, or at least better considered, for it is beiter known than it iswell made use of. Now, there must besome remedy for this as for all other evlls, and that remedy I propose to furnish. In all parts of the known wurld. below thesurlace of the ground, at v-iryini? depths. are found living water, pure and cold, the thought of which makes a person feel thirety. The only way to get this pure water is by using the Tubular or Drive Well, made by N. F. Pridden, 80 N.State-st. Ann Arbor, who has had years of experience in slnking wells and repairing pumps. 81 OVHUOIi or UKJt VVl'TJHS.- Girls wanted at Mrs. r. H. Jones', No i North Fourthave, to learii M me. Kellogg.s French Tailoring system. Bias, Dart and Freuch Sleeve taught. Classes daily. Ten reasons why the Kellogg French Tailor System ís superior to all other : 1- The drafes are from actual measurement.and must result in perfectly fitting garments, which can never be accomplished by any chart or mode. 2- No tryiug on or litiing is necessary where this system is used. 3- The system lnvented by Madame Kellogg is based upon matbematical principies, cousisiing of a tailoi 's square and graded scalea. 4- It is the least compilcated of any known system, and more easlly understood. 5 - A (jood entter, by the Kellogg French Tailor System, can cut moregarments :n one dar, and receive better wages, than by any so-called model?, charts, or modes. 6- It saves time and the danger of spoillng (?oods, and gives better fits than can be obtained by any other system. 7- By thls system, ladies with irregular forms can be ntled with the same aecuracy and ceitalnty aa those with perfect forms 8- The Kellogu French Tailor System is indorsed by cvery skiliful dress maker throughout the country as belng the NE plus ultra of all known systems. 9- The prlce places it within the reach of all who wish a system meeting the requi rements of all the changes that Madame Fashlon may ordain, and a System tbat may be used in cuttlng all manner of ladies' garments with a guaiantee of a perfect fit. 15- I challenge the world to produce a system so easlly understood, containing a squarge and the true graded ■cales, and producing the same accuracy in fitting a garment. 31 Friends of the Register, having buine$ in the Probate Office, vñll please order their printing tent to thii office.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register